Family Reunion

OOC: Everyone knows of the return of House Soldior, and anyone who frequents the Golden Willow would have seen this.
Nathan was leaning against the railing of the second floor of the Golden Willow Tavern. He was a member of the Violet Resistance, a Sergeant...but even that was starting to lose all meaning with him. Everything eventually always did, ever since the day the Superstructure fell, and with it, everyone he ever knew or loved. Maybe all this was just delaying one inevitable end of the road for him, the point where he wouldn't have anything to fight for.
Suddenly, there was a voice behind him. "Nathan?" Suddenly he turned around, hand on his sheathed Black Iron Shortsword, ready to cut what his mind automatically presumed to be a threat, maybe a Deathing, only to be met with a pair of not the icy blue eyes of a Deathing, but the Azure Blue eyes of House Solidor. "Is it really you?" The person asked.
Nathan was frozen for a moment, unable to speak. "Clark..."

After that moment, Nathan didn't need something more to Fight for. Maybe it was time for him to stop fighting and go home...just maybe...
A/N: another one of my shitty attempts at writing...more or less just taking a moment from RP and describing it heavily: the moment where Nathan's long lost and believed to be dead brother found him in the Tavern.