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Financial Director Edict 13th Of December 307 A.c.


Captain Regalia
Sep 27, 2017
Reaction score

From the desk of Director Maximillian Black

In regards to the Heartland District, and it's role in the current financial struggle

The Heartland District is currently one of the few Districts still going strong in it's support of our government, which should bring imeasurable pride to those who live here. While others shy away we must stand tall, and support our homes, and our Empire in its time of need, and in turn it shall do the same for us. As such, effective immediately the mandatory weekly tax has been raised to 35%, and will remain as such until the deficit is reduced and subsequently terminated.

Some people may see this as our District paying for faults of other regions, and while this may in fact be true, thanks to a meeting with the Lord Chancellor I can confirm that once we do our part, and our Government is no longer in need of the extra financial support, every single Family and region taxed heavier shall enter a period of tax exemption* to help in recovering their loses.

Stand strong Heartland District, stand as one in these trying times

Director Maximillian Black
Heartland District Financial Director

This exemption period will last half the number of weeks that the taxes are raised, rounded up.
OOC: @seoulmate @Arhbi @OkaDoka @darkarely

Louis Delmotte took one look at the edict, glancing it over before crumbling it up into a ball and tossing it into the fire of his hearth. "This, children, is a lesson on how to not consolidate the loyalty of the only district that hasn't rebelled against you yet."
The Ex-Black had begun to smile gently at the sigh, putting a hand on the notice. "It is good to see that you have done well for yourself, brother. Keep up the good work and keep our people strong." He'd go to head off, smiling as he'd begin to look for some work.
Haeddi Harhold gave a paranoid glance at the announcement, scratching her head in thought before murmuring, "Oh dear."
The Sol Avalorn regarded the new notice for a few moments, pushing the copy to one side of her desk and falling slightly slack-jawed at the number printed on it. She scrambled to pull it back into her hand, laughing softly at the number printed on the surface and waving the Altalar gathered around the room to her to look at it, turning her wrist to show them the front of the page and almost slapping the big bold percentage with one finger.

"Ah, my friends! Look! Here we see the benefits of Regalian vassalage, delivered unto a leal and faithful subject."
"I wonder what they will say back home?"
[ @Osowiec, @Follower, @ChapterDeath, @Katiesc, @Vegemiite ]