Archived Faction News Alerts!

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Butter Elf the Wise
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hello! I have a suggested addition to the factions plugin: the ability for whomever has permissions (that is, leader and officers --- however, the perms to change fac alerts could be altered in /f perm to allow more or fewer ranks to be able to set alerts) to set faction news alerts that will display whenever members of the faction log on, similar to how premium members are shown their premium status whenever they log on. As for the commands, players could type something along the lines of /f a,alerts l,list to view the alerts and /f a,alerts a,add or /f a,alerts r,remove to remove certain alerts. This would eliminate the need for actual "news walls," and would be a complete convenience.

Discuss plx.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Me gusta! It would make it possible to finally notify all of my faction members that when someone raids you hide damnit.
Wow this is a really fantastic idea. I would love to see this implemented!
Would there only be one alert allowed, or multiple? As you mention a list, it would imply the latter. What I mean is, when you log on, will you only see one alert, or multiple on your screen?prestatamore
This would be a very convenient tool, many of the members in my faction are on sporadically making it hard to spread news. It would be extremely cool if they added this.
Alj23 Yes, a list was what I had in mind. You would be able to use /f a,alerts a,add/r,remove/e,edit, for example, to add new alerts, remove old or invalid alerts, or edit existing alerts. In hindsight, another good idea may be to add a page feature similar to /he tool rather than a standard /f a,alerts l,list command. Example: /f a,alerts p,page 1/2/3/4/etc.
Alj23 Yes, a list was what I had in mind. You would be able to use /f a,alerts a,add/r,remove/e,edit, for example, to add new alerts, remove old or invalid alerts, or edit existing alerts. In hindsight, another good idea may be to add a page feature similar to /he tool rather than a standard /f a,alerts l,list command. Example: /f a,alerts p,page 1/2/3/4/etc.

You call it alerts, yet I feel many people would begin using it to outline and list the rules of a faction. I could see people creating pages of alerts meant as rules, which isn't a bad thing, just another way I could see this feature going.
You call it alerts, yet I feel many people would begin using it to outline and list the rules of a faction. I could see people creating pages of alerts meant as rules, which isn't a bad thing, just another way I could see this feature going.

That could be troublesome for members who would like to see actual news instead of being spammed with their fac's rules every time they log on. Maybe the /f desc command could be changed to /f subtitle, and /f desc could be used to actually outline fac rules, goals, etc.
That could be troublesome for members who would like to see actual news instead of being spammed with their fac's rules every time they log on. Maybe the /f desc command could be changed to /f subtitle, and /f desc could be used to actually outline fac rules, goals, etc.

I would be fine with this. Your point is valid. I would love to see some news for a faction, such as current wars/internal events, etc, all organized in one place.
That could be troublesome for members who would like to see actual news instead of being spammed with their fac's rules every time they log on. Maybe the /f desc command could be changed to /f subtitle, and /f desc could be used to actually outline fac rules, goals, etc.
Just reading through the thread comments and came here.

/f subtitle or /f sub is very simple and fun which will make more sense that to keep a 'motto' on that line. /f desc is also a fantastic thing to change to rules, new players would have to do /f desc to read the rules and other.

/f a r should be /f alert remove (what alert number you want removed), /f a a is /f alert add (text). This whole command set should be for the leaders and officers use only.

I like this idea, hopefully the consideration of staff can look into adding this.
I like this idea :D However, I still want empires.
I don't really like it. Too much like having an answering machine or something of the sorts in a medieval world... I like the idea of faction boards better.
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