Art Auction Flat-coloured Headshot Sketch Raffle

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[put cool title here]
Staff member
Jun 27, 2015
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the universe
Hey there! I finally have a little bit of extra free time to do some drawing, so I'll be auctioning off a flat-coloured headshot sketch.

It's more a kind of raffle than a real auction. I'll be drawing names from the sign-up pool, whose commission I'll accept and try to get done within the week. I may contact any other participant in the future when I have the will-power to draw again, so it's also an opportunity for people who are still interested down the line.


Auction information:
  • Base price: 15 USD. Increasing the price may yield you a fully shaded piece or a waist-up depending on your preference.
  • Payment only through PayPal invoice.
  • I only draw human-like Races! My females are arguably better than my males.
  • I reserve the right to cancel the auction at any time.
  • Payment after a satisfactory sketch. You'll receive a high-res version of the sketch and a high-res version of the flat-coloured sketch. You can request changes whenever I update you on the art, which should be once or twice during the sketch phase and after the preview of the final piece.
To participate, fill in the following template:
  • In-game name:
  • Character application: (not mandatory, does make it easier for me. Just put the name down otherwise.)
  • Basic information: (Eye/hair/skin colour, hair style, facial expression, facial features, torso clothing, accessoires, mutations.)
  • Character references: (please include references, preferably in an imgur album.)
  • Willing to pay: (base price + whatever else in USD)
I'll be announcing the two raffle winners tomorrow at 5 pm EST / 10 pm London time!
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  • In-game name: Yigit
  • Character Application: Dothraen
  • Basic Information: Dothraen is an Isldar Nelfin with white hair and pale skin. His eyes are a glowing Exist silver. Dothraen's hair is shoulder-length and wavy, pulled away from his face and let loose. He has a fully grown beard that is well-kept and angular. A scar runs diagonally across his left eye. Dothraen usually wears a Blacksteel plate-armor. Dothraen has large, pointy canines, but they are only visible when he opens his mouth. Dothraen usually has a neutral or a resting-bitch-face type of expression, with furrowed brows and a passively angry look to his features.
  • Character References: General reference, face-structure and hairstyle reference
  • Willing to pay: 15USD Base Price.
  • In-game name: AtticCat
  • Character application: Haeddi Harhold
  • Basic information: Fair skin, brown-black curly hair and blue eyes. She often wears her hair up with a headband and a curl or two free on her forehead, with dangling earrings, pendants and necklaces. Haeddi is an Anglian-Ithanian noble, and dresses more towards the latter's fashion, if any clothing is shown.
  • Character references: I don't ahve imgur:weary:
  • Willing to pay: 15USD
In-game name: The73rdNerd
Character application: Emil
Basic information: Pale Nothorc, with blond curly hair pulled into a top knot(?) Lion Pelt clothing and armour.
Character references: tba
  • Willing to pay: 25 dolards
Thanks for signing up folks! Sorry, a bit late, a whole bit late, but winners are @WereNoodle and @AtticCat ! I'll contact you over Discord for any further details :>
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