Archived Faction Merging

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
Here is an idea I would like to toss out there. What if two faction could morph into one bigger faction. The two would be run by the same leader. All the land and members would stay the same so that the factions still retained their value to each other. One faction would have to merge into the other, so the one being merged into would be the determinate of the name and leader. The other leader would automatically become a officer, and all other officers and members wouldold their ranks. Here is my suggestion for commands:

The one going into: /f merge (m) into (i) [factionname]
The one keeping identity: /f merge [accept/deny] [factionname]
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
No! What if two factions merged and then decided to un-merge. They couldn't. They would be stuck together forever. And what if both factions had land in the same world? This would break the you can only claim connected land rule.
No! What if two factions merged and then decided to un-merge. They couldn't. They would be stuck together forever. And what if both factions had land in the same world? This would break the you can only claim connected land rule.

I doubt being together would be too bad of a thing, and people would think about this seriously. So that wouldn't be p problem. I really like this idea, as i have tried to merge with other factions before, and it is very difficult, complicated, and then end result isn't satisfactory. People have already found ways to break the rule of connected land, such as trail claiming. I support this idea.
Also we're probably getting empires, which would be like this, except it would solve all the problems I suggested
Yes, i was kinda confused about that since i have never heard of that rule :P but ya anyways...
If something like this is implemented, there has to be a way for the factions to be able to unmerge if for some reason one faction no longer enjoys being part of the other faction.
If something like this is implemented, there has to be a way for the factions to be able to unmerge if for some reason one faction no longer enjoys being part of the other faction.

This could work, if the plugin recognized which members were originally from which factions, and restore positions like leader. For everyone who joined while they were merged, when they first log on after the merge (or if they were online at the time) a message would say, "Your faction has been unmerged. /f join Fac 1 or /f join Fac 2." This would clear up all problems I could think of for the merging.
While it is not a bad idea and would have an actuall use it does not qualify as good enough. Here is my reasoning for this statement.

- Quicker Faction merging
- Positions stay the same (you dont have to manually reasign the positions.

- Faction merging can be done already manually (adds nothing new)
- Work (new commands require coding. Note that work is allways a contra argument).
- The claim problems ( Hiu403 mentioned that this would enable easy multiclaims. I am aware that you can multiclaim already but this would make it a LOT easier.)

All in all it is not worth it in my arrogant opinion .
Could you point me towards the pos where a Moderator/Admin confirmed that it would be developed?
Well the whole point of this is the fact that factions are merging without actually having to combine. So if a faction wants to leave an empire it can, and claims don't all combine, but the factions are all united.
Well the whole point of this is the fact that factions are merging without actually having to combine. So if a faction wants to leave an empire it can, and claims don't all combine, but the factions are all united.

Apologies, I may have been unclear. I meant to ask where on the Empires suggestion thread did a Moderator/Admin confirm that the Empires were being added, as you seemed quite sure that it is in development.
Apologies, I may have been unclear. I meant to ask where on the Empires suggestion thread did a Moderator/Admin confirm that the Empires were being added, as you seemed quite sure that it is in development.
Oh. Various people have talked about their implantation and I think a game staff said they were coming. I forget who though
Oh. Various people have talked about their implantation and I think a game staff said they were coming. I forget who though
In all honesty, I'm quite sceptical of that as it sounds like a lot of hearsay and wishful thinking. I'd wait until an official anoincement before getting too excited.
pwnzownz, Hiu403,
To my knowledge, Empires has not been considered or responded to at a team meeting or in really any discussion that we've had. Also, just because one Game staff said it doesn't mean it is going to happen. That is all up to the Tech department, since this is a mainly tech suggestion, as well as the Direction department to figure out whether we even need them or not.

I'll tag Cayorion and Yendor to this post so that they can provide input on that.

~ Imboring56
Ideas like this have been brought up periodically. I brought up an idea somewhat similar to this shortly after I joined the team. The response I got then was that Factions is a complex plugin, and the time it would take to implement these changes would be significant. To paraphrase the remainder of the response: Factions is at heart an anti-griefing plugin, a decision has been made to maintain Factions so that it continues to be the best at what it does, but to not expand it with additional features. This is always subject to change, but at this point I think Cay has some projects going that are more interesting, and my projects are more pressing and not so difficult. (Don't bother posting asking for spoilers, I'm not allowed to say anything.)
The reason I suggested this is because sometimes you are out adventuring and come across a awesome faction. They are kinda small in size, and could use help from a bigger faction. Instead of building n empire with no meaning, they could be annexed into the bigger faction. I am definitely no expert on coding, since I have never done it. Some buddies of mine code robots for school all the time, and have no issue making it jump through hopes literally. I don't see how much extra work this would be to make everyone (or most people) happier. Also to unmerge, just start a new faction and relinguish the land.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I support this entirely! Time to take over Eldergods! I will own them, and all their members will become dwarves or leave! Huzzah!
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