Archived Flintlock Weapons.

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
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Now before you go and rate this post ''disagree'' at least listen to a few reasons why I think it would be acceptable to have flintlock weapons instated. Now I know that there have been several threads that have talked about this, but I think I have found a way to balance it out. Here's how:

1. Flintlock weapons take a bit of time to reload (unless you have one with multiple barrels) if flintlock weapons were instated there should be some rule set of how long it takes to reload in order to prevent god-RP. An example would be a single barreled pistol would take 15-20 seconds to reload, and if you're moving it takes longer and there is a chance for miss-loading it.

2. If instated there should be a percentage of how often they hit their mark, and the further you get away the higher chance of it missing. Obviously point blank range would be 100%.

3. Chance of casualty. Since there is a chance of miss-fire this would turn away most people that are afraid of getting hurt.

Overall if players stick to these rules there is no chance of god-RP. If you disagree with this tell me why! I'd like to know, it's different to disagree and to disagree and have no reason :P
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This was implemented at one point and put in the hands of a few select people the people very rarely took any form of casualty And such it was taken out to prevent this. It will likely never be reimplimented as flintlock pistols would only be avaliable to people who had alot of regals in their pockets (Nobles) And in my opinion it would slightly hurt the roleplay concerning these individuals.
Like what Vortex said, these were instituted once and were removed cause they just created complications. I mean, how often is someone going to use a flintlock and choose to have it misfire? Plus, I don't see any upside to this (besides an easier way to cause God-Rp).
Realistically, eventually it might happen. Since Regalia is a medieval world who has 'discovered' the power of gunpowder, implimenting it into cannons, pushing into pistols (again from the looks of it) wouldn't be too far of a stretch. But Cannons are used as a rarity, and most people stick to using swords, axes and bows. So eventually Regalia may move into that era (wish some reworking), but as of current standings we are still in the iron era or Dark ages.

On a different note, everyone saying how they were pretty much open door to god rp with the nobles where no one died from it made me think of this... yeah just gonna leave this here ;)

well if no one using flintlock pistols than why not add them? it's not hurting anyone, in fact it would be a new weapons choice (not to mention public duels)
Now before you go and rate this post ''disagree'' at least listen to a few reasons why I think it would be acceptable to have flintlock weapons instated. Now I know that there have been several threads that have talked about this, but I think I have found a way to balance it out. Here's how:

1. Flintlock weapons take a bit of time to reload (unless you have one with multiple barrels) if flintlock weapons were instated there should be some rule set of how long it takes to reload in order to prevent god-RP. An example would be a single barreled pistol would take 15-20 seconds to reload, and if you're moving it takes longer and there is a chance for miss-loading it.

2. If instated there should be a percentage of how often they hit their mark, and the further you get away the higher chance of it missing. Obviously point blank range would be 100%.

3. Chance of casualty. Since there is a chance of miss-fire this would turn away most people that are afraid of getting hurt.

Overall if players stick to these rules there is no chance of god-RP. If you disagree with this tell me why! I'd like to know, it's different to disagree and to disagree and have no reason :P
And what would a fight look like? "Peng Peng" - "Sahrotaar starts bleeding out of 10 holes because a freaking bastard shot him" - "10,9,8,.. respawned" - haha remind me at the age of 10 shooting around with air guns :P
@Azas even if it's not lore correct I still find this odd because if we have magic and other fictional races, we can't have simple gunpowder fueled weapons?
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While they could be used correctly and with no use of god RP the line between power gaming, god RPing and good civil RPing, which is never thick at the best of times, would become VERY thin indeed... The only real good RP use of these pistols that i see would be the possibility of nobles dueling, as a possible alternative way to settle feuds. On a whole i just don't think people can be trusted to RP properly with guns...

However as someone on the other stated, sentient beings will strive to improve their world with new technology...
My idea would be why not have a sorta RP forge that is trying to develop useful technology, this way if the all powerfull massive admins decided to add a new plugin with some form of technology they could use this to possibly attribute the invention to the forge... It also could provide good tavern talk such as... "Did you hear about those guys trying to develop hand-held cannons?" -unnamed person replies- "Yah I also heard the last guy to try and test one lost his hand..." Just an idea, but really pistols are a bad idea...
player has gun.
player b angers player a.
Player a shoots player b in the face.
due to it being a split second to fire a readied pistol player b can do nothing about it without god-rping.

this is what happens when firearms were introduced. its been tryed and tested.

Gunpowder weaponry itself wouldnt be common source anyway. they would be in the hands of the military and the rich, comomners would have no way of achieving such a weapon without constructing one that would blow off thier arm and cause a mess.

There is no reason for the commonfolk of regalia to wandering about carrying firearms in the first place, its a city littered with guards and there is no public dueling or firing of anykind. all i can say is that if you were to wander about regalia with a rifle/pistol youll be immediatly locked up and put to the cannon as you are clearly going to use it on someone.

Theres not much more to say on the matter.

Minecraft will probably add muskets in vanilla within the next few years due to popular demand, til that happens I see no point in incorperating them into RP. There is nothing more I can say on the matter that hasnt already been adressed before.
I'm with techpac on this, but over all I honestly don't really care too much. Besides a bow would be better any way.
Also as Monmarty said before, the guns in these times were next useless. It took to long to set up aim and reload to be do anything except shooting an un-expecting target. Also the rate of miss fires were high causing the to be near useless.
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