For All That Was Lost Was Gained To Be Lost

The clanging of metal in the air and the shatter of a flowerpot, then the sound of a flickering flame.
Her last hope.
Now, where had it all started...
A simple morning, she would've thought. It turned into much more than that.
It was a painful day.
Ah, how she thought she would always be by her side,
though much to her dismay she wasn't.
She was on the opposing side.

A filthy Void mage, that's what she was.
Another quarrel, nothing serious. They happened all the time.
Until it escalated too quickly.
And when I say too quickly, I mean far too quickly.
Mages fighting each other never works.
It started with simple verbal insults, which went to throwing objects at each other.
Nyioucheil was the first to draw blood.
The flowerpot shattered on her back as she spun around, digging into her skin. What she was holding in her hands was that of one of Alaia's precious, collected swords (that she didn't use because she was a mage). She swung it upwards at Nyio's face, drawing blood on her cheek in retaliation.
Throwing the sword aside, it clattered to the ground, Nyi clutching her cheek. Whilst Nyi was stunned, she moved to grab yet another flower pot.
But this time she came face to face with fire.
Nyi launched the fire at an odd angle, only searing her shoulder yet it was still painful.
With a glare and a wince, tears in her eyes, Katthe roared at her.

And with that, she ran out.
a little shortstory! i would do it more detailed but im defs tired and cant be bothered