Archived Fixing The Economy

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Apr 7, 2013
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Economics is a multi-faceted system that needs to be dealt with carefully. However for Simplicity's sake we'll divide the two major components, Supply and Demand. I know in the past, I've Talked alot about money sinks, as it stands we have plenty of those. One thing we don't have much of anymore is material sinks. That is the topic that we'll be discussing, and how they can be used to diminish supply and increase demand.

- Increase Exp costs for Enchanting.
In the 1.7 version of minecraft, a level 30 enchantment took away all 30 levels (1,395 exp) Currently in 1.11 minecraft, a level 30 enchantment takes away 3 levels leaving you with 27 levels (306 exp). Thus making enchanting 4.5 times easier than its 1.7 version of the enchanting mechanic. Not to mention the enchantment table will guarantee an single enchant, removing the randomization and allowing a player to make selective enchants.

- Allowing /trash in combat.
This is a command that players used to prevent enemies from retrieving spoils of war, while its convenient for a pvper who got the kill, it is not beneficial to the economy as the supply of individuals grow even larger. Weapons have a smaller chance of being removed completely from the server until the owner logs off and never plays again, or their storage is removed in Massive restore. Allowing the command back while a player is flagged as pvp true will remove potential supply stockpiling, and reducing chances of players offering lower prices because of said abundance.

- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
There are 3 ways to make this more effective.
1. Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
2. Increase Player damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp.
3. Increase Mob damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in darkrooms. Currently it takes me about 3 hours of straight darkrooming to get my armor durability in the red zone.

- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
There was a time when all players except premiums would drop their armor upon death. For me, I fell multiple times in lava. Forcing me to re-purchase/make a set of god armor. If this was re-enabled, many players would lose their armor sets, being forced to interact with other players and purchase armor. This would greatly curve the stockpile of Gift4all/God armor.

- Reducing enchantments on Gift4Alls
At the end of the day, the purchase is made to support the server. There needs to be some appeal, that is why I suggest the removal of following enchantments from Gift4Alls:

Fire Aspect (From Swords)
Unbreaking (From All Gift4alls)
Infinity (From Bows)
Flame (From Bows)
This way players still have "God items" (Classified as Sharp5 for weapons, Efficiency 5 for Tools) and "Master armor" will have a higher chance for breakage. This way Gift4alls still Protect, deal the same amount of damage, and work as fast. All the wile respecting the potential saturation of the enchantment market (Which is currently non-existant because of stockpiles).

- More appealing forms of passive income
Currently, there are only 2 ways to directly make regals from the server to your balance.
First way is "John the Pious" and darkrooming. It has been stated countless times that darkooming is not a favorable way of earning regals, but nevertheless. It must be earned, never given away freely.
So my suggestion is to find a way to have a roleplay job system, that allows players to remain in-character, all the while offering more interaction with the roleplay enviroment that has been established. I cant think of a solid way to go about this, but eventually this should be implemented. I also think that there should be a bounty system for pvpers, with a simple command like /bounty add {Amount} {Player Name}, upon killing the player with the bounty. The overall bounty amount would be added to the player who killed the 'Outlaw'. For players who fall more into the survival part of play-style, they should be allowed to turn in an amount of materials to a Quest NPC every hour or so in exchange for regals. Essentially replacing "John the pious" and making player work a little harder for regals.

Passive income is necessary. Example: A Player will amass 10k regals and never log back online. That's 10k that will never be redistributed in the player economy. Overall, I think its important to keep all forms of server to player incomes evenly paid, and allow incomes relevant to different play-styles.

- Approved Lore item creation
This topic covers a different part of economics: Specialization. The suggestion is to have an application, such as there is for a warzone and stat transfers. Where players pay a certain amount to based on the quantity of lore items they want to produce. All items would have to be provided by the applicant for staff to apply the lore to.
I suggest this because the lore market is diminishing due to exhausted supply, and lack of new lore items being efficiently implemented.

- Finding a way to prevent Alt abuse of Gift4alls
Pretty self-explanatory. If it's abuse to get regals from "John the pious" on multiple accounts. Then the same logic should be applied to Gift4alls, Players shouldn't be able to get a a chestful of items from one gift4all. It over saturates the market more than gift4alls originally were intended to. Possible by preventing players from recieving gift4alls to accounts with the same ip?@ulumulu1510

Side note:
If majority of these changes were made, a lower price for gift4alls would be more appropriate, because of the less drastic effect on the player economy. This would also encourage players to impulsively purchase Gift4alls out of frustration or sake of convenience. The purpose of these suggestions is to create demand, with a lowered supply of materials. Giving more purpose to those hard earned regals from "John the Pious".
More Content to be added....

No, These changes would not convenience me anymore than the average player (Sold Storage). Yes, It will make the game harder all the while benefiting the economy.

Players I'd like to tag:
@pokyug @Zacatero @badbill089 @DarKeStoneZ @Sevak @Alj23 @Tokugawryuu @BenRekt @TheOverseer__ @jes_

Let the Debating Begin!
pls don't flame me
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sorry Pok but this gives me anxiety for my wallet
I think i agree with what you are saying? There is enough money sinks/money makers, but items do stock up, And with @Jackson413 Many alts, with 1 gift4all he praticaly gets a chest full, wich in return causes the theorical pricing to go down.
I added a suggestion. We should make it bannable for players using alts to get multiple gift4alls, or find a way to give gift4alls to one account with a matching IP as other accounts.
I don't see anyway you could enforce making it against the rules to receive more than one gift4all without making it against the rules to have more than one account logged on at once, which is a bit absurd to me.

I'll respond to the rest later when I'm on my computer.
Making lore items more common would help. There is more of a short supply of them then their was in the past, so prices have gone up. This discourages people from buying them because they figure that its just too much for something with just a neato name and thus there is less trading going on. But if they were more common there would be more buying and selling.

Also just more common use of the trade chat would help. I hardly see auctions anymore.
But if they were more common there would be more buying and selling.
I disagree so much with this statement i'd rather agree to go bungeejumping (and i'm a panzy)
All it would do is making the trade of lore items useless.
Who wants to buy something that everyone has and is easily obntainable? no one ofcourse.
I don't see anyway you could enforce making it against the rules to receive more than one gift4all without making it against the rules to have more than one account logged on at once, which is a bit absurd to me.

I'll respond to the rest later when I'm on my computer.
Yeah, it's a difficult problem to get around. But alt abuse for gift4alls needs to stop. I remember voting only let you vote per IP. Something like voting could be used for retrieving Gift4all rewards. It's probably complicated to code, but it's needed.
Making lore items more common would help. There is more of a short supply of them then their was in the past, so prices have gone up. This discourages people from buying them because they figure that its just too much for something with just a neato name and thus there is less trading going on. But if they were more common there would be more buying and selling.

Also just more common use of the trade chat would help. I hardly see auctions anymore.
I disagree so much with this statement i'd rather agree to go bungeejumping (and i'm a panzy)
All it would do is making the trade of lore items useless.
Who wants to buy something that everyone has and is easily obntainable? no one ofcourse.
part of the problem is that voting over saturated the market for lore items. Lore items are extremely common, but nobody really wants to buy. Why? Because nothing is new, and players who wanted a specific lore item got it months ago. Giving players a way to have easy access to unique lore items for a reasonable price is the way to create demand that wasn't previously there.

Also it doesn't help that the new /tp market design sucks butt. It really only makes it profitable to have a rich shop. Which only 24 people Own, out of the 3000+ Daily players. We really need a new market. The previous market design with the bell tower was perfect. Having a mediumshop back then actually mattered, and the districts were cool.
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Just woke up so im on my phone but i do want to reply to one thing for now

Its not alt abuse for 4alls

MOST of the time we have NO idea when 4alls are coming in so its not like we have alts up just for that
Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
yes please. I've had the same set of armor for three months, and darkrooming doesn't even scratch it.

Reducing enchantments on Gift4Alls
also agree on this. less unbreaking means i have to actually get god armor, which i've never had to do.

Enabling an Adminshop for staple commodities
I strongly disagree. Players set the economy, and admin shops just set up some invisible price level that would already be the norm. I don't like it one bit.

Finding a way to prevent Alt abuse of Gift4alls
only issue I see is that some peeps use the same ip. Sure I have an alt, but I also have a brother in another faction that has separate vaults from me. This would just screw people over on the same ip.

Approved Lore item creation
might be fun. I could benefit from the custom lore.

Now for the rest of my input. I like the idea of getting rid of all the saturation from the market. I for one don't have that much gear to actually consider myself to be saturated in the stuff. If I fell that I have too much gear, I either use a salvage block or /trash stuff.
Just woke up so im on my phone but i do want to reply to one thing for now

Its not alt abuse for 4alls

MOST of the time we have NO idea when 4alls are coming in so its not like we have alts up just for that
Most people don't know when gift4alls are happening, but that's why players log online with their alt accounts overnight, everyday. If your purposely logging online to collect girft4alls with Alts, yes it is abuse. Same as it would be to log online with the sole intent to get regals from "John the pious" with multiple accounts. I have 4 alt accounts, but I only log online when I need to edit perms or add allies. No reason to be logged on with Alts for hours on end. (With the exception of regaining power).

My Solution: Set an Afk timer for 10 minutes, flagging any player standing In place for longer than that period of time. A afk flagged player won't receive a gift4all. This way people can't try to harvest 4alls while Afk or Idle. Ten minutes is a good number seeing as how most people can't handle the 5 minute wait for changing traits.
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Most people don't know when gift4alls are happening, but that's why players log online with their alt accounts overnight, everyday. If your purposely logging online to collect girft4alls with Alts, yes it is abuse. Same as it would be to log online with the sole intent to get regals from "John the pious" with multiple accounts. I have 4 alt accounts, but I only log online when I need to edit perms or add allies. No reason to be logged on with Alts for hours on end. (With the exception of regaining power).

My Solution: set an Afk timer for 5 - 10 minutes, kick any player standing I place for longer than that period of time. This way people can't try to harvest 4alls while offline. Sadly this doesn't stop players from logging on with all their alt accounts before they make a purchase.
simply move the alt every 4 minutes.
Okay time for my full reply..

Increase Exp costs for Enchanting.
I dont enchant, so this sounds like a great idea to me BUT take it with a grain of salt since, as i said, i dont enchant stuff so idk really the technical stuff involved.

- Allowing /trash in combat.
I'm not so sure about this one... it would reduce the motivation to PvP even more, if you knew that you had EVEN LESS of a chance to get any good items from somebody.

- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
Ya i've used the exact same set of armor for the longest time. Its my "znake1468 Master" set.. and i changed my name in July.... so you can see how long that set has lasted me. I dont pvp often but when i do its with this armor set. I also think reducing the durability would help people grind repair.

- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
This would make premium even less appealing to a new person. I think this shouldnt happen strictly on that basis.

- Reducing enchantments on Gift4Alls
Correct me if im wrong... but im not so sure you are correct here. I was under the impression that it took more than one single enchantment to classify a piece or armor/weapon as "God" and you suggest to take Infinity and Flame away from bows and those are two parts of "god" bows.

That being said, I do agree that 4alls dont need to have as many enchants.

Enabling an Adminshop for staple commodities
Absolutely not.

- Approved Lore item creation
I think... that the market for lore items is a good one to have, and since the drop of the voting rewards, its getting harder. See at the moment we are only a few months past losing them so we dont have the full effect of their absence yet but its hard. I do not completely understand the "approved lore item creation" system that you suggest however. Can you go into a bit more detail about what it would be used for?

Finding a way to prevent Alt abuse of Gift4alls
Unfortunately there wont be a way. I also dont really see any issue with somebody getting more 4alls anyway due to their alts. And frankly i personally use my alts on Console Client more often than actually logging them in, so if i do have 4alls on them, i cant see the inventory anyway.

So thats my two cents...
I agree with the durability of armor being removed. I've been in the same god set for literally a year and a half and have never had to buy more and I rarely have to repair it. When there was double drops I spent like 15 hours straight in a darkroom (yeah no life amirite) and my armor wasn't even close to breaking at that point. I've also been using the same god tools for years probably never had to change except last night when I accidentally let it break.
All I know is that something needs to change with the armor market, as it's probably the single most ruined item economically in comparison to how it used to be, being worth close to 10 times as much a few years ago as it is now. Because it enters the economy so easily, between gift4alls and the fact that an hour session of darkrooming can easily create 2 new sets. And it never leaves the economy, ever. One set is all you need at the moment, yet it's common for people to own 50+ sets that they never need to use, and don't bother selling because its worth next to nothing.
I'm not so sure about this one... it would reduce the motivation to PvP even more, if you knew that you had EVEN LESS of a chance to get any good items from somebody.

This would make premium even less appealing to a new person. I think this shouldnt happen strictly on that basis.

Correct me if im wrong... but im not so sure you are correct here. I was under the impression that it took more than one single enchantment to classify a piece or armor/weapon as "God" and you suggest to take Infinity and Flame away from bows and those are two parts of "god" bow.
First off, God enchantment refers to the Damage of the weapon, it is near impossible to break a weapon in pvp, and infinity is a convenience (Doesn't affect damage). People used to accept sharp 5 swords as "God Swords" all the time, up until gift4alls became a thing. Nobody really cared about fire because of the Fireimmune trait, but now that's not relevant... Soo now that it does affect pvp, maybe it'll make the list.

Second, Premium in no way affects armor, except with custom hats. I really don't see how this'll affect premium purchases in any way. What it will do: get Pvpers more drops on a kill, and improve prices for Diamonds and God armor.

Re enabling /trash with allowing armor to drop upon death, really kind of nullify eachother. If you have enough time to destroy your weapon, you should be able to do it. You'll still drop your armor, potions, pearls, and golden apples.
No need to get snappy. There is probably a loophole in everything, that some people try to exploit.
Im not snappy, simply implying that this is meant to be a discussion. In a discussion your supposed to point out flaws and improve upon them, the latter you weren't doing :/

This would have to count chatting as moving then since roleplayers tend to stand in the same spot for more than 10 minutes sometimes
I'd argue that Roleplayers don't even need gift4alls anyways. If they can manage to sit still that long, they'll probably never make it to the survival world. Honestly I was going to suggest making regalia a different game mode for massive, there's a lot you can do with cosmetic armor and items for premium players if you seperated it from the survival universe entirely.
Second, Premium in no way affects armor, except with custom hats. I really don't see how this'll affect premium purchases in any way. What it will do: get Pvpers more drops on a kill, and improve prices for Diamonds and God armor.
Each individual premium feature cant sell premium on their own, but some of them synergize well together. But its the value of all the premium benefits put together that make premium worth anything at all. Im saying that removing one of those benefits... isnt a good idea.
Each individual premium feature cant sell premium on their own, but some of them synergize well together. But its the value of all the premium benefits put together that make premium worth anything at all. Im saying that removing one of those benefits... isnt a good idea.
I'm still failing to see how premium relates to this in anyway. Custom hats is the only thing that this'll affect, and it won't remotely be an issue because players don't wear hats during pvp.

I think it's already been generally accepted that premium is pointless anyways, buying it is more of a gesture of gratitude towards the server than a purchase for convenience.

In fact I think this will promote Gift4all purchases. Because people will actually need armor, because they'll actually lose it.
I'm still failing to see how premium relates to this in anyway. Custom hats is the only thing that this'll affect, and it won't remotely be an issue because players don't wear hats during pvp.
There is a list of premium features. These features sell the premium and makes income for the server. Ever since the EULA issue last year, the appeal of premium took a hard fall. Removing any premium features is not a good idea, especially when the appeal of premium as a whole is in decline. This idea revolves around removing a premium feature, which is retaining armor on death. Regardless of the economical impact of this specific thing, i do not think that reducing the appeal of premium further is a good idea. THAT is how premium factors in
- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
There are 3 ways to make this more effective.
1. Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
2. Increase Player damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp.
3. Increase Mob damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in darkrooms. Currently it takes me about 3 hours of straight darkrooming to get my armor durability in the red zone.

- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
There was a time when all players except premiums would drop their armor upon death. For me, I fell multiple times in lava. Forcing me to re-purchase/make a set of god armor. If this was re-enabled, many players would lose their armor sets, being forced to interact with other players and purchase armor. This would greatly curve the stockpile of Gift4all/God armor.

- Enabling an Adminshop for staple commodities
An Adminshop in a player based economy should never be a means of consistent income. It should be used as a Baseline to say "Items should never go below this price:____". For this reason a shop of this manner should have limited access, perhaps by enabling the /tp available for one week per month. This way Staff can alter buying prices to ensure their prices do not eclipse the lowest prices in market. Items would only be sold to the shop, you'd never buy from the adminshop. This would in turn give people more money to spend, allowing players to accept higher prices.
I agree with it all apart from these three.

- Armor durability was recently reduced down to 2x. In the past though when armor durability was at 1x, it did not go fit well with mcmmo. This was last spring and players were having their armor broken much faster than they could use their inventory of health potions. Not to mention it completely destroys any chances of taking more than one opponent at a time. Increasing the mob damage is a good idea. If you're having to repair armor more while leveling stats, no matter which form of repair used will help the economy in some way.
- Personally I'd be fine with dropping armor. I have hundreds of sets that I never use, but not all players do. I just see this as an obstacle to players wanting to raid and do not want to see this implemented. I know its like that on every other server but this is one of Massive's most attractive features, especially for new players, in my opinion.
- An admin shop most likely just wont happen. Its a player run economy and that's how player run economies work. Unfortunately this isn't a game where hundreds of new items are added each update to revive the economy, so its much more difficult to keep it steady. But this would simply ruin the principal of Massive's player economy.
I'd argue that Roleplayers don't even need gift4alls anyways. If they can manage to sit still that long, they'll probably never make it to the survival world. Honestly I was going to suggest making regalia a different game mode for massive, there's a lot you can do with cosmetic armor and items for premium players if you seperated it from the survival universe entirely.
Some role players might use the gift4alls for role play. Like if their character is wearing armor at the time, and they didn't skin it, gift4alls could be used to represent the armor being worn. Swords, axes, and other items like that are also used in role play to show that a certain character is holding something. There are also players that spend a majority of time role playing, but they might also enjoy pvp or dark rooming sometimes. For example, when I was more active on the server, I'd role play for a little bit, dark room for a little bit, and sometimes I even attempted to learn how to properly pvp.
There is a list of premium features. These features sell the premium and makes income for the server. Ever since the EULA issue last year, the appeal of premium took a hard fall. Removing any premium features is not a good idea, especially when the appeal of premium as a whole is in decline. This idea revolves around removing a premium feature, which is retaining armor on death. Regardless of the economical impact of this specific thing, i do not think that reducing the appeal of premium further is a good idea. THAT is how premium factors in

Keeping armor on death isn't a premium feature anymore though, it was before EULA. Everyone keeps it right now. He's suggesting everyone not keep it.
Kicking one for afk after 10 min would be useless considering people can make afk water streams to constantly push them around, good idea though. I know they used to kick for being afk./
- Allowing /trash in combat.

No support on that idea for obvious reasons - allowing someone to throw there weapon away once they acknowledge they're dead is stupid and discourages PvP

- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
There are 3 ways to make this more effective.
1. Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
2. Increase Player damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp.
3. Increase Mob damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in darkrooms. Currently it takes me about 3 hours of straight darkrooming to get my armor durability in the red zone.

inb4 "traxex20 smashed my armor in 30 seconds - you have to grind mcmmo for hours to pvp"

- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
There was a time when all players except premiums would drop their armor upon death. For me, I fell multiple times in lava. Forcing me to re-purchase/make a set of god armor. If this was re-enabled, many players would lose their armor sets, being forced to interact with other players and purchase armor. This would greatly curve the stockpile of Gift4all/God armor.

Definitely would add meaning to death again (something that this server is VERY much lacking - death is completely meaningless). I feel that this idea should be explored rather than denied outright like it was in the past when Fube suggested it.

- Enabling an Adminshop for staple commodities
An Adminshop in a player based economy should never be a means of consistent income. It should be used as a Baseline to say "Items should never go below this price:____". For this reason a shop of this manner should have limited access, perhaps by enabling the /tp available for one week per month. This way Staff can alter buying prices to ensure their prices do not eclipse the lowest prices in market. Items would only be sold to the shop, you'd never buy from the adminshop. This would in turn give people more money to spend, allowing players to accept higher prices.

While I agree that the economy is trash, and have said so for the past 2-3 years, adminshops aren't the answer. They don't give a real, living economy and even though the current economy is pretty bad, creating an artificial one will probably turn out worse - spawning regals en mass is going to result in them being worth less than they already are.

Even though I don't agree with a lot of your idea, I'm glad you put time and effort into talking about a problem Massive has faced for a long time. Many people like to say that that the "economy" is now about selling lore items which really isn't what it has ever been about - not in the survival worlds.
Some of your ideas start off down the right path, but than dive off into extremism.

- Increase Exp costs for Enchanting.
In the 1.7 version of minecraft, a level 30 enchantment took away all 30 levels (1,395 exp) Currently in 1.11 minecraft, a level 30 enchantment takes away 3 levels leaving you with 27 levels (306 exp). Thus making enchanting 4.5 times easier than its 1.7 version of the enchanting mechanic. Not to mention the enchantment table will guarantee an single enchant, removing the randomization and allowing a player to make selective enchants.
Not a bad idea to start with, although it be expanded upon. Should the three levels taken for a level 30 enchantment be doubled? Tripled? x10? Personally, if what you are enchanting is a level 30 enchantment, I'd make it take 30 levels. So kind of like reverting back to enchanting before the enchantment update, but not with the randomized enchantment.

- Allowing /trash in combat.
This is a command that players used to prevent enemies from retrieving spoils of war, while its convenient for a pvper who got the kill, it is not beneficial to the economy as the supply of individuals grow even larger. Weapons have a smaller chance of being removed completely from the server until the owner logs off and never plays again, or their storage is removed in Massive restore. Allowing the command back while a player is flagged as pvp true will remove potential supply stockpiling, and reducing chances of players offering lower prices because of said abundance.
If you've run someone out of potions and pearls, and they have no means of escaping, you've earned whatever they drop. Part of the fun of pvp'ing and killing someone is getting their weapon. We'd see an epidemic of people /trashing their weapons just to spite the person that will most likely kill them.

- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
There are 3 ways to make this more effective.
1. Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
2. Increase Player damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp.
3. Increase Mob damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in darkrooms. Currently it takes me about 3 hours of straight darkrooming to get my armor durability in the red zone.
If you want to address the the quantity of weapons and armor, you'd have an easier time:
  • removing /fix
  • promoting using a MCMMO anvil or a vanilla anvil over /fix to repair armor when need be
- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
There was a time when all players except premiums would drop their armor upon death. For me, I fell multiple times in lava. Forcing me to re-purchase/make a set of god armor. If this was re-enabled, many players would lose their armor sets, being forced to interact with other players and purchase armor. This would greatly curve the stockpile of Gift4all/God armor.
See, this idea is almost ok in theory, but it works off of the premise that a low skilled player can kill the average skilled pvper that's been on the server for awhile, which just isn't going to happen. All you're going to see is armor switch hands between the usual pvp'ers on the server, and low skilled players lose any of the armor they went out and bought, just to have it stockpile in the chest of a pvper that already has 50+ sets.

- Reducing enchantments on Gift4Alls
At the end of the day, the purchase is made to support the server. There needs to be some appeal, that is why I suggest the removal of following enchantments from Gift4Alls:

Fire Aspect (From Swords)
Unbreaking (From All Gift4alls)
Infinity (From Bows)
Flame (From Bows)
This way players still have "God items" (Classified as Sharp5 for weapons, Efficiency 5 for Tools) and "Master armor" will have a higher chance for breakage. This way Gift4alls still Protect, deal the same amount of damage, and work as fast. All the wile respecting the potential saturation of the enchantment market (Which is currently non-existant because of stockpiles).
I guess this is ok. You just have to make sure these items retain their appeal that caused them to be purchased in the first place.
- Enabling an Adminshop for staple commodities
An Adminshop in a player based economy should never be a means of consistent income. It should be used as a Baseline to say "Items should never go below this price:____". For this reason a shop of this manner should have limited access, perhaps by enabling the /tp available for one week per month. This way Staff can alter buying prices to ensure their prices do not eclipse the lowest prices in market. Items would only be sold to the shop, you'd never buy from the adminshop. This would in turn give people more money to spend, allowing players to accept higher prices.
No on the admin shops, because they go against everything the MassiveCraft economy stands for and is.

The issue is not people not having enough money to spend on stuff. Sure, getting money circulating more would help the issue some, but it wouldn't fix it all together. The issue is that I can make the same armor being sold at /tp market, so why should I go buy it, when I can make it myself?

Back in August 2016 I did an average of the sets of god armor from the richshops at /tp market. The average cost for a set of god armor was 688 regals. I also did an average of all the materials used to make a set of god armor, and added the average prices together to get the average material cost of a set of god armor if you were to buy all the items you would need from /tp market to to make a set of god armor. The material cost was 1,358 regals. On average, every set of god armor sold at 688 regals was losing the shop owner 670 regals.

You get people buying armor and weapons from /tp market again by making the items leave circulation faster, by making them easier to destroy, and making them harder to produce. Simply put, the game got too easy.

- Approved Lore item creation
This topic covers a different part of economics: Specialization. The suggestion is to have an application, such as there is for a warzone and stat transfers. Where players pay a certain amount to based on the quantity of lore items they want to produce. All items would have to be provided by the applicant for staff to apply the lore to.
I suggest this because the lore market is diminishing due to exhausted supply, and lack of new lore items being efficiently implemented.

- Finding a way to prevent Alt abuse of Gift4alls
Pretty self-explanatory. If it's abuse to get regals from "John the pious" on multiple accounts. Then the same logic should be applied to Gift4alls, Players shouldn't be able to get a a chestful of items from one gift4all. It over saturates the market more than gift4alls originally were intended to. Possible by preventing players from recieving gift4alls to accounts with the same ip?@ulumulu1510
These two are lumped together because they aren't worthwhile enough to warrant a lengthy response to.

Like I said, you have some good ideas, some not so good ideas, and some downright bad ideas that would do so much more harm than good.
I know how to break the economy.
As most of you guys know, durability was shortly changed after the posting of this thread. I'm glad to finally see some feedback from the community taken seriously.

This by no means, is the end of an attempt of reviving the economy. This is just a first step towards more abundant trade and items actually retaining value! Love the support.
As most of you guys know, durability was shortly changed after the posting of this thread. I'm glad to finally see some feedback from the community taken seriously.

This by no means, is the end of an attempt of reviving the economy. This is just a first step towards more abundant trade and items actually retaining value! Love the support.

I wish. It got buffed back up to 3x durability again the other day because some people complained about it.
Kicking one for afk after 10 min would be useless considering people can make afk water streams to constantly push them around, good idea though. I know they used to kick for being afk./

It would be more than just useless, it would be counterproductive to the server as we want to maintain a high player count. I seem to recall that there was even consideration of providing rewards for those who spend a lot of time on the server, including those who just afk. The reason being that it keeps the player count up.

Edit: here is the thread in which the idea of rewarding people for loyalty, and the consideration of afk players, was briefly discussed.
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Just to go back to something earlier, its NOT alt abuse to have alts online during 4alls. It has been explicitly stated by staff that this is fully legal.
Marking this thread as "Under Review" - Please see my comments below, noting that this is only coming from myself and not any of the other Direction members.

- Increase Exp costs for Enchanting.
In the 1.7 version of minecraft, a level 30 enchantment took away all 30 levels (1,395 exp) Currently in 1.11 minecraft, a level 30 enchantment takes away 3 levels leaving you with 27 levels (306 exp). Thus making enchanting 4.5 times easier than its 1.7 version of the enchanting mechanic. Not to mention the enchantment table will guarantee an single enchant, removing the randomization and allowing a player to make selective enchants.

Not a bad idea to start with, although it be expanded upon. Should the three levels taken for a level 30 enchantment be doubled? Tripled? x10? Personally, if what you are enchanting is a level 30 enchantment, I'd make it take 30 levels. So kind of like reverting back to enchanting before the enchantment update, but not with the randomized enchantment.

My only concern with this point is that new players that like the current enchanting mechanism may find the increased level cost frustrating.
I don't have much personal experience grinding/enchanting things because it was always boring to me, so I will simply note this point for review.

- Allowing /trash in combat.
This is a command that players used to prevent enemies from retrieving spoils of war, while its convenient for a pvper who got the kill, it is not beneficial to the economy as the supply of individuals grow even larger. Weapons have a smaller chance of being removed completely from the server until the owner logs off and never plays again, or their storage is removed in Massive restore. Allowing the command back while a player is flagged as pvp true will remove potential supply stockpiling, and reducing chances of players offering lower prices because of said abundance.

This is not likely to occur. From what I have seen and understand (also based on the prior demand to have /trash disabled in combat), part of the enjoyment of PvP comes from obtaining loot from your slain opponents. Would this not damage the desire to PvP if there was an increased risk of not getting anything for your efforts to go out and raid others?

- Reducing Armor durability/Increasing Armor damage.
There are 3 ways to make this more effective.
1. Remove the 3x multiplier on armor durability, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp & darkrooms.
2. Increase Player damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in pvp.
3. Increase Mob damage to armor, increasing the chance of armor breakage in darkrooms. Currently it takes me about 3 hours of straight darkrooming to get my armor durability in the red zone.

1. This is not going to happen. We did some secret testing a month or so ago where we decreased armor durability to 2x and people IMMEDIATELY noticed and were complaining because their armor was breaking too fast.
2. I'm not sure how well player damage can be modified, especially in relation to McMMO skills, etc.
3. Balancing mobs has been a difficult act, it seems. They are either too buff or not enough, too weak or not strong enough. Last time I went darkrooming though, my armor was almost completely broken within 20 minutes - but I'm not sure how the mobs were configured at that time.

- Allow Armor to Drop upon death.
There was a time when all players except premiums would drop their armor upon death. For me, I fell multiple times in lava. Forcing me to re-purchase/make a set of god armor. If this was re-enabled, many players would lose their armor sets, being forced to interact with other players and purchase armor. This would greatly curve the stockpile of Gift4all/God armor.

I feel as though keeping armor on death helps encourage people to actually get back out there and PvP. You died? Just grab some pots, food, and weps and get back out there to defend your faction! If you start stripping people of their armor on death, you're just going to see weaker/newer players losing their armor more frequently and being ill-equipped to start up again. Somewhat of a make-the-rich-richer scheme if you may, based on the more experienced players benefiting.

This is a personal rejection of the idea, but not one from the Direction team as a whole.

- Reducing enchantments on Gift4Alls
At the end of the day, the purchase is made to support the server. There needs to be some appeal, that is why I suggest the removal of following enchantments from Gift4Alls:

Fire Aspect (From Swords)
Unbreaking (From All Gift4alls)
Infinity (From Bows)
Flame (From Bows)
This way players still have "God items" (Classified as Sharp5 for weapons, Efficiency 5 for Tools) and "Master armor" will have a higher chance for breakage. This way Gift4alls still Protect, deal the same amount of damage, and work as fast. All the wile respecting the potential saturation of the enchantment market (Which is currently non-existant because of stockpiles).

This concept can be safely rejected. Unfortunately, stripping things from the currently available items may reduce their appeal, likely reducing income from Gift4All items which is helping to pay for the server.

- More appealing forms of passive income
Currently, there are only 2 ways to directly make regals from the server to your balance.
First way is "John the Pious" and darkrooming. It has been stated countless times that darkooming is not a favorable way of earning regals, but nevertheless. It must be earned, never given away freely.
So my suggestion is to find a way to have a roleplay job system, that allows players to remain in-character, all the while offering more interaction with the roleplay enviroment that has been established. I cant think of a solid way to go about this, but eventually this should be implemented. I also think that there should be a bounty system for pvpers, with a simple command like /bounty add {Amount} {Player Name}, upon killing the player with the bounty. The overall bounty amount would be added to the player who killed the 'Outlaw'. For players who fall more into the survival part of play-style, they should be allowed to turn in an amount of materials to a Quest NPC every hour or so in exchange for regals. Essentially replacing "John the pious" and making player work a little harder for regals.

Passive income is necessary. Example: A Player will amass 10k regals and never log back online. That's 10k that will never be redistributed in the player economy. Overall, I think its important to keep all forms of server to player incomes evenly paid, and allow incomes relevant to different play-styles.

John the Pious has simply been removed and voting re-enabled which provides benefits for both players and the server. This suggestion is already being covered as Job Island is actively in the works, at which point another form of income will become available.

- Approved Lore item creation
This topic covers a different part of economics: Specialization. The suggestion is to have an application, such as there is for a warzone and stat transfers. Where players pay a certain amount to based on the quantity of lore items they want to produce. All items would have to be provided by the applicant for staff to apply the lore to.
I suggest this because the lore market is diminishing due to exhausted supply, and lack of new lore items being efficiently implemented.

Unfortunately this is not likely to occur as it would be bottlenecked by whoever is in charge of monitoring the applications. Warzones are bottlenecked by Gethelp. If he is unavailable, no war zone applications will go through. Only Rank 3 staff have the power to create lore items, and monitoring such a forum request system would likely be too time consuming. Similar concepts for custom items have been tossed around recently, but ultimately have come down to a rejection due to lack of manpower for moderation and creation of the items.

- Finding a way to prevent Alt abuse of Gift4alls
Pretty self-explanatory. If it's abuse to get regals from "John the pious" on multiple accounts. Then the same logic should be applied to Gift4alls, Players shouldn't be able to get a a chestful of items from one gift4all. It over saturates the market more than gift4alls originally were intended to. Possible by preventing players from recieving gift4alls to accounts with the same ip?@ulumulu1510

John the Pious abuse was different as it required players to manually log on to their accounts and go do the quest, intentionally flooding more "free regals" into the economy without otherwise benefiting the server. This concept has been brought up a few times and rejected based on the fact that we can't punish people just for having multiple accounts online when Gift4Alls happen.