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First Decree Of Intent By Sanguine Councillor Ringmaster


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score

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To the lovely Sanguinic everyfolk of New & Old Crookback,
On your behalf, it is my utmost honor to finally evolve and become the highest level of bloodsucking parasite that both you and I could never hope to match before: a politician. As the newly elected Vampire Representative to the Crookback Council, I find it of utmost urgency to present my interests and to do what I can for the Sanguine of a place that is finally in the right hands, all thanks to the Ravenlord! I eagerly await the election of the other Sanguine Councillor, so that we may work out a future together.

A couple of my intended "planks" of the platform, subject to updates:

  1. Vampires are being made legal again, though this has essentially already been agreed upon by the Council! No more do we have to hide in dark corners because of those who fear us.
  2. I intend to make the construction and vandalization of holy sites legal again. Build and destroy to your heart's content, for faith is a contest of strength over the weak and unworthy.
  3. Plants are their most beautiful when exposed to Magic - I will seek to have magical alteration/corruption of greenery also made legal!
  4. Anyone who intends or attempts to collaborate (or is already collaborating) against Crookback with the Metropolitan, Knights, Purists, Dracophiles, or other entities opposed to the current Crookback Council automatically consents to becoming permanent blood cattle for Vampires if discovered. To the truly loyal Vampires, hunt these traitors to your heart's content.
  5. Crookback is a depressing shithole, it needs color and fun along its grey walls. I will be supporting an "arts program" to add some vibrancy and creativity to this place, by allowing artists and creatives to propose their projects to the Council. Vampire-themed projects will get special treatment from yours truly.
  6. Vampires that decide to follow up on the Lord Regent's newest proclamation by seeking an inquest for legality will neither face prosecution nor be given protection by yours truly, as I believe that the Vampire communities are smart enough to handle these individuals themselves. However, you will be brutally reprimanded if your inquest trial involves treason against the Council or your fellow Vampires.
  7. Coven Heads and independent Vampires are able to arrange meetings with both Sanguine Councillors to provide their voices on suggested policies. This will go into effect once there are two Sanguine Councillors.
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Have a lovely day,

The Ringmaster
Sanguine Councillor to the Crookback Council
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Somewhere while reading this, Drulailmon - who was slouched over then - had their back seized to straighten up. Its clawed digits raked over points #2 and #3 particularly.
Aylin ignored the blue, judgmental stare casted across the dinner table as a familiar bird swept in through the open window and perched upon her shoulder, delivering several pieces of paper of Crookback origins. Plucking a copy of the decree up between her fingers, her eyes roved over the contents, tilting her head as her thumb tapped against point number #4, "Ooooo.. heheh, ahem, 'Anyone who intends or attempts to collaborate against Crookback with the Metropolitan, Knights, Purists, Dracophiles, or other entities opposed to the current Crookback Council automatically consents to becoming permanent blood cattle for Vampires.' Frooom Ringmaster." Aylin glanced up to the others seated at the table, passing over Avaineiral to settle upon Camilla with a smug, delighted dimpled smirk as she idly handed the paper off towards Trent beside her, "Whatcha think of that?"
@Ailethi @Vegemiite @trent_rouls
Aylin ignored the blue, judgmental stare casted across the dinner table as a familiar bird swept in through the open window and perched upon her shoulder, delivering several pieces of paper of Crookback origins. Plucking a copy of the decree up between her fingers, her eyes roved over the contents, tilting her head as her thumb tapped against point number #4, "Ooooo.. heheh, ahem, 'Anyone who intends or attempts to collaborate against Crookback with the Metropolitan, Knights, Purists, Dracophiles, or other entities opposed to the current Crookback Council automatically consents to becoming permanent blood cattle for Vampires.' Frooom Ringmaster." Aylin glanced up to the others seated at the table, passing over Avaineiral to settle upon Camilla with a smug, delighted dimpled smirk as she idly handed the paper off towards Trent beside her, "Whatcha think of that?"
@Ailethi @Vegemiite @trent_rouls
Trent looked on silently as she read the notice, before scratching the back of his neck "I think that its almost like, voting for Haqet could only end poorly! How do they define collaborating? Are they gonna just snatch everyone off the street because they hung out with any of those groups? What about those that already live in crookback? It almost just sounds like an excuse to round everyone up" The man said with a light smirk at first, before it turned slightly sour, this definitely seemed as if it wouldn't be ending well, after all, what if there were those in those groups that called crookback home? time would tell as the man let out a sigh "Wait isn't the ringmaster that clown one?"
The Allorn curled in fingers of a now returned hand, phantom pains of the once lost limb at the mention of the sanguine who had harmed him, averting the aforementioned judgement of his daughter for the time being. "Now will you listen when I say anything behind those walls are nothing but filth?"
Dwarf in black armour arrived upon the decree, nodding as he read it
"You know what. Duindin deserves to have statue in Crookback. And if anyone dares to desecrate it, I have Blackmark company to teach them lesson. I like this program"
He then finished reading the decree before leaving