Distributed copies from the desk of the Foreign Minister of the Regalian Empire, a broadcast relating to the reactionary stance of the Allorn Empire and the fabrication of fear-mongering misinformation.
-+[ Ambiance ]+-
To the denizens of the Crown Isle and broader Regalian Empire,
An introduction I shall begin to firstly express my understanding of the complicated nature that is the revival of the Allorn Empire, and will state my apologies to the citizens of the Regalian Empire for not having addressed this sooner. I understand your worries and your concerns, those of our Empire have all the right to question for answers relating to their security and livelihood. Fear not, for many are in such a place to uphold the strength of our Empire and ensure only prosperity continues. However, there comes a time that we, the good citizens of Regalia, cannot stand idle and allow these worrisome rumours to become self-proclaimed factual stories: For stories incite dramatics and exaggeration. The ambition of this announcement is to, without question, educate and repel these specified misinformation circling the streets, taverns, hearths or banquet halls.
An introduction I shall begin to firstly express my understanding of the complicated nature that is the revival of the Allorn Empire, and will state my apologies to the citizens of the Regalian Empire for not having addressed this sooner. I understand your worries and your concerns, those of our Empire have all the right to question for answers relating to their security and livelihood. Fear not, for many are in such a place to uphold the strength of our Empire and ensure only prosperity continues. However, there comes a time that we, the good citizens of Regalia, cannot stand idle and allow these worrisome rumours to become self-proclaimed factual stories: For stories incite dramatics and exaggeration. The ambition of this announcement is to, without question, educate and repel these specified misinformation circling the streets, taverns, hearths or banquet halls.
Each stratum of the Empire, be it from the good and common to the noble and prestigious, has been dealt these conjured stories and misaligned facts for no other reason than to fill a conversational void that has now since expanded to taint the very foundations in which we stand, pleasant conversation does not occur without these veiled-facts, for even those that seek a higher position in Governance have fallen victim. Whilst such stories are often humbling and entertaining for a brief moment, akin to watching water flow across a table- fractionally displaying a natural moment of beauty so often perceived as annoyance- do they have the potential to dampen our seats when snaking towards the edge of tolerance. We should prize ourselves to fact, no matter the debate or argument. Theoretical discussion is of course more than welcome in our prosperous Empire to educate and engage the masses, for it proves a point that we have the ability to remain rational and informed no matter the geopolitical stresses that may tug at the fibers of our emotional stability.
It is no error in truth that warrants such a creation of disinformation, rather a natural growth to which we must labour to steward- for grass may grow but it is within our duty to see it trimmed and orderly: I have seen no such thing happening as of late and I find myself rather surprised at just how many blades of grass do reach for the sky when they should not. I urge, if you experience words spoken or letters written to proclaim falsehood of any nature: To educate, to reassess and re-inform those that may have otherwise been indirect victims of such conceptual misalignment in ink or voice. This aligns not only with this current situation, but all situations. Henceforth, I proceed.
The Allorn Empire: A reinforcement of Altalar relevance that has spanned thousands of years has resurfaced, by action of none other than the proclaimed First-Empress Talea, to who's authenticity is in question and to answers we do not yet possess. However, what we are aware of is the immediate aftermath that has occurred in the recent times after the reformation and centralization of the Allorn Empire and to where my educational arguments begin:
Rumours circulate of the Allorn Empire pressing old claims to the Regalian Suzerains of Daenshore and the Northern Daen States, given the geographic proximity and history of the territory. However, the recently reestablished Allorn Empire has yet to indicate pressing forward any claim by force or diplomacy which leaves the rumours simply that, favribactions.
We have no report nor indication of an increased war-industry in the Allorn Empire that would threaten these specified provinces above, not unlike the demands that some unmentioned Regalian bureaucrats make to assert an aggressive dominance on our vulnerable borders of the Allorn Empire's new territory and the independent Principalities caught in the midst of it. To which the Allorn Empire has not done and I urge to consider the fact that neither should we till diplomatic procession occurs and we have answers to such delicate situations.
In conclusion, rumours of the worried nature are of course a natural indication of the stressful parameters in which we face and are entirely forgivable. However the manipulation of these conjured facts to spread fear and terror for whatever reason will not be tolerated and should not be adhered to anything other than distasteful and ill-informing mutterings that deserve no place in the higher society of our Empire. You know who you are, cease for the betterment of your people.
May the Empire continue to prosper,
Sol Lithuandir Telarel
His Grace, the Duke of Solmarse
Foreign Minister of the Regalian Empire
Master of Melepele
May the Empire continue to prosper,
Sol Lithuandir Telarel
His Grace, the Duke of Solmarse
Foreign Minister of the Regalian Empire
Master of Melepele