Preserved Sheet Finwe Mineldur - Character Application

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Character Application - Finwe Mineldur

Basic Info:

Full Name:
Finwe Erakon Mineldur

Age: 160 Years Old

Gender: Male

Race: Isldar

Main Ambition: Heroics

Special Permission: Soul Magic, Snatch Soul, Mage level, (future expert after he gets older),

Basic Info: (Expanded)][/B]

Position In Regalia: Finwe moved to Regalia after escaping a prison where he had been captured by pirates. He lives in Regalia because he believes it safer to work on his projects there than in the wild. Currently, his occupation is an inventor, and he wanders throughout Regalia during the day attempting to sell his creations, but he aspires to become a guard so he can help people and test his inventions occasionally at the same time, legally. He hasn't had much luck so far, so he lives in a small house in the slums.

Upbringing: Finwe was raised in the wild of Daendroc in a small community of other Isldar who lived in trees. His father taught him archery from a young age. He grew up with his parents, grandfather, and sister. His father was busy on patrol or hunting most of the time, so Finwe didn't see him, but they bonded when he was taught archery. During an attack, his grandfather was killed and his parents were kidnapped by qadir. He spent most of his life alone, whether he was working on a project in the wild, or captured in a prison.

Secondary Ambitions: Creativity and knowledge. Finwe values knowledge and invention above all except for helping people.

Visual Info:

Eye Color: Ice Blue

Hair Color: White

Hair Style: Long, messy

Skin Color: Pale grey

Clothing: Light and baggy navy blue robe with a thin blue shirt underneath, grey pants, and black boots. He has a pendant on his neck but it's obscured by his shirt, so no one knows what it is.

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 160 Pounds

Body Build: Light

Weapon of Choice: Typically bow and dual daggers, occasionally clawed armored gloves.

Body: 6'10, long and muscular arms from archery, light but not skinny, with a small amount of muscle. Overall in very good shape, but not very strong or powerful. He has an old injury in his left knee that is a major weakness, and although he doesn't walk with a cane, a strike to that location could heavily cripple him. He has a torn right ear, but he has grown his hair to cover it. He is covered on his back in scars and burns, and has a branding of a broken arrow on his chest.

Clothing: Finwe prefers thin, loose-fitting clothing and his preferred color is navy blue. He usually wears forearm-length daggers in sheaths underneath his sleeves and carries a bow and a quiver on his back.

Voice: Finwe usually talks very quickly when he is attempting to make a sale, but otherwise talks at a normal speed, thoughtfully. He calculates what he is going to say ahead of time if he plans on speaking quickly to sell something, and he speaks normally or slightly slower when he is not prepared.

Personality Traits and Abilities:

Personality Traits:

Finwe has a curious and inquisitive nature that often causes him to find himself in a bad situation. He is known for snooping around in places whether he belongs there or not, and gets involved in problems that aren't any of his business. If there is a fight in the street, tavern, or anywhere else, it's a safe bet Finwe will be there, trying to get to the bottom of it. Some may call him nosy, but Finwe really just wants to help.

Finwe is a very calculating person, always carefully studying what someone else says to judge how he should respond. He is very strategic and thoughtful with his words, and has trouble talking quickly unless he has already planned out what he is going to say. Also, he has trouble when facing completely and totally new and unexpected situations, for example, a bard using his instrument as a weapon, or a fishermanman using his rod as a cane after injuring his leg, and has difficulty responding to these kind of situations, as he overthinks them. He often uses these situations as inspiration for new ideas and creations.

Finwe is naturally suspicious to the point of borderline paranoia. In his line of work, he has to constantly talk to people he doesn't know, and while he acts friendly, he is analyzing their every move, looking for anything that shows malicious intent. This is a drawback of his incredible intelligence and memory, because he always begins to think through every possible outcome before entering a situation.

Finwe loves his family, and has some friends, but sadly his true nature is to be alone. He can't focus as well around other people, and due to his paranoia he is afraid they will steal his ideas and claim them as their own. With the combination of his race, personality, occupation, and the events that have happened in his life, he has a general distrust of everyone except his close family and few friends, and pushes people away if they get too close to him as he doesn't want anyone else in his inner circle. Finwe's loneliness is a partial result of the pain he endured throughout his life, leaving him emotionally traumatized, and a partial result of himself, but he tries not to let it affect him.

Finwe has a rather large ego, and has been goaded into several fights based on various people insulting his intelligence, his career, or other things about him. He is not a particularly humble man, and has no problem telling people of the good he can do. He has more trouble admitting his flaws, as he doesn't believe anyone of a lesser intelligence qualified to judge him in any way. Finwe believes that he is always right, and most of the time the situation escalates before he can prove his point peacefully.

Finwe has never given up on a project, and he has solved every puzzle he's come across. He completely believes in his heart that he can solve any challenge, and survive whatever his thrown at him, and for good reason, as through his life this has been true. He believes he can do anything, and although he can't, he is willing to find a way around any problem he can't solve instead of going directly through it. Finwe has pushed through everything fate has thrown in his way, and he won't stop now.

Finwe values helping people above all else, particularly those that can't help themselves. He believes that if he had lived in Regalia as a child, with guards to keep the peace, instead of in the wild, he may have had a better life, and he doesn't wish his life on anyone. Finwe thinks that he is the perfect person the Regalian guards are looking for, and that due to his personality and abilities, he could make a difference in the world for the better. He may be slightly misguided, and he may have his flaws, but deep down what he wants is to make sure that everyone he meets has a better life than he did.

Finwe's history of interaction with other people has made him very pessimistic and sarcastic, and he is never very excited about anything. He often uses sarcasm to hide the fact that he has nearly given up on everything in his life, whether it be his family coming back, his career, or his goals of joining the Regalian guards. Finwe's sarcasm and smart mouth has gotten him into trouble before, and it won't be the last time, as its s major part of his personality. His friends and family have told him he should be friendlier to people, but he doesn't agree with them because he thinks it's too late for him to change.


Finwe has had a keen intellect ever since he was a young child, when he learned to build a fishing rod just by observing a fisherman at the stream. When he was 18, shortly after his parents were taken by the qadir, he began designing weapons, starting with a knife sheath that attached to your forearm under your sleeve. He has also learned how to pick locks by building them and disassembling them, and designed a door that is hidden inside of a wall, opening with the flip of a secret switch. In combat, he uses these abilities to predict opponents' attacks based on their most likely action. He desires to use his gift to help people, and make money at the same time.

Skilled Fighter
Finwe is a skilled fighter in multiple different weapons, typically of his creation. He usually starts a battle by firing shots from his bow until the attacker is close enough to Finwe for him to draw his dual daggers and fight with those. Occasionally, he uses armored metal gloves with claws. His combat weaknesses include, he is highly weak against magic, especially fire magic due to his flammable clothing and pyrophobia, and long, drawn-out battles that test his endurance.

Finwe is light and agile, able to run quickly, climb, jump, duck, and dodge things with easy. He gained this ability from living in a forest, in tree houses, where he climbed back and forth between trees. Finwe always has made sure to stay in good physical shape, but not gain enough muscle weight to slow him down, although this comes at a cost of not being very powerful.


Finwe is thin and light, meaning he can't take many hits and is easily overpowered by brute force. He had trained his mind to predict attacks so he is hit as minimally as possible, but when fighting more than one opponent or a skilled one, he loses focus. Finwe also has an extremely weak left knee that can run and move easily, but can permanently cripple him if hit badly or often enough.

Trauma and Fears
Finwe has had a life full of ups and downs, and unfortunately, the downs include assault, capture, and torture at the hands of an elf-hating crew of pirates, in addition to a fear of fire. He doesn't deal well with events that remind him of these things, and has been known to nearly shut down completely if his fears are triggered. Finwe has several phobias, whether they have been given to him by experience, or he is just afraid of them by nature. They include a fear of fire, because at a young age his village was attacked with fire, a fear of being enclosed and unable to escape, due to being locked in various prison cells for much of his life, and a fear of Void Possession, as he grew up hearing horror stories of the Shendar and the evil things they became after possession. Finwe has faced his fears before, such as rushing below the deck on a burning ship to save his nephew Altior, but without intense motivation to pull him out, he sometimes loses track of where he really is and is taken back into another situation, as a result of his perfect memory. Things that trigger him into this state include large or out of control fires, being captured and unable to escape or move, the emblem of the broken arrow used by the pirate gang who tortured him, someone saying the exact words one of the pirates said, seeing a person hurt someone without purpose or for entertainment, and seeing void-possessed people. Also, qadir do not trigger this exact state, but can cause him to become on edge and nervous, not thinking as clearly or rationally. It can never be predicted which horrible menory he will return to or what causes him to be triggered into this state, unless he has told the person, and then, and only then, can the person pull him out of it, and as Finwe doesn't tell many of the things that have happened to him, only his close inner circle or himself can bring him back to the real world. Finwe's friend Adyos is a Hex Mage and is searching for a cure, but as many of them will permanently alter Finwe's mind, he wants no part of it.

• Large or Heavy Weapons
Due to Finwe's weapon choice, he is easily overpowered by medium length weapons such as halberds, spears, pikes, greatswords, and similar weapons. He is also weak against thick, heavy weapons such as clubs as he doesn't possess the strength to block a strike from them with his dagger, and often resorts to using his arms to protect himself. Blunt weapons such as a staff also give him a challenge, as his daggers can be stuck in the weapon if he is not careful. When faced with these weapons, Finwe typically retreats backward and uses his bow to either cover his escape or try to finish off the target.

• Depression

Some days, Finwe sinks into a dark gloomy state, also brought on through the pain in his life. He ends up having trouble even leaving his home as he can't find the reason for anything on his life. This does not happen every day, but usually happens after a failure or tragedy. Finwe typically cannot be pulled out of this state until he does something he believes is completely successful and worthwhile. He combats even entering this state by constantly attempting to help people and create things that are successful, which he believes gives his life meaning.


Finwe greatly enjoys designing and constructing inventions and perfecting them to the last meticulous detail. When he finally finished and perfects a project, he feels a great sense of accomplishment and has catalogued all of his designs so his work may continue after he is gone. He has designed a tower once for a small town in Teled Methen, and he felt even more proud as he thought the tower would stand forever, a lasting monument to his achievements. The tower was destroyed by raiders several weeks later.

Finwe enjoys listening to Bards at the tavern or wherever else he may find them, as a good song will leave him happy or relaxed for the rest of the day. Every time he hears a song, it reminds him of his first day in Regalia, his first day of freedom in years.

Finwe enjoys hunting, and believes nothing tastes better than a meal you caught, killed, and cooked yourself. Hunting takes him back to the days of his childhood, before his parents were taken from him. He typically hunts with a bow, but also enjoys using traps he designs. He enjoys many parts of hunting, including outsmarting his prey, shooting a bow, and testing out traps.

Helping People
Nothing makes Finwe as happy as going to sleep in the night knowing that he had improved someone's life that day, whether it be selling them an invention, saving their life, or arresting someone dangerous. He feels when he helps people it gives his life meaning that it didn't have before.


Finwe despises alcohol, both the taste and the effect of it. This is partially a natural preference and partially due to his past, as when he was captured the pirates would get drunk and beat him for entertainment. He doesn't judge others for drinking it, but he will never touch the substance again in his life.

Finwe also doesn't enjoy Opium, as he doesn't approve of anything that affects your mind artificially, and refuses to enter the Opium lounge in the tavern. Unlike with alcohol, he will not hesitate to judge someone for smoking Opium, as he believes that if he can stop enough people from using it, then it will die out and no one will again.

Finwe hates qadir with a burning passion, as they have caused nothing but trouble through his life. They took his parents when Finwe was young, took over Regalia when some of his family was there, causing them to nearly be sold into slavery, and their hatred of elves makes Finwe have a hate for any and all qadir.

Harmful Mages
Finwe doesn't like Mind Mages, as he believes his mind is his strongest and most powerful asset, and even though only the more powerful Mages can affect Finwe's mind, he tends to avoid them whenever possible. Finwe also is afraid of fire, and consequently Fire Mages. Mind Mages cause Finwe to feel threatened and uneasy, and wishes for all harmful magic such as Hex Magic to die out completely, although he completely approves of good or helpful mages, such as Lyre Magic, Sight Magic, Light Magic, Shadow Magic if used correctly, and String Magic, although he hates the Coercion Strings sub school.


Altior Blavetti - Nephew (My Char)
Finwe met Altior Blavetti when he was imprisoned by pirates, and they are close friends now.
Myriam Blavetti - Younger Sister (NPC)
Finwe grew up with his sister, but has not seen her in many years.
Kieran and Renna Mineldur - Parents (NPC)
Finwe has not seen his parents since he was young, when they were taken by the qadir.
Adyos Vranas - Friend (My Char)
Finwe met Adyos when he, Altior, and Kuenre were kidnapped by his Mage society, but after a rocky start they are friendly towards each other now. Their relationship is strained by the fact that Adyos is a mind Mage, a kind of person Finwe doesn't like.
Kuenre Bonami - Good Friend
(My Char)
Finwe met Kuenre when he was imprisoned by pirates, and Kuenre led the escape, forming a bond between him and Finwe.
Chengis - Enemy (@Martyr_321)
Finwe has never met Chengis, but he hates him for assaulting his nephew for no particular reason, although he chose not to be involved in the plot to frame Chengis for two murders, as he believed Altior and Adyos had gone too far.

Update for Relations!

• Nigel Hotch - Enemy
Finwe witnessed Nigel attack a young woman in the street, before being stabbed, and intervened, shooting Nigel twice in the knee and back. He found out about Nigel's survival and informed all of his contacts of Nigel and his deeds.

• Maelstrom T - Enemy
When Finwe attacked Nigel, he had been aiming for Maelstrom, who was involved in the attack, Finwe didn't know how, and had insulted Finwe's intelligence, typically the last mistake someone makes. Finwe wanted to kill both of them, but unfortunately, he didn't have a clear shot, and had to settle for Nigel instead, although he was already wounded.

Early Childhood
Finwe was born to Kieran and Renna Mineldur, who were both nearly one hundred when he was born. His grandparents on both sides, save for his grandfather on his mother's side, died before he was born. Finwe grew up in the jungle in Daendroc, with a small, tight-knit community of elves who lived in tree houses. When Finwe was only eight years old, he began learning archery from his father. When he was ten, he learned how to build a fishing rod just by watching his grandfather use one. As a child, he only liked to tinker and take things apart, but as he got older, his gift became much more advanced, and he began designing weapons and equipment for his family and the other elves in the community.

Young Adulthood
His sister Myriam was born when he was fifteen, and at the age of thirty, very young for an elf, his village was attacked by the qadir, and everyone but his sister and him were taken. The qadir has set fire to the trees they lived in, causing the elves that didn't escape in time to die crashing to the ground with their home on top of them. The elves that did make it out either died from the heat and smoke or were cut down by arrows. Whoever survived all of that was taken alive, presumably to be held in prison for the rest of their life. Finwe left Daendroc in shame and guilt, leaving his sister and destroyed home behind, and traveled to Ithania. There, he spent all of his time creating things to take his mind off of his grief. He lived there for 20 years, designing various inventions, before the blacksmith that helped him with his projects betrayed him to elf-hating pirates.

The pirates found Finwe's small home and ransacked it, taking all of his projects and him, and burning his house down. They took him to a hideout on the coast of Daendroc, where they locked him in a prison cell on a cliff, that had three walls. The only escape was through the locked and guarded door, or off the cliff. They tortured him to try to get him to build his inventions for pirates, and branded him with their insignia, a broken arrow in the shape of an X. One day, he decided to try to escape. He used the hard piece of cloth he slept on and pulled out his hair to use as rope. He tried to glide off the cliff and above the water, but he didn't make it ten feet before he began spiraling downward, landing knee-first into a wooden house, breaking through the wall and crashing to the hard floor. The pirates found him and returned him to his cell, crippled and beaten. Finwe had given up completely, and was near the point of throwing himself off the cliff and onto the hard ground below, but just as he was about to leap to the sweet release of death, a guard ran into his room and grabbed him, then threw him into a pit next to their other prison. They fed him just enough food to keep him alive, and the pirates would occasionally beat him, not for information, but for entertainment when they were drunk. One day, Finwe heard a commotion above him and two new prisoners were thrown into his cell, a Tigran, and the man who turned out to be his nephew, Altior Blavetti.

With the help of his two friends, Finwe escaped the prison after spending 60 years of his life being tortured and beaten, and took over the fort, killing all the pirates. They took over a qadir warship, and loaded if with as much treasure as they could find, then set off. Unfortunately, a group of mysterious mages kidnapped them in the night, and took their treasure before sinking their ship. Altior led the takeover of the ship, locking the mages in the brig. They were revealed to be some of Kuenre's former crew, and their ship was so overloaded with treasure it could barely move, and was beginning to sink. They were forced to dock at Jorrhildr and take over a new ship, and they finally set sail back for Regalia, planning on selling the mages into slavery to the qadir and then returning to Altior's kingdom in Teled Methen. Sadly, Finwe's struggles were not over, as the Kades and the Regalian Empire had taken over again. They arrested Kuenre and Altior, as they were known criminals, and the mages escaped, leaving Finwe to take the ship full of treasure back to Teled Methen. He stopped at the tavern first, waiting for several hours hoping Altior and Kuenre would escape. They didn't, and Finwe set off for Delatia, Altior's kingdom, with the treasure. He arrived there and instead of finding a city, he found ruins.

Return to Regalia
Finwe decided to live on the ship for a while, traveling from place to place collecting parts and supplies, rebuilding all of his lost inventions and more. After around fifteen years, he returned to Regalia. He found Altior living on the street. Altior told him that they been broken out of jail by the mages, one of whom turned out to be Adyos. The mages had taken Altior and trained him, and revealed that many of his memories of his childhood were fakes, planted by Hex Mages, and that Altior had spent most of his life being trained as a Shadow Mage. Altior used his money to rebuild Delatia, and he invited Finwe to live there, but he declined, as he wanted to live on his own, and not have to be taken care of. He moved into the poor district of Regalia, selling his inventions and making just enough to live off of, until one day his life was saved by a guard. From then on, he decided to work towards becoming a guard, and he realized that if he helped people, they wouldn't end up like him, with the best years of their life spent tortured or captured. Finwe made up his mind and now tries to help people whenever possible, and has devoted his life to making the world, or at least Regalia, a better place.

War and the Soul Book
Finwe was asked by his nephew Altior to fight in a battle against Satabus Vranas, the evil son of their friend Adyos. During the battle, Altior's wife Aria was stabbed by Satabus, resulting in Altior brutally killing him. Before Satabus was killed, Altior found a book in his pocket that was said by Adyos to be the last Soul Book, and almost all that was left of Soul Magic. Altior entrusted Finwe with the book, hoping that with his gifted mind he would be able to make sense of the book. With the help of a Mage cult known as the Phoenix Society, Finwe began studying Soul Magic for the next twenty years.
requesting re review with soul magic @Lore
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • The tallest an Isldar can be is 6'6", which means he's four inches too tall.
  • If he's a soul mage, he won't be able to have any sort of skill or prowess with the bow or daggers that he carries.
  • How does someone even get armored gloves with sharp ends on the fingers? Did he make it? Did he have it custom made and bought from the black market? Please specify that in the life story.
  • The minimum length of personality traits is 4-5 sentences, while you only have 3 on some of them.
  • I consider being suspicious as a positive trait because it just helps him to be more careful or cautious with things. With that as one of his traits, it makes it less likely for bad things to happen. However, there's an easy fix to this! You are two over the requirement for personality traits, so you can just remove that one and another positive one to get your 3 required positive traits and your 3 required negative traits.
  • How is he heroic and arrogant at the same time? If he believes others to be inferior to him, what motivates him to save their lives?
  • As said before, he can't be a skilled fighter with physical weapons whilst also being a soul mage, as practicing magic takes up a lot of time; so much time that they wouldn't be able to practice with weapons. Replace this strength.
  • Having a weak body as a mage is a given, so I'm going to ask you to either replace or remove this weakness.
  • I can't really see his phobias or traumas being played out as a weakness IC. The only actual reason this could hinder him is if he was in the middle of a battle and suddenly flashed back to when he was on the pirate ship. I'm going to ask you to replace this.
  • Trim your life story please. The maximum word count is 900 words for a life story, and you have over 1,100.
  • I'll have a few more edits for you after you do these ones (mainly because of the major edit I requested to the life story).
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • The tallest an Isldar can be is 6'6", which means he's four inches too tall.
  • If he's a soul mage, he won't be able to have any sort of skill or prowess with the bow or daggers that he carries.
  • How does someone even get armored gloves with sharp ends on the fingers? Did he make it? Did he have it custom made and bought from the black market? Please specify that in the life story.
  • The minimum length of personality traits is 4-5 sentences, while you only have 3 on some of them.
  • I consider being suspicious as a positive trait because it just helps him to be more careful or cautious with things. With that as one of his traits, it makes it less likely for bad things to happen. However, there's an easy fix to this! You are two over the requirement for personality traits, so you can just remove that one and another positive one to get your 3 required positive traits and your 3 required negative traits.
  • How is he heroic and arrogant at the same time? If he believes others to be inferior to him, what motivates him to save their lives?
  • As said before, he can't be a skilled fighter with physical weapons whilst also being a soul mage, as practicing magic takes up a lot of time; so much time that they wouldn't be able to practice with weapons. Replace this strength.
  • Having a weak body as a mage is a given, so I'm going to ask you to either replace or remove this weakness.
  • I can't really see his phobias or traumas being played out as a weakness IC. The only actual reason this could hinder him is if he was in the middle of a battle and suddenly flashed back to when he was on the pirate ship. I'm going to ask you to replace this.
  • Trim your life story please. The maximum word count is 900 words for a life story, and you have over 1,100.
  • I'll have a few more edits for you after you do these ones (mainly because of the major edit I requested to the life story).
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
okay so since I had this approved already, and then added soul magic to it, is there any way I can just remove the soul magic stuff and go back to it being approved? Because I appreciate your time and help but the last two guys (LumosJared and EsgyWalrasaur) who approved this had no problem with any of this. Again, I do appreciate your help but I'm really busy both OOC, IC, and IRL so I don't really want to have to redo my whole application just for soul magic
okay so since I had this approved already, and then added soul magic to it, is there any way I can just remove the soul magic stuff and go back to it being approved? Because I appreciate your time and help but the last two guys (LumosJared and EsgyWalrasaur) who approved this had no problem with any of this. Again, I do appreciate your help but I'm really busy both OOC, IC, and IRL so I don't really want to have to redo my whole application just for soul magic
Most of the problems I have are because of the combination of both physical skill and magical skill, which is not possible. If you revert your app to exactly what it was before you tagged it for re-review, then it should get approved no problem.
Most of the problems I have are because of the combination of both physical skill and magical skill, which is not possible. If you revert your app to exactly what it was before you tagged it for re-review, then it should get approved no problem.
Not exactly, I would still have to rework the life story, redo traits, etc.
  • I can't really see his phobias or traumas being played out as a weakness IC. The only actual reason this could hinder him is if he was in the middle of a battle and suddenly flashed back to when he was on the pirate ship. I'm going to ask you to replace this.
  • Trim your life story please. The maximum word count is 900 words for a life story, and you have over 1,100.
  • The tallest an Isldar can be is 6'6", which means he's four inches too tall.
  • How does someone even get armored gloves with sharp ends on the fingers? Did he make it? Did he have it custom made and bought from the black market? Please specify that in the life story.
  • The minimum length of personality traits is 4-5 sentences, while you only have 3 on some of them.
  • I consider being suspicious as a positive trait because it just helps him to be more careful or cautious with things. With that as one of his traits, it makes it less likely for bad things to happen. However, there's an easy fix to this! You are two over the requirement for personality traits, so you can just remove that one and another positive one to get your 3 required positive traits and your 3 required negative traits.
  • How is he heroic and arrogant at the same time? If he believes others to be inferior to him, what motivates him to save their lives?
Just do these ones if you're removing soul magic.
Just do these ones if you're removing soul magic.
I removed everything soul-magic related, and elaborated on the Arrogant trait so it makes it clear that he doesn't think he's better than people, he just can't take people insulting him (particularly his intelligence)
The thing with the glove is something I already heavily discussed with the last reviewer. I wasn't aware of the 3 positive and 3 negative rule, but I will look at his traits. Suspicious is mixed because it makes him suspicious and distrustful of his friends and family.
I removed everything soul-magic related, and elaborated on the Arrogant trait so it makes it clear that he doesn't think he's better than people, he just can't take people insulting him (particularly his intelligence)
The thing with the glove is something I already heavily discussed with the last reviewer. I wasn't aware of the 3 positive and 3 negative rule, but I will look at his traits. Suspicious is mixed because it makes him suspicious and distrustful of his friends and family.
I found the trait that had 3 sentences and added one. All of them have at least four now, I think most have five. it's now exactly the way it was before when I had him approved but a little better now. @Aespair
@Aespair I fixed everything except for the life story being too long, and the fears weakness. The other things, I either elaborated on so they were okay, or straight up fixed. I didn't fix the fear weakness because the last guy actually said he liked it and so ...also the life story thing doesn't really matter so I left it alone.
Last edited:
@Aespair I fixed everything except for the life story being too long, and the fears weakness. The other things, I either elaborated on so they were okay, or straight up fixed. I didn't fix the fear weakness because the last guy actually said he liked it and so ...also the life story thing doesn't really matter so I left it alone.
@Aespair wait so did we finish this? because the Review in Progress pre fix went away...but doesn't say approved. are you still waiting for me to edit the life story?...because I thought it would be fine since the last two reviewers didn't care but I guess I can edit if I really need to
I'm still an Aspirant which means I can't approve apps on my own. Patience, the answer will come soon.
Though I would recommend replacing the fear weakness if you want a guaranteed approval.