Archived Faction Message Of The Day!

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Cursed Prince of a Dead Line.
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lansing, Iowa
Shadow Legion
Shadow Walkers
As a faction co-leader, I have always had a hard time telling updates of the faction and things needed to members, they are never all online and sometime just want it repeated. So I came up with Faction Message of the Day, just have a command in the faction leader list for writing what will appear to all faction members when they log on and every once in a while. (my first idea was to have mass signs that all changed when one changed, but that would be harder.)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hum, honestly, although I am in favour, I think you are overdoing it ...
okay... but true
I have written some code, that should work. (I haven't tested the permissions) and the code looks like a mess.
here it the download link,
If you don't trust me you can see the souce code here
Because massivecraft, uses the sharding solution i have added no way to save/load to files. I could but you would then have a different motd on different worlds.

Best Regards madus
cool! (although I don't really code so I have nothing really to do with it.)
okay... but true

cool! (although I don't really code so I have nothing really to do with it.)
That is okay. He code is a mess. I won't clean it as Cayorion or another Staff member. Would code the Info to be stored with the faction and not use a desperate plugin. But you can test it out. There is 2 cmommands
/fsetmotd (faction) (motd)
/fmotd (faction)
I forgot to ADD it so you get the messages when you join. I might do that tommorow, now i will sleep.
that's pretty cool actually.
I was saying still no staff with authority in this area.
I really am... *starts weeping himself*
posts are dwindling, if you like, don't just vote, say what you think here
It would help... Def would help like just letting everyone know, oh hey faction members we are about to be massive raided by all the pvp factions at once! Good luck! That's just a example.
We will from now say what we think. And i think this.
How is plugin information stored with the sharding solution?
Does all the computers share e same folder or would a database be required to store information?
don't ask me, I just know that the server has messages, so factions could have costume ones too.
don't ask me, I just know that the server has messages, so factions could have costume ones too.
Yes but those could be hardcoded into the plugin. Never mind if you try to run a local hosted bukkit server. There is this plugin folder. Where you put your plugins, and all data the plugin uses are in a folder within the plugin folder. (Except if you use a database or mcore, for some reason default data saving wasn't good enough for Cayorion)
But if all the servers (there is multiple ones, the sharding project) have different folders. Then your faction would have a different Motd for each world. It is complicated yes, and since it would break many plugins I guess the servers uses the same RAM (for some tasks) and plugin folder.
Did anybody try the plugin I made?
Do you think I should rewrite it eventually with saving enabled?
honestly, I dont think you should try to make it as the staff will feel they need to, or not trust you or something.
honestly, I dont think you should try to make it as the staff will feel they need to, or not trust you or something.
You are problary right. It would also be easier to use /f motd. And it should problary have some faction permissions to decide who can change the motd.
And about the trust thing, it is on github it is open source.
I wonder how much mods actually look at this stuff
I wonder how much mods actually look at this stuff
We don't know. Hopefully this will be implemented in the next version of faction plugin. We can't say anything for sure. This wouldn't take much time to make, so there is absolutely no reason for it to not bet implemented (Atleast from what i can find).
I wonder why 3 people said no.
hopefully, yes. but they wont unless they say that it's a good idea here, right?
hopefully, yes. but they wont unless they say that it's a good idea here, right?
I am actually not sure. I guess Cayorion would tell if he was going to add that feature. But he might be busy. If he ever makes it he might sit down spend 30 minutes (or how long that is required) make it, and then forget to post it here. Because it is not a major feature, and he won't say it will be added unless he is sure.
The Info department is researching this suggestion. Thank you for your input.
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It seems nice and all, but there is only so much you can put in one area. More likely than not, the majority of factions will still use faction notice boards in one way or another, for the longer lasting things, such as guilds and jobs.

+1 Support! with a cherry on top seriously we need this
Agreed, would make offline communication easier.
Good idea but where do you put the code in at?
Also I do not think that it would take the admins that long to add this.
Good idea but where do you put the code in at?
Also I do not think that it would take the admins that long to add this.
By code I assume you mean the MOTD? But I think he suggested a /f motd <motd> command, which I don't see a problem with, it is the most logical command
As a faction co-leader, I have always had a hard time telling updates of the faction and things needed to members, they are never all online and sometime just want it repeated. So I came up with Faction Message of the Day, just have a command in the faction leader list for writing what will appear to all faction members when they log on and every once in a while. (my first idea was to have mass signs that all changed when one changed, but that would be harder.)
Could you make it so you can use it as a calender? schedule things into it so on this date or that the Motd changes to that?
Could you make it so you can use it as a calender? schedule things into it so on this date or that the Motd changes to that?

I just made the base idea. they get to choose what the full thing will be. Although I like the idea
haha. hey thanks for not!