Preserved Sheet Fern Willowheart

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Your Best Enemy
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
The New Tyberian Empire
Fern Willowheart


Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Fern Ynwynir Willowheart

  • Age: 107 (Born July 3rd 198Ac)

  • Gender: Agender (Appears Male)

  • Race: Yanar

  • Main Ambition: Knowledge: He wishes to know why things do what they do. Plants, Alchemy, and other stuff including History fascinates him.

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

Skill Information (Required)

  • Points: 60 (10 on School of Alchemy, 5 on Nelfin History, 30 on Alchemy, 10 on Pre-Cataclysm History, 5 on Post-Cataclysm History.)

  • Proficiency Points:
    • +40 Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +30 Points)

    • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 School of Alchemy)

    • +5 Nelfin History (+5 Points)

    • +10 Pre-Cataclysm History (+10 Points)

    • +5 Post-Cataclysm History (+5 Points)

  • Culture Points:
    • +40 Horticulture (+20 Yanar Bonus, +10 School of Alchemy, +10 Points)

    • +20 Literature (+20 Points)

    • +10 Instrumental Music (+10 Points)

    • +5 Brewing (+5 Points)

    • +5 Body Care (+5 Points)

    • +10 Drawing (+10 Points)

  • Languages
    • 8/10 Common

    • 9/10 Imperial Elven

    • 10/10 Modern Elven

    • 5/10 Zasta

    • 7/10 Ithanian
  • 7/10 Dressolini
  • Fern came to Regalia for two reasons; To see the fabled Crown Apothecary and to try and find his father. He arrived around May First 306 AC, and has started to make money through playing his guitar. He hopes to find work around Alchemy.

  • Fern was raised by his parent(s) Ynwyn Willowheart (Sage Havenwood) and Llyrie Willowheart at "Willow's Apothecary" in Daen. He has a few siblings, and "growing up" they would help around the apothecary more than his siblings. His love for the sciences was only challenged by his love for playing guitar with his sibling Anywyn.

  • Popularity is something that Fern often enjoys, but he's also perfectly fine with living in seclusion attending to his studies. He also has an interest in Tattoos, and how they react with the body.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Grey-Blue

  • Hair Color: Green-Black

  • Hair Style: Long, in a ponytail

  • Skin Color: Pale-Green

  • Clothing: Typically Stylized Jackets, with a scarf resembling his father's.

  • Height: 5

  • Body Build: Average

  • Weapon of Choice: Words

Some art of Fern by @Enkiduu
  • Fern keeps the form his father had when he was born, giving him more Sihai-shaped eyes. His ears are pointed, and he usually carries a kind, but thoughtful, expression. His hair is an almost-black green curly mess that goes down to his shoulder blades, and he typically keeps it in a ponytail (and straightened).

  • Fern stands at 5' with an athletic-bordering average build. Because he kept the same form as his father his right arm is nearly disabled due to bark coverage, and he preferrs his left.

  • When it comes to style, Fern is quite obsessed. He loves to have stylistic jackets, and often will make sure to wear one. He loves the colour green and uses it in all of his outfits, along with tones of brown, blue, and gold. He has several earrings in each of his bark-topped ears and enjoys having rings when he's not working. He carries no weapons, but his jackets almost always have room for various plants and books.

  • His voice is smooth, but on the more feminine side. He speaks calmly, and usually with a brisk Ithanian accent. Like his father, he tends to refer to people as "my friend".

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Fern would likely be perceived by others as an unusually friendly scientist. He may come off as a bit too kind at first, but most people would warm up to his attitude after a while. When it comes to selling things, Fern has a bad habit of simply doing or giving whatever he's offering for free (something he adopted from his father).

  • Second Paragraph: Fern is usually very relaxed, and the only thing that changes that is when large amounts of violence are occuring. Something he gained from his father is the mindset that his abilities in the sciences are never-faltering. While this could result badly for others Fern never makes a point to show this off to anyone else, especially someone who may be worse than him in such proficiencies. He sees himself as someone sent to discover the world, and someone meant to help others like his father.

  • Third Paragraph: To Fern family is the most important, and he longs to be all together again. Unlike the rest of his family, he loves the company of his siblings and parent and wants to spend more time with them. Friends are pretty much the same but he tends not to consider anyone a "friend", insight taken from the tales of his father's life. He treats his family with even more kindness than a stranger (which is a lot already), and would risk his life for them.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Fern believes that everyone should be treated with kindness, unless they prove evil intent. "Evil", to Fern, is when you intentionally take or try to take a life. Fern recognizes that not everyone gets the gift of eternal life, and tries to help prolong the life of others. One of his main goals with his plant research is to figure out why Yanar live forever, and how similar things could be given to non-Yanar races.

  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Fern believes in the Fated Ones, like other Yanar and like his father, and believes them to in fact be the Seraph. On top of trying to find life-prolonging remedies, he wishes to figure out what happened to the Seraphs, and how they may come back. Unlike his father, Fern believes more in the sciences than religion, and thinks even Magic can be explained. Nobles and Commoners are simply titles to Fern, and he cares nothing for either. He views himself as one of the most privileged people in the world, to be able to have Sage as his father.
  • Death: Fern's greatest weakness is probably the fact that he thinks death is not an option for him. He often forgets completely that dying is even a possibility, and so he will often be a bit more reckless than he should be.

  • Trusting: Fern lives on a "Trust until proven otherwise" sort-of mentality, which can lead to quite some trouble. He's never really encountered anyone who wished to hurt him, and has no experience with mal-intended people.
  • Fern has the tendency to be fiddling with something in his hands, typically rolling a regal across his knuckles when nervous. He also will tend to play with his stiff (bark-covered) right arm when he's alone, as it's disability fascinates him. When talking, he has a tendency to stare through people rather than at them.

  • While Fern primarily focuses on the sciences of plants, he also has quite some practice in playing Guitar, and in Body Treatment. He uses his Guitar abilities to make others happy, and occasionally to make some money.

  • Ferns: Ferns fascinate Fern more than most other plants, and he even named himself after them. This is mainly because of their habit to use spores rather than seeds, and their habit to grow alongside other plants.

  • Plants: As a Yanar, Fern generally enjoys all plants. However, unlike other Yanar, he also enjoys them for the fascinating properties they gold.

  • Music: Fern enjoys music, both for the happiness it spreads and for the fascinating way sounds can be strung together into a song.

  • Kathar: Fern gained his father's disliking for the Kather race, specifically the Disciples of Shenath. This comes from all they've done against Yanar, and the fact that they're essentially the embodiment of plague and death. This, however, can be overcome quite easily.

Sage Havenwood - Father - Fern and his father had an extremely close relationship, due to their common interest in plants. They would spend days together studying and observing plants.

Anywyn Willowheart - Sibling - Fern spent most of his time with his father, but he would often have long sessions playing and learning guitar from Anywyn. He throughly enjoyed it, and gets along very well with his sibling.

Llyrie Willowheart - Mother - Fern never really interacted too much with Llyrie, but when he did it would consist of Seraph-findings. When Llyrie died Fern kept Sage company for about 5 years in "isolation", before leaving to return to his studies.

Life Story (Required)

On July 3rd 198AC, while travelling through the forests of Daendroq, a Yanar alchemist by the name of Ynwyn Willowheart produced a child, whom was named Ynwynir Willowheart. Ynwynir, a curious young boy, loved to learn about Alchemy, and all the things you could do with it. Born before him was a Yanar named "Anywyn", and the two would often play with each other. As Anywyn grew up, they starting teaching Ynwynir how to play a guitar. At the same time his father had begun to share his vast knowledge of Alchemy, and his "mother" Llyrie had started going over history with him. With his curiosity fed constantly, Ynwynir lived a happy childhood.

Eventually Ynwynir grew into an adult, and took the name 'Fern'. He had always loved the spore-using plants, and decided to name himself after them. He stayed for several years helping around the family business "Willow's Apothecary". When the year 250AC came around, Fern was horrified to see his father walking in with his mother's injured body. When Llyrie finally passed, Fern left with Ynwyn to seclusion. Helping his father, they created what they would later nickname "Willow's Grove". This was a ring of trees hidden away, a willow tree in the center and several Yanil protecting it. He stayed with his father for about 10 years, before leaving to attend to his own studies.

With Willow's Apothecary now gone, Fern had no idea where to go. He started venturing around, and living in, the forests of Daen to study the plant life. He found and attended a school of alchemy in 263AC, where he learned some things his father didn't teach him. It was also around this time he discovered a school of history and, having been interested since he was a young child, decided to take some courses when he wasn't busy with alchemy. One of his projects during this time was experimenting with how tattoos affected skin, and what else could be used to make them. A few years passed, and Fern eventually decided to head back to the Grove. By this time his father had already left, and he came back only to find Yanil. He started searching for his father, and by 280 AC he had traveled to Sendras. He was hoping to find his father back in the jungles around here, but was met only by hostile Allar. He ventured to Hadaria next, but had no luck there.

The year had turned to 295AC, and Fern was almost giving up on finding his father. He had travelled around much of Hadar and Daen, only to find nothing. All the while he had been observing the life around him, and with this new knowledge he decided to take a break and start a business. Through some chance of fate he encountered Anywyn and they started travelling around playing guitar to earn money. These were a happy few years for Fern, and he even got pretty good at the instrument, but as the new century dawned he decided to search for his father once more.

Fern had heard rumor of an "ancient Yanar" in Regalia, and he decided that was the best place to check. He grew more excited for the journey as he remembered the Crown Apothecary was there, and started his voyage. Several years passed, as he got distracted along the way, but eventually he arrived in 306 AC on May first.
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Just 2 'lil things I wanted to point out,

  • Shouldn't relationships be in a spoiler?
  • And aren't you supposed to bold character traits in the personality and abilities bit?
Claimed for review!
Thank you for the lovely peer review by @Sopheyis , who's points are right and should be added!
Claimed for review!
Thank you for the lovely peer review by @Sopheyis , who's points are right and should be added!
Alrighty, I'll be working on highlighting more personality traits. I'm not entirely sure if I should highlight more than individual words, though.
Late replies all around!
Review time!
  • Where was he born? This should be in the life story!
  • His schooling and proficiencies should also be mentioned in the life story.
Make all edits in a new color and tag me once done!
@Rochelle_ Due to confusion with Haaven and Havenwood, and honestly the fact it didn't make much sense he would take the name Havenwood, I have just reverted it to Willowheart.
Review time!
  • My only request is that you include when/how all of his proficiencies were learned. The age for alchemy school, and that none of the other proficiencies are mentioned in the life story.
Make these edits in a new color and tag me when done!
Review time!
  • My only request is that you include when/how all of his proficiencies were learned. The age for alchemy school, and that none of the other proficiencies are mentioned in the life story.
Make these edits in a new color and tag me when done!
Hey I'm bumping this! Please give me some contact/updates or this will be rejected!
Review time!
  • My only request is that you include when/how all of his proficiencies were learned. The age for alchemy school, and that none of the other proficiencies are mentioned in the life story.
Make these edits in a new color and tag me when done!
Alright I believe I've completed this, though be sure to tell me what else needs to be more detailed.