Archived Fishing Buff

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JMD's Bitch
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Before you base this post on fishing, this also greatly affects salvage.
First, a bit of History:

Now we all know how big fishing was in its prime over a year ago, giving players the ability to fish out armors and tools, then repair and salvage it for resources. This lead to the widespread abuse and destruction of the server economy, giving players, who put in the time, fortunes. So of course, people noticed it and it became nerfed hard, making it pretty much utterly useless.

What has changed:
Now recently, there has been a new addition to mcmmo: Salvage
Back then, salvage was based entirely off your repair, and the salvaged resources would be 100% the makeup of that item: chestplate = 8 resources, pickaxe = 3, etc.
But ever since Salvage has been entered as a Child skill of both repair AND fishing, salvaging items has become almost useless for those who would used to have 600 repair to do so.

But whats the difference?
To get to lvl600, you would need 4,218,000 mcmmo experience. Instead of the 100% salvaged, now people with 600 repair get 30% back, which has hit it pretty hard, meaning that to reach 100% again, you would need lvl 2000 repair, the mcmmo experience equivalent of 42,060,000, roughly 10x as much time and resources required to reach it, or split it halfway between the useless fishing and repairing, becoming 22,060,000 mcmmo experience. We can look at this together now.
Old salvage repair requirement: 4,218,000xp
New salvage repair requirement: 42,060,000xp
New salvage with fishing repair requirement: 11,030,000+11,030,000=22,060,000

So, why was salvage changed/nerfed?
MCMMO is a separate plugin from Massivecraft, it is external and it updates on its own, far from massive craft's control, although they have lots of flexibility concerning a wide amount of configurations and limitations that can be set in place. This being said, fishing and repair are a LARGE part of salvage. Players would used to fish for armors and tools then repair and salvage those. There is a DIRECT CORRELATION from players' fishing level to their repair level and that is why they are the parent skills.
Cowboys1919: Fishing-12224, Repair-7331
Dam94: Fishing-5714, Repair-3603
Vip96: Fishing-4082, Repair-3411

But since fishing has been abused in the past, massive has DISABLED all fished treasures and now the only thing that can be fished is... well... fish! But MCMMO does not revolve around Massivecraft, it will evolve and change in its own path, and it is up to us to adapt and configure the plugin to our adaptations. The salvage child skill is DESIGNED to revolve around fishing and repair, but as of now, there is no real reason to train fishing. FISHING IS DEAD. So if its dead, why must it still maintain a large factor in our salvage? We need to either buff repair, fishing, salvage, or have some kind of compensation.

Easy, train fishing, right?
No, not easy.

Not to mention with the nerf of the items fished out, the bite chance was also terribly nerfed, about 100x less than it used to be, making it extremely hard, time consuming, boring, and non profitable to fish.

What should be buffed?
Now i understand that the implementation of fished tools and armor is destructive to the server economy, and will never be pushed, no matter how high the demand, yet it fishing still needs some kind of easier and more practical way to level up. When I say this, I mean that we do not need any profit for this skill, but a way to level it up again so that salvage can become profitable again, no matter how unprofitable fishing is or may become. So there are 2 things that can help this problem:
  • Raise the bite chance when leveling up. Back when fishing was overpowered, my bite chance was around 3.5% and i was catching fish at decent speeds to where I would gradually level up with comfort while getting numerous catches, preventing too much boredom. Other people as well gained more fish, as should happen when your fishing skill gets higher. So the first way to fix this would be to raise the bite chance again and correlate it to the fisher's skill level.
  • The Second way would be to raise the xp per caught fish. As of now, every fish gives 1000 mcmmo xp, requiring approximately 3 double chests of caught fish (~11,000) to reach lvl1000. If the xp given per caught fish was higher, then it would be more practical to actually train fishing to feed its child salvage skill.

Why should it be buffed?
The older players who were part of the massive fishing craze of the time abused fishing, and with fishing they gained armor and tools to repair, raising their repair skill, and salvage, giving them big wealth. Older players have an advantage, their repair and fishing is high enough already, and now they have nothing to worry about concerning salvaging their tools. On the other hand, players who did not abuse fishing or players who are new, have a complete disadvantage, and will always have this disadvantage when dealing with salvaging. Being the unpractical parent skill it already is, no one will want to raise fishing, its terribly boring and unprofitable, and repairing becomes tedious to train, darkrooming for hours to repair gold and leather armors only to salvage them to get less than what you repaired it for while gaining little experience. Or even hiring someone with high leveled axes to beat upon your self while wearing diamond armor, only to repair it and lose many valuable diamonds. I'd like to give those players who came after the fishing craze and those who did not abuse it to have an easier time in retaining their salvage ability to its formal potential. Those who have already abused fishing have nothing to worry about, but new players do.

In addition to this, a skill associated with fishing, "shake," is only available and in use to those older players active during the fishing craze. As of now, training fishing is increasingly hard and new players will never likely unlock and utilize this skill.

Fishing is dead.
I cannot stress enough and I will continue to repeat it, Fishing is DEAD. There is almost no profitability, no fun, no real reason to fish anymore. MCMMO was a way to make fishing just the opposite, but it became abused and severely nerfed. And nerfing it was a good choice at the time since it had no other effect on other skills. But now it has meaning in the new salvage child skill. We need to give new players and those that have not had the chance to fish in that area an easier shot at getting 100% salvage, or at least some way to make it once again profitable to salvage as it had always been.

Here's some extra statistics on old salvage and new salvage:
Old Salvage:

level req: 600 (4,218,000xp)
profitability: 100%
Profit gained from average double chest of armors: 324

New Salvage:
level Req: 250-minimum salvage, 500- 1/4 salvage, 1000-half salvage, 2000-full salvage (42,060,000xp)
profitability: min-12.5%, 1/4-25%, half-50%, full-100%
profit gained: min(only chestplates)-10, 1/4-81, half-162, full-324

In case you are wondering about how I am getting these statistics, here's the equation:
10x^2+1030x= total amount of xp required to reach given level (x).
As of now, each fish is 1000 fishing xp.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, I agree it can be rather hard to level up fishing and to some people it can get rather annoying I personally don't think it should get buffed. Fishing isn't easy its true and thats what I like about it. You have to put time and effort into leveling it up instead of fishing for five minutes and catching 20+ fish like in the old days.

Also in the vote options I saw none reading "No I disagree it shouldn't be buffed" so I'ma just add put my vote right here in my message.
Well, I agree it can be rather hard to level up fishing and to some people it can get rather annoying I personally don't think it should get buffed. Fishing isn't easy its true and thats what I like about it. You have to put time and effort into leveling it up instead of fishing for five minutes and catching 20+ fish like in the old days.

Also in the vote options I saw none reading "No I disagree it shouldn't be buffed" so I'ma just add put my vote right here in my message.
Yet fishing is now completely useless, you can slowly fish for food that you can make faster hunting or farming. Blowfish aren't viable with traits and respiration in place, and its completely unprofitable. Theres a reason why you don't see anyone fishing anymore, its a dead skill the way it is. No one will put in the time and effort for it, and this was never a problem during the fishing nerf, this problem arose when mcmmo changed up salvage.
if your problem is how quick you catch fish try
if you want to get armor and such out of fishing try
Luck Of SeaIII
trust me, it helps
i onced fished a bow out of the water, it only lacked:
  • infinity
  • 1 unbreaking lvl
  • 2 power lvl's
to be a godbow, true you won't get gold or iron, let alone dia armor out of it, but that shouldn't be a problem
if your problem is how quick you catch fish try
if you want to get armor and such out of fishing try
Luck Of SeaIII
trust me, it helps
i onced fished a bow out of the water, it only lacked:
  • infinity
  • 1 unbreaking lvl
  • 2 power lvl's
to be a godbow, true you won't get gold or iron, let alone dia armor out of it, but that shouldn't be a problem
Ok lure doesn't help as much as it should, the speed of fishing is still terribly low at an algorithm of 5-45 seconds per fish, meaning you would require over 3 days worth of endless fishing on average, excluding missed catches and lagged catches. Considering you have lure 3, the algorithm would decrease by 15 seconds (5 sec per lure lvl), giving 5-30 seconds per fish, an equivalent of over 2 days worth of endless fishing. During this endless fishing, you would receive no profit. As for your fished bow, you cannot fish tools, armors, nor books at all since mcmmo overwrites the treasure algorithm for fishing, and since it is disabled, there are no treasures or tools that will ever be fished out, only fish.
I see most people are arguing about the whole aspect of fishing, but there is a reason why no one fishes anymore, there is no reason to, there is no profit, therefore there will be no fishers that will spend the time and effort to raise their level up to 1000 and also have the dedication to raise their repair up to 1000 as it stands now.
Ok lure doesn't help as much as it should.
personal experience tells me otherwise, maybe i have just enough patience for it and you have not?
As for your fished bow, you cannot fish tools, armors, nor books at all since mcmmo overwrites the treasure algorithm for fishing, and since it is disabled, there are no treasures or tools that will ever be fished out, only fish.
then pleas explain me how i was able to fish up that bow when MCMMO overwrites the vannila stuf in terms of catching junk.
I see most people are arguing about the whole aspect of fishing, but there is a reason why no one fishes anymore, there is no reason to, there is no profit, therefore there will be no fishers that will spend the time and effort to raise their level up to 1000 and also have the dedication to raise their repair up to 1000 as it stands now.
when i was non premium (so, almost 1.5 and a half now) i have used fishing as the safer alternative for darkrooming in terms of getting xp for enchantments, while i cannot speak for others i'm sure some people see it like this just as me
personal experience tells me otherwise, maybe i have just enough patience for it and you have not?

then pleas explain me how i was able to fish up that bow when MCMMO overwrites the vannila stuf in terms of catching junk.

when i was non premium (so, almost 1.5 and a half now) i have used fishing as the safer alternative for darkrooming in terms of getting xp for enchantments, while i cannot speak for others i'm sure some people see it like this just as me
First I explained why lure doesnt help and maybe you should re-read my reply.
Second, those bows are easily gained from skeletons so maybe if ended up in your inventory without you noticing, or you walked over one and picked it up. If you did fish as much as you did as an alternative to darkrooming, then I'm sure your fishing would be a bit higher that 191, which is what it is now. So if you can please explain how this fishing xp is superior to darkroom xp and how you are still level 192 despite your claims, I'd be glad to listen to all the god bows and enchanted gear that you have recently been getting from fishing. Please save your non supported arguments for somewhere else.

In addition to this, I am currently level 353 in fishing, and have not gotten any sort of treasure rather than fish, so by your claim, either I am extremely unlucky like everyone else on the server, or you are a talented fisherman.

Now we can look at this in your perspective, allegedly you have gotten at least 1 item from fishing, and you level is 192, which is roughly 56 fish caught (56,640 xp). Now I am level 353, an equivalent of 1609 fish (1,609,680 xp). So by your logic, lets round that you will get 1 item per 60 fish caught, which means I would have received around 16 items which I have not yet fished out.

In case you are wondering about how I am getting these statistics, heres the equation
10x^2+1030x= total amount of xp required to reach given level (x).
As of now, each fish is 1000 fishing xp.
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personal experience tells me otherwise, maybe i have just enough patience for it and you have not?

then pleas explain me how i was able to fish up that bow when MCMMO overwrites the vannila stuf in terms of catching junk.

when i was non premium (so, almost 1.5 and a half now) i have used fishing as the safer alternative for darkrooming in terms of getting xp for enchantments, while i cannot speak for others i'm sure some people see it like this just as me
Just what are you on about?!?!
First I explained why lure doesnt help and maybe you should re-read my reply.
still, personal experience tells me that fishing with LureIII is quite fast
Second, those bows are easily gained from skeletons so maybe if ended up in your inventory without you noticing, or you walked over one and picked it up.
nope, i was fishing in regalia at a place almost no one ever came with an empty inventory except for some fishin rods and a bit of food, i defenitly fished that bow up.
. If you did fish as much as you did as an alternative to darkrooming, then I'm sure your fishing would be a bit higher that 191, which is what it is now. So if you can please explain how this fishing xp is superior to darkroom xp and how you are still level 192 despite your claims
There is a very simple reason why my fishing is 191 and lower then every other other stat except brewing and taming.
That reason is, while i use fishing as safer alternative to darkrooming, fishing doesn't give me regals, darkrooming does.
and when iw as darkrooming i used a bow wich explains my archery, ocasionaly i used a sword when they came close, and to explain my axes, it's only now when i'm prem, that i activly train that in my darkroom.
In addition to this, I am currently level 353 in fishing, and have not gotten any sort of treasure rather than fish, so by your claim, either I am extremely unlucky like everyone else on the server, or you are a talented fisherman.
maybe it's a bith both, i'm lucky and you are unlucky, it's only once that i catched such bow, the rest was literaly junk.
Just what are you on about?!?!
in case it wasn't clear for you, i'm against this.

still, personal experience tells me that fishing with LureIII is quite fast

nope, i was fishing in regalia at a place almost no one ever came with an empty inventory except for some fishin rods and a bit of food, i defenitly fished that bow up.

There is a very simple reason why my fishing is 191 and lower then every other other stat except brewing and taming.
That reason is, while i use fishing as safer alternative to darkrooming, fishing doesn't give me regals, darkrooming does.
and when iw as darkrooming i used a bow wich explains my archery, ocasionaly i used a sword when they came close, and to explain my axes, it's only now when i'm prem, that i activly train that in my darkroom.

maybe it's a bith both, i'm lucky and you are unlucky, it's only once that i catched such bow, the rest was literaly junk.

in case it wasn't clear for you, i'm against this.
I see you are going about this completely unsupported.
Personal experience does not matter when I give you true statistics found here:

I can come up with over 10 scenarios on how that bow could've ended up in your inventory, as an experienced darkroom user as you portray yourself to be, I think you would know that skeletons drop such bows quite frequently, and i doubt you remember the exact details in which you recall your inventory and its contents as well as where you fished it. As you describe the bow's enchantments, it is FAR from a god bow, being power3 and flame1, which I have had much experience in recieving in my time in the darkroom, yet I do not pick up these bows since they are so common to where the only ones that are of use to me are inf1 and unb3. This is where you lack any evidence and by your explanations its highly unbelievable where you pull this information out of. There is also the exception that you were fishing BEFORE the whole fishing nerf, but as of NOW, the case is that you WILL NOT recieve ANY gear except for FISH while fishing. But again, lets continue with your alleged experience.

Now if you read my explanation in the reply (yes, read the replies), you will see that your chance of getting an item to mine is 16 to 1. The explanation is there and you should consider looking at it.

If you were against this, please provide some adequately supported reasoning, I have done my part, and so should you.

My main reason for this is to give fishing back some popularity, give it a reason to be trained and also give salvage back its former utility. As of now, fishing is utterly useless and dead. No one will fish for levels any more. It is not profitable, it is no longer fun, and it is time consuming. There is a reason why it is dead, and I would like to see it alive again, not in the abuse for its gears and resources, but for its rightful influence on its child-skill: salvage.
I see you are going about this completely unsupported.
Personal experience does not matter when I give you true statistics found here:
personal experience does matter, but since you gave me these things you have proven me wrong there. i'm willing to admit that
I can come up with over 10 scenarios on how that bow could've ended up in your inventory, as an experienced darkroom user as you portray yourself to be
i don't try to portray myself as one because i'm not, and when i tell you i didn't cary a bow when i was fishing then you just have to believe me on that cause i can't prove it was like that but you can't prove the oposite(unless. time machine!)
There is also the exception that you were fishing BEFORE the whole fishing nerf, but as of NOW, the case is that you WILL NOT recieve ANY gear except for FISH while fishing.
@Theboomyfly can testify i joined the server after that nerf so that was not the case. just accept that you can fish those things up
Now if you read my explanation in the reply (yes, read the replies), you will see that your chance of getting an item to mine is 16 to 1. The explanation is there and you should consider looking at it.
now i'm feeling offended because you don't think i read your reply's. i do read them, otherwise i ould be botherd to discuss with you in this manner.
My main reason for this is to give fishing back some popularity, give it a reason to be trained and also give salvage back its former utility. As of now, fishing is utterly useless and dead. No one will fish for levels any more. It is not profitable, it is no longer fun, and it is time consuming. There is a reason why it is dead, and I would like to see it alive again, not in the abuse for its gears and resources, but for its rightful influence on its child-skill: salvage.
since it's inderectly about salvage
I think you get only 1 ingot back for a reason.
Using a Gold Block, selecting a fully repaired tool or an armor part and right-clicking the Gold Block will turn the tool to its component materials (for example, an Iron tool or armor part will be turned into the same amount of Iron used to craft the tool)
from (look i can do research too)
If your repair was high enough so you can repair, let's say, a golden chestpiece, with 4 ingots and then salvege for 8.
congratulations, you just doubled your gold. same for iron and lether.
and @CFLPlayer stop it with the evil ratings pls

did i forget anything?
yes i did forget something, the bow was flame1 unbreaking1 power3 punch2. not flame1 power3 like you said
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personal experience does matter, but since you gave me these things you have proven me wrong there. i'm willing to admit that

i don't try to portray myself as one because i'm not, and when i tell you i didn't cary a bow when i was fishing then you just have to believe me on that cause i can't prove it was like that but you can't prove the oposite(unless. time machine!)

@Theboomyfly can testify i joined the server after that nerf so that was not the case. just accept that you can fish those things up

now i'm feeling offended because you don't think i read your reply's. i do read them, otherwise i ould be botherd to discuss with you in this manner.

since it's inderectly about salvage
I think you get only 1 ingot back for a reason.

from (look i can do research too)
If your repair was high enough so you can repair, let's say, a golden chestpiece, with 4 ingots and then salvege for 8.
congratulations, you just doubled your gold. same for iron and lether.
and @CFLPlayer stop it with the evil ratings pls

did i forget anything?
I'm done arguing with your ignorant posts, I can go on all day providing supports and reasonings yet you still will not understand.
And to make it clear:
There is NO treasure reward in FISHING. It has been DISABLED. you can ask any mod, and any veteran player, it is DISABLED. This is a FACT. The only thing you will receive is FISH. There is a REASON why players DONT FISH anymore. There will be NO more debate on this subject.

Now I will add everything to the OP first thing in the morning since even through my proven supports, you remain to not understand the whole point of this post.
personal experience does matter, but since you gave me these things you have proven me wrong there. i'm willing to admit that

i don't try to portray myself as one because i'm not, and when i tell you i didn't cary a bow when i was fishing then you just have to believe me on that cause i can't prove it was like that but you can't prove the oposite(unless. time machine!)

@Theboomyfly can testify i joined the server after that nerf so that was not the case. just accept that you can fish those things up

now i'm feeling offended because you don't think i read your reply's. i do read them, otherwise i ould be botherd to discuss with you in this manner.

since it's inderectly about salvage
I think you get only 1 ingot back for a reason.

from (look i can do research too)
If your repair was high enough so you can repair, let's say, a golden chestpiece, with 4 ingots and then salvege for 8.
congratulations, you just doubled your gold. same for iron and lether.
and @CFLPlayer stop it with the evil ratings pls

did i forget anything?
yes i did forget something, the bow was flame1 unbreaking1 power3 punch2. not flame1 power3 like you said
Please stop. No offense, but you're wrong. Treasure fishing is disabled; that is nowhere near a god bow. As of 1.6 it has been possible to fish up enchanted bows, most of which are rather crappy, similar to the one you got. With mcmmo fishing you could quite literally fish up stacks of diamond blocks and God armor, which I assure you is disabled.

As for lure, yes, it helps, however it is nowhere near the effeciency of the old mcmmo bite chance.
Please stop. No offense, but you're wrong. Treasure fishing is disabled; that is nowhere near a god bow. As of 1.6 it has been possible to fish up enchanted bows, most of which are rather crappy, similar to the one you got. With mcmmo fishing you could quite literally fish up stacks of diamond blocks and God armor, which I assure you is disabled.
As for lure, yes, it helps, however it is nowhere near the effeciency of the old mcmmo bite chance.

this is the last thing that i'm going to say here and let me get this straight
I know that MCMMO is disabled! I'm was talking about Vanilla junk and treasure catches. and stop talking about that stupid bow. I used that as example.

Now i'm upset and my mood is ruined for the day.
I'm extremly forgiving and have trouble with staying angry for long under normal circumstances.
but my limits are crossed. If people don't accept my opinion then i won't accept their's. So stop quoting me unless you are willing to agree to disagree. Furthermore, i did my best to stay civil, i'm a person with feelings so bear that in mind when reading this.
Have a nice day.
DA Fox
hey ppl
My thoughts are that its should be much easier to be able to get salvage because for ppl who want to salvage should atleast be possible to get salvage xD. also once i went fishing for 5 mins with a lukeofsea2 fishing pole and didnt get anything.... :/
As for lure, yes, it helps, however it is nowhere near the effeciency of the old mcmmo bite chance.

Yeah even with my Lure 5 God Rod it still takes on average from 10 to 15 seconds to get a bite and the lag makes you miss about 50% of them.

There's a reason all my stats are over 1k EXCEPT for fishing which is a measly 260 or something. Fishing is torture.
I support the idea of increasing the amount of XP per catch. It takes too long time to level fishing currently and there are no real benefits except for getting extra hungerbars from eating fish. I am in fact a veteran player but unlike many of the others not one who've experienced the overpowered treasure catch except watching ridiculous videos of people who did benefit from it.
You could literally just keep holding your finger on right click to increase your fishing back in the days but now because of the fishing changes in 1.7? (note me if I'm wrong) it's almost impossible to get through the 1000-lvl-hell. I regret not grinding it while it still was possible...
I want to emphasize this:
darkrooming for hours to repair gold and leather armors only to salvage them to get less than what you repaired it for while gaining little experience.

It's true. Now some one explain to me why I would want to invest more resources and time into an ability than I would earn? And honestly I tried fishing and I sat there for 3 minutes with only 1 fish. A complete waste of time, and quite possible the most boring thing in minecraft. It needs to be spiced up in some way to actually give players a reason to do it.
Yeah I remember the days where you woke up, stretched and yawned, turned on your pc/laptop and stared endlessly into the pixels of slowly moving waters and numbers climbing in your inventory. Now I don't even see anyone saying "You should've seen the catch I've been getting!" I attempted to fish for several minutes, which turned into 10... Even then I still only had 7 bites. I would like to see either higher bite chance or a lot more xp.. Sometimes I don't feel like darkrooming or anything because I'm too tired so why not allow players to fish once again without falling asleep waiting.. waiting for even a nimble. +1
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I think that the you should change the exp gained per fish and the fish catching chance and like a .1 chance of loot or something. I don't think it is fair that when you spend weeks fishing then one day all of that turns to nothing because it is abusive. You should still be able to get a reward even if the chance of that is slim. So that those who do actually spend time trying to fish don't find that they just waste time. and salvage i think should be lowered because what can you do to lvl all the way up to 600 to salvage like 2 pieces of material from a chestplate. what coleman explained would in my opinion be a better idea to implement so that you can also get result from work that doesn't take like 10 bajillion repairs.
If this post is centered around salvage, don't call it Fishing Buff. Calling it Fishing Buff will just raise confusion, it would be wise to use a longer and more detailed title.
Yet to improve salvage, you would have to directly buff fishing,
or even directly buff salvage, although i don't think its possible considering it as a child skill.
Also reworded the phrase :D
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Fishing should get a buff - I personally think that maybe tweaking it so that occasional good items come out of fishing would also be nice (not like, stack of diamond every 3rd bite, like, fancy helmet ever 5,000th bite). But I'd be cool just getting more XP or more Fish. Otherwise... I don't think I even still have a fishing rod xD

Or *cough* remove mcMMO and replace it with an in-house version that remembers that fishing has nothing to do with repair... *cough cough* mcMMO y u do dis? *cough cough*
I belive that the catch rate is fine with lure, even if it isn't as fast as mcmmo fishing rate. As for treasure, luck of the sea has given me a powerful bow. A xp boost might help a bit.
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I belive that the catch rate is fine with lure now, even if it isn's as fast as mcmmo fishing rate. As for treasure, luck of the sea has given me a powerful bow. A xp boost might help a bit.
Once more to clarify, on this server you will not get any treasure. Only on vanilla minecraft will any treasure be fished. On this server, you will not gain any sort of treasure, other than fish, with any sort of luck of the sea rod. It will not happen. People do not fish anymore because it is boring. It is boring because the bite rates are TOO LOW. and on top of that, the lag makes at least half the bites missed catches, meaning that fishing is completely impractical to train.
Yes, fishing is probably the most boring thing to do. As I like doing it in real life, I do agree on the increased bite chance part. The game moves too fast for a player to spend an hour catching .5 stacks of fish.
Once more to clarify, on this server you will not get any treasure. Only on vanilla minecraft will any treasure be fished. On this server, you will not gain any sort of treasure, other than fish, with any sort of luck of the sea rod. It will not happen. People do not fish anymore because it is boring. It is boring because the bite rates are TOO LOW. and on top of that, the lag makes at least half the bites missed catches, meaning that fishing is completely impractical to train.
I have found treasure by using luck of the sea, it is rare but possible.
I was so close to having salvage... Then the update made the month I spent leveling my repair count for nothing... I really do hope they fix fishing soon so i have a chance to actually do something with my ground MCMMO... Im wishing so hard for the XP or the bite chances to go up ;~;
Well I've managed to grind to 500 in 2 days but I've been doing little else than fishing. It now takes 10 fish per level and I'm guessing at this rate I'll be done in a week maybe 2 weeks. For comparison that's about how long it takes to grind Alchemy so I have a feeling they aren't going to change anything. Won't help me anyway since I'm not waiting for an update.
Well I've managed to grind to 500 in 2 days but I've been doing little else than fishing. It now takes 10 fish per level and I'm guessing at this rate I'll be done in a week maybe 2 weeks. For comparison that's about how long it takes to grind Alchemy so I have a feeling they aren't going to change anything. Won't help me anyway since I'm not waiting for an update.
Remember that xp gain for MCMMO is exponential...
so from lvl 0-500 it takes 3,015,000xp or 3015 fish
and from lvl500 -1000 it takes 8,015,000 or 8015 fish...
so only 1 thing I can say...
have fun haha
I have to agree that fishing should be buffed, however, I also would like to point out that McMMO's implementation of the system is very different now than in the past. For example, in the past, at level 1,000, you would have a reliable source of diamond gear with almost no risk. Now, in the new system, not only do you not have that option, it isn't risk free, the current default mcmmo config will throw rather long lasting splash pots of poison at you rather often at low levels, and still has a chance to do that at higher levels. It also sometimes will just give you a primed tnt instead of a fish (which I have to admit, is terrifying if you don't know it is coming).
It is also worth noting that fishing is often how people will get food on the server, or rather it was in the past. Although now isn't insanely overpowered, but it is rather dull in the current state.
Furthermore, fishing is now a very important skill as it is a parent of the salvage ability, and trust me, nobody wants to have to get 2,000 in repair just for salvaging stuff.
So my recommendation is to bring back the treasures with the new system, even if the treasure finds aren't the same as the defaults. Being a configuration file defined detail, there is no requirement to stick with all of the defaults, as everyone probably knows who has worked with mcmmo.
Bring back fishing as something that players can enjoy, bring back some of the old excitement, but in the new, controlled way.

On a side note: I still would enjoy having the catch rates increased a little, but I don't think that it alone brings back the spark of fishing.
However, what it would do is open people up to it a bit more, and I seem to recall that people love their fish, even if they don't like fishing on the server anymore.
The nerf on fishing could not have come fast enough! Speaking from experiencing the fishing epidemic, a very strong economy that took years to develop was completely destroyed. It took weeks for fishing to actually get nerfed and in that time several players capitalized on how overpowered the skill was. MassiveCraft might has well changed its name to MassiveFishingTournament! All factions were scrambling to make the perfect fishing farms and wasting their lives away behind a fishing pole. The only way to be viable was to fish!

Minecraft is an increasingly complex game with several aspects that work well together to maintain the balance of gameplay. Fishing should not be the most viable way to profit. We were enchanting books and gear at an incredible rate. I remember at one point, 30 levels come be collected from fishing in around 60 seconds. The flooded the server with not only an extreme amount of diamonds, but enchants too.

I believe that fishing is perfect the way that it is. It is not completely useless and disallows farming of unrealistic items. The economy is still wounded to this day from fishing and requires an extended amount of time to stabilize.
Increasing the bite chance:
, but to a point where its profitable and not exploitable. MassiveCraft got enough diamonds, in my opinion.
Remember that xp gain for MCMMO is exponential...
so from lvl 0-500 it takes 3,015,000xp or 3015 fish
and from lvl500 -1000 it takes 8,015,000 or 8015 fish...
so only 1 thing I can say...
have fun haha

I've been fishing every other day and I'm already at 726. It's not as bad as you think.