Archived Factions Doing A Job

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Sep 13, 2012
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Most factions are I've seen are players getting together so they don't get griefed, but I think factions should be something better like guilds, townships, or empires. I know that it's not really a thing that can be implemented by the staff, but I felt like trying to get a message out that factions should work more like an actual organization and not just protection.
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Nah, factions getting together so they don't get griefed is fine. You can make your faction whatever you want, but no need to modify what other people use the plugin for. No one likes to be griefed.
Some factions do not want to be dependant of others. If one faction, say, a mining faction, went rogue or whatevs, everyone would be lost of diamonds.
If someone saves up money for a faction, I think they deserve to make it into whatever they want.
Sorry for such a late reply (bumping a thread), but I agree with Ozgho. Beeing such a faction which not only offers protection takes some time , but gives you happy players and nice enviroment.
Ofcourse, everyone is allowed to be a "we protect you from being griefed" faction. Their choice.
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