
My first faction was Protectors, lead by Caed_Ger, no longer on the server.
Archeron! But before that it was named diffrently.. Under the careful rule of @DarenGalen
Had much fun there!

He learned me everything, and we are still good friends! I dont know if I have said it to him, so here it goes,

Daren, Thank you!
No idea of the name, it was some irrelevant faction in the mountains that was super laggy and almost made me quit the server. The first faction that I properly consider my first real faction, because I was in it for 2 months or so (unlike factions before it where I would stay for a month at the most), was Osai.
Joined PariahFolk on about my second or third day on the server(and yes, the player @PariahFolk was a member at one point and named himself after it when he bought a second account). Had been wandering and digging a home under the desert in Ithania. Ended up walking through PariahFolk one time and @Bakedfish426 confronted me, talked to me for a bit and invited me in(I hadn't said a word in any chat channel until then). Got to know @Oblivaify and @APEX794 , who was the current leader, as well as @JoyShake when she joined later on and @feiooos when he became active again. Was very peaceful considering it was an orc based faction. Didn't raid people unless they did something to us, and in the 6 or so months I was there, only recall Magnanimous(during the undead war) and Barjuk ever raiding us. So given the lack or raids, it was very good for a new, non premium player like me, as I had lots of time to raise stats and get money and resources without worrying about anything. Got a bit boring once I got to that point though. Most of the friends mentioned before were European, so I didn't see them all that much, I didn't get to PVP much due to our peaceful nature, none of us ever really got too interested in serious RP, and until I got officer, I only had 1 chunk in the faction to build in. Loved the architecture of that place though. Eventually Fendarfell came out and we created Brightshore, which was initially just a secondary base we had made for a change of scenery. We later put the Ithanian PariahFolk village up for auction, to allow us to claim more land in Fendarfell and because APEX was tired of the place for whatever reason. APEX took the offer of 20,000 regals from MonMarty, buying it on behalf of the server so it could be used in Guldar, as we proceeded to claim Brightshore as it's own new faction. The Guldar part never happened, but I guess the good thing that came of it is the admin claim over PariahFolk that prevents it from being griefed...it'd be painful to go back there now and see it torn apart, so that's lucky I guess.
I first joined the faction FellowShip because of a friend (computer wont let me type name) then we had a disagreement and went to A faction That is long gone now, I was a noob during these times then I went to Leyowiin owned and still owned by @bjoan I feel That i spelled the name wrong but After I don't even remember I think it was becoming a vampire and not being allowed to be one I joined Free and tried to fight OctoberGwen and after meeting @celticwitch she convinced me to apply to join Osai and well I was there for the worst of it and Sorta wish That I wasn't apart of it but I met many amazing people some who I do not get along with now and few who I still talk to from there. And was a amazing faction but yah. And after that went all down hill I joined @Miss_Confined at her faction and stayed there for a damn long time till every thing went Boom and Now I own Litigo... Fellowship taught me a lot about this server and yah.. Gonna go hide now.. -poofs-
Perhaps Hagakure rings a bell? That was the name of the city there lol. Did it have a castle in the center of a swamp and possibly a giant tree?
Hagakure actually does sound oddly familiar, but was it the name of the faction though? If it wasn't I wouldn't know about it, as I never actually made it to the /f home. (Didn't know the command), therefore I don't know how the city looked either.
Not giving you much help here, I know, sorry :D
Hagakure actually does sound oddly familiar, but was it the name of the faction though? If it wasn't I wouldn't know about it, as I never actually made it to the /f home. (Didn't know the command), therefore I don't know how the city looked either.
Not giving you much help here, I know, sorry :D
U R Hisokan bl00d just like me brother.

Not much left.
Hagakure actually does sound oddly familiar, but was it the name of the faction though? If it wasn't I wouldn't know about it, as I never actually made it to the /f home. (Didn't know the command), therefore I don't know how the city looked either.
Not giving you much help here, I know, sorry :D

I think it was in the description. I just know that your name sounds familiar and that I kicked plenty of poor noobs who had no idea what they were doing. Hmm, do you remember any player names? lol
The good old days of CivitasAurum. Left due to are leader going inactive and wanting to learn how to PvP. Wish the old Civitas would come back but the memory's shall remain forever. @spoonly Don't you agree buddy?
i meant the faction itself slowly broke up, not just me lol
Yea, we all became rather busy, and so the faction went inactive. I do plan to run it again at some point in the distant future, and keep getting bugged by people about it so I won't forget.
Well... This is going a while back...

My First faction was Mithain, a strong 50+ person faction on my First day, and I got settled in as a guard for the west gate. To this very day that place still stands there and my tower, though crumbled, still stands there, in some of its former glory. I don't remember much about Mithain, but I went inactive for 3-4 weeks after I joined, and then join a faction called Pariahfolk, lead by @feiooos and CptSabis. I fondly remember this because of the detail of the Elladorian base; a base that had been renovated by them after some dwarves abandoned it. I only remember having a small room on the 5th Hall of the Base, but that had been the best experience I'd had to that day on MC. After that, a new member called @APEX794 joined the faction, and we quickly became friends. I remember the days of walking around those halls in Ellador, then venturing outside to wander through the snow and ice of the wastes of the North. I'd met a few people on my travels around the wastes, but then, we were raided by some Vampires... (Oh the good ol' days ;D ) And then we swiftly defeated them and took their gear inside and sorted it throughout the Storage Room. We used to Drink a lot of Mead as well, and learn stuff about each other, that we possibly didn't know before...

One day, we decided to make the Ithanian outpost larger, and expand it into a base, and then lots of people moved there, and then I was the only one who stayed in Ellador, protecting the walls, out in the snow... I then went inactive because my IP to massivecraft broke (Don't even ask...) and when I came back, I built my house in the desert of Ithania. I then went and made friends with the new people who had joined the faction when I was inactive: @Knyxor , Dbees2 and Lemonyness (I don't know if Avaniswari and Mintyknight were when I came back.) Pariahfolk then fell into inactivity, and was sold, but the people still live on today...
Oh wow... It was owned by... @Rooseus ... Quite a nice welcome to be honest. Used the darkroom a lot and wasn't much help to the faction xD Since I was such a newb.
The good old days of CivitasAurum. Left due to are leader going inactive and wanting to learn how to PvP. Wish the old Civitas would come back but the memory's shall remain forever. @spoonly Don't you agree buddy?
yeah man, i agree. if only tanner was still here he would be proud to see it.

Wolfgaard. When I was a tiny new bby on the server. then @krurk gave me 200 silver to start my own faction when I worked my butt off for weeks to pay back, and Alternia was born. <3
@Sevrish Do you mean run something like Damorn? I think Damorn is the successor of Algaron in pretty much every way possible.
Absolutely not. Algaron is nothing like Damorn. All the war declarations and invasions of innocent factions for money is the complete opposite of how Algaron functioned.
This basically started as a joke I made in general chat, saying I missed my first faction (GranLaurona) and all the fun I had there ending it with #FirstFaction. I got a chain of people repeating it after me. I would like to ask everyone what their first faction was (If you remember) and what you did (Was it fun? Or Not?) and your overall experience in the first faction you joined. I'll start off with mine!

I joined GranLaurona on my 2nd week on the server (Or something like that). I was invited by @todd178 and almost got kicked on my first day for being a noob and breaking 2 glass panes, luckily for me, I wasnt kicked, instead the leader @Lizman1000 gave me work to do, keeping me an active player.

Within the month I had officer, I remember first getting officer and thinking "Wow, I'm a god now" But overall I started a rapid recruitment process boosting our numbers from 15ish to over 50 players in 1 weekend. I really enjoyed being In GranLaurona, it gave me the chance to really meet some cool people on massive and share a fun experience with them! I remember many things but the first thing that comes to mind if the singing of songs in faction chat (@Mortifarious) <-- Also helped Gran realize we had a river and could actually fish in it :P

I remember constantly being raided by @Assembly123 for reasons I dont even remember, I remember always calling in Algaron or Magnanimus to fight my battles for me, I remember Eldergods and my constant raids on them. I remember Raptum raiding GranLaurona almost every day at one point. I remember a lot, seeing @starkiller_117 (In Iron armor and only using speed & posion and a wooden hoe) take on warlord_hobbs (Fully god armored, fully potted) and actually killing him. I remember @KSTRandom and all the good times we had.

Now its your turn massivecraft community!

Ah, sweet Gran. One of the few factions I resided in that did not make me want to rip my hair out.
Absolutely not. Algaron is nothing like Damorn. All the war declarations and invasions of innocent factions for money is the complete opposite of how Algaron functioned.
Well, how are you going to build Algaron again? It needs to be at the very least better than the original Algaron city.
Well I joined this scrub named @mulligan3000 fac who turned out to be a greedy dictator, (love u bby) he inspired me to become a greedy dictator so @tcarey @borhom7 and @nilypilly we all started a rebellion and created libertem where we built stuff and things... Then the original arthain went to war with us and so did 9thlegion and a few others. We joined the Republic of Pulse (The faction did) and Protoshred made people leave us alone then nilypilly went inactive so I was made leader and fast forward became a greedy dictator in Orianis (renamed formally libertem) got my ass saved by Thealyn namely @MDJ @tommytog @MrPointyToe and @Xiplu from @Tuxyz and @Lavachekiri continued to do things make stuff got pissed at noob players and dealing with them. made Dominion joined Magnanimus left Magnanimus and here I am today in Deldrimor (Renamed from Dominion)
Whats wrong with algarons city. it looks amazing one of the best Faction cities i've Seen. And atleast its finished The interior of damorns city is still unfinished
Damorn will never be finished... Well, it doesn't need to be. It's a fully functional city with everything we need, and it looks better than pretty much anything else on the server

Also, @Sevrish it's not random invasion of factions, almost all of our war declarations are against people who will actively fight us back, or those large enough to work toward a large goal at the end of said wars. If it was random invasion, surely we would be enemied to everyone on the server? Anyways, this is going off track of the thread, and for that I am sorry, I just wished to get my point across
Damorn will never be finished... Well, it doesn't need to be. It's a fully functional city with everything we need, and it looks better than pretty much anything else on the server

Also, @Sevrish it's not random invasion of factions, almost all of our war declarations are against people who will actively fight us back, or those large enough to work toward a large goal at the end of said wars. If it was random invasion, surely we would be enemied to everyone on the server? Anyways, this is going off track of the thread, and for that I am sorry, I just wished to get my point across
Well the exterior looks nices but interior is just a big construction site
I cannot remember the name of the faction, but I remember its people. It was zanip that first told me about this server and who brought me here. crackpotatoe was our leader at the time. We were settled in Eastern Daendroc. I remember starting out as a builder (something I kinda sticked to ;3) First house I build there impressed them a little I believe. I remember there was alot of fighting between man and vampires. (lucky I was an elf at the time) I did try build a temple to help cure people. Never actualy got to finish it though. The server I came from was still up back then. And I sorta returned to it till it got taken down. (owner left). After that tried to come back but, I wanted to live amongst my own kin. So I moved on.

I then joined the faction I call home till this very day. Though it was named different back then. Rivendell was the name I believe. Tony371 was its leader. Took me a long time but I did eventualy jumped the ranks to become a leader myself. Having changed from Rivendell to Avallone and now into Evelance. I have had many great experiences. And truth be told. Every place I once lived still stands today. Even that first house I build.
Whats wrong with algarons city. it looks amazing one of the best Faction cities i've Seen. And atleast its finished The interior of damorns city is still unfinished
Algaron's city is definitely not as nice as Damorn. Also, Algaron is not finished, while Damorn might be finished out.
STEADFAST!! Most underated faction on the server, remembered by no one sadly