Archived Financial Transaction History & Improved Trade

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Astronaut, Reverend and Millionaire Playboy
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK
Roleplay Guilds
The Unionist Church of Regalia
Hello there,
There are two possible features that I'd like to suggest, both relatively minor yet hopefully they might prove very useful to the players on the server. I apologise if there have been similar suggestions like this.

Suggestion no. 1
Firstly, I'd like to suggest the introduction of a feature by which you can see what you have gained/payed in the past 48 hours. While on many occasions this would be useful I believe it could be useful from time to time:
  • Someone tells you that they payed you money whilst you were not online: "/money history"
  • Someone claims that you didn't pay them, and now the message is too far away for a screenshot: "/money history"
  • You've got 10s more than last time you checked: "Uh....? /money history"
  • How's your chest shop been doing, who's used it: "/money history"
  • I'm imagine there are more situations in which it might be useful, but this quickly highlights a couple of key situations.
Problems: Secret payments?

Suggestion no. 2
My second suggestion is that of a simpler, GUI based, trade system. No longer shall you worry about being scammed, no longer will the mods have to deal with endless scam reports, you can trade with no scamming involved. I feel no need to provide any examples.
Problems: Would likely be more prone to bugs, and may demote the trusting atmosphere. I feel this second point is particularly important.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I could totally use the first one, I accidentally sent 25s to Silverwind my first time trying to deposit to my faction xD (This was just the other day) And for some reason didn't think to screenshot it.
So whoever owns Silverwind, if you were wondering why you're 25s richer, it was me, and while I can't prove it, I would appreciate it back lol.
I could totally use the first one, I accidentally sent 25s to Silverwind my first time trying to deposit to my faction xD (This was just the other day) And for some reason didn't think to screenshot it.
So whoever owns Silverwind, if you were wondering why you're 25s richer, it was me, and while I can't prove it, I would appreciate it back lol.
Hahahahahahha, they're not going to give it back. But, the idea is great, very great.
Interesting idea.. It'll be nice use something like this from time to time.
Alright, the transaction history command would be a very convenient command, especially for Inn owners. My situation would be figuring out who payed rent or the fee per month or week, but having no idea who payed for what. So the history transaction command would be useful in the sense of an actual landlord knowing when to boot out other members with no good reason of having not their rent and end up taking their items as collateral for the overdue rent. It makes sense because it really does happen in the real world.
Verstias' post reminded me that including the finance history would also make faction taxes MUCH easier to handle, especially if an optional [Reason] or similar tag was added when sending money for things. That way deposits could not only be reviewed, but sorted in a way. Jill deposited 5s for Rent, Jill deposited 10s for Shop Tax, etc. Billy sent you 300s for Buying Faction.
In my opinion for what its worth. I think they both seem like very good ideas.
1: Seems like a very viable option to give the people of Massive a way of tracking money transactions.
2 Would make trade a little safer.

Lady Julianne is on to something here too
Verstias' post reminded me that including the finance history would also make faction taxes MUCH easier to handle, especially if an optional [Reason] or similar tag was added when sending money for things. That way deposits could not only be reviewed, but sorted in a way. Jill deposited 5s for Rent, Jill deposited 10s for Shop Tax, etc. Billy sent you 300s for Buying Faction.
Nice addition to this already brilliant idea
Greatman321, the creator of Craftconomy(the plugin MassiveCraft uses), had created a /money log function for people that updated the permissions on the plugin. Maybe if Cayorion could edit the permissions to let players type the command in, it would help transactions.
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