Character Information
- Full Name|Alarys Vasalir Saleyaal ul-Erivaan Meyaal
- Title | Count-Consort of Leisarannaar
- Heritage | Isldar
- Culture | Bene Vixit (Life)
- Age | 36
- Gender|Male
- Pronouns | He/Him
- Religion| Draconism
- Faction | [TBD]
- Occult | Dramarys Dragonkin
- Occupation | Count, Soldier
Appearance Information
- Eye Color| Dull, almost purple-ish blue.
- Skin color| Fair, lacking all blemishes.
- Hair| Long, straight, silky and white, often tied in different styles.
- Height| 6'10" or 208 cm.
- Body Type| Built, yet somewhat lithe as typical for Nelfin.
- Additional Features| His arms, ears and tail are covered in light, lavender scales.
Skill Information
Alchemy Hobby
- Alarys dabbles in alchemy and spends time studying it with a profound interest in the various properties of ingredients acquired from flora and fauna alike.
- Alarys is a soldier through and through and trains accordingly. He treats his body as if it was a temple and finds interest in different training methods.
- Alarys is a devout Draconist and manifests his faith through rituals when he deems them appropriate.
All Isldar Mechanics
- Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.
- Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
- Life Isldar can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, ensuring they pass into the afterlife (with OOC consent).
- Life Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets).
- Life Isldar can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria where the dead pass through, and are able to tap into it, to feel random memories, emotions, or feelings from long ago.
- Dragonkin inherit the Mechanics from the Heritage Trait from whatever Heritage the Character is biologically made. For example, if you want to play an Ailor Dragonkin, you can take the Mechanics from the Ailor Heritage as seen on their page. There are some exceptions: Slizzar, Bralona, Mystech, Orion, and Maraya awoken from a Vault cannot be Dragonkin. Urlan can only be Dragonkin if they were Dragonkin before Urlan.
- Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
- Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.
- Altalar (Sulvaley)
- Common
- Sign Language
- [TBD]
- [TBD]
- Content for the first tab.
- Content for the second tab.
- Content for the third tab.
Plot Hooks
- Content for the first tab.
- Content for the second tab.
- Content for the third tab.
Proficiencies and Abilities
- Attack Stat | 7 Strength (1d17)
- Defense Stat | 6 Constitution (1d15)
- Persuasion Stat | 3 (1d3)
- Melee | Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
- Melee | Diving Tackle Pack
- Athletic | Force Toss Pack
- Athletic | Steady Body Pack (Dragonkin)
- Veteran | Veteran Antimagi Pack
- Veteran | Veteran Tri-Slash Pack
- Veteran | Veteran Sentinel Pack
- Veteran | Veteran Swiftstrike Pack
- Veteran | Veteran Parry Pack
- Training | Rebound Pack
- Training | Status Endure Pack
- Training | Rage Counter Pack
- Training | Bulwark Pack
- Training | Iron Will Pack
- Mounted | Mounted Trooper Pack
- Adapt | Safeguard Pack (Dragonkin)
- Roguery | Sharp Reflexes Pack
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