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For Fame And Glory: A Hunter’s Call To The Wild


Life needs things to live.
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score


A missive would be sent to as many settlements across Aloria as it could reach, largely centred around the Great Oak lodges in various regions. It was carefully written with ink, copied countless times from its original source for the purpose of mass distribution. In the top right hand corner, each missive had the stamp of an oak tree with a mirrored design of branches above and branches below. It read as follows:

To my brothers and sisters,

Wherever you might be reading this, I hope that your pursuits of glorious game and hunts worthy of being written into legend are going well. Many of you may have just started your journeys into the Great Oak Order, or are readying yourselves to head out on your first solo hunt. Others might have spent more years in the Order than I myself have lived, outclassing me in both experience and achievements. The rest of us hold you in high regard and aspire to reach where you now stand. However, this message is directed at all of you together.

Whilst it is widely assumed that the best place a Great Oak knight can be is up in the dangerous wilds of the North, I am here to beckon you down south to the capital of Regalia. When I arrived here in recent years, I had to work hard to make a name for myself and to accomplish great feats without having them handed to me via a tournament or organised hunt. Since then, our numbers in Regalia have dwindled but now I tell you that the Great Oak Order is needed more than ever before.

It is to the knights of Regalia that those seeking worthy combatants turn to when they need proven warriors. Every Order has a presence here and a purpose that only they can achieve. The Great Oak Order is no different, especially when nothing is more important to us than personal satisfaction and glory. The streets are regularly vandalised or threatened by unruly gangs, with the Yanar community and areas of plant life similarly targeted by such efforts. The wilderness surrounding the city is filled with untamed game and hunting trials that have become infamous due to how rarely they are empty. There are tournaments to partake in, duels to be won and many opportunities for a skilled huntsman to find work amongst the guards, noble houses and the mercenary groups throughout Regalia.

There is no better place to seek out fame and glory than the centre of the Regalian Empire, where stories spread faster than a deer can try to escape us and money is exchanged quicker than the Velheim can down their drinks. Even if you have put a life of hunting behind you to pursue something simpler, I encourage you to wield your weapons once more to come and walk the path that the knights of our Order deserve. If your exploits are grand enough, they will find their way back home to reach the ears of the Grand Elders regardless of how far you have travelled. If any of you still seek a challenge worthy of your reputation, then come and join me in the city of Regalia.

It is time we became legends once more.

Aesgeir av Hedryll
Second Sergeant of the Great Oak Order
Palest of House Viduggla
Bellator of the Imperial Court​

Since knights require training in their backstories and cannot be recruited in the same way as guards, mercenaries or house guards, I decided to make this post to anyone considering playing a knight or making a character associated with the Great Oak Order.

Do you want to hunt beasts like Geralt of Rivia? Or take on dangerous jobs with the possibility of encountering an unexpected challenge like the Mandalorian? Maybe you simply want a knight with some rugged northern flavour, or a heroic character with the freedom to pursue whatever you enjoy with a flexible code?

A Great Oak knight can be built around whatever you feel like playing, especially when independence and a drive to find your own roleplay is important. You can choose to be someone just starting their journey through the Order with Regalia as their first stop, or a veteran who has served many years within them but eventually disappeared from the public eye. Hell, you could even write a period of time with the Great Oaks into the backstory of an existing relevant character, who is inspired to finish the path they started in their youth.

I've never been good at leadership roleplay, so I don't intend to step up and dictate where the Great Oak Order goes next, but I would love to see more of us played and think this is the perfect time to get started when the knight system is in full swing with quests, rankings and in-game tournaments to come. This is what being a Great Oak knight has to offer and I'm here to help anyone figure out an angle for a potential character or to work it into an existing character with the freedom to include a knightly order.

Message myself (Battlebrawn) or OliverOnly for assistance if need be and check out both the Great Oak Order page and the Knightly Orders page for details on the both Great Oak code and the other knight orders to see what might suit you.
