Archived Faction Mail Account

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
This idea is pretty straightforeward

Essentially it makes a repository of things that happen in the faction, in a format similar to /mail. The things it logs could be like....
  • People joining/leaving/attempting to join
  • Relation changes
  • Money changes other than tax
It could be a new permission possibly too. The Mail permission so leaders can set what ranks that they want to be able to check the mail information

And it also would SEND mails. If you invite a player, it would send a /mail to the invited player with something along the lines of "[Faction name]: [Player] has invited you to [Faction name]"

Its not something completely needed but i think it would be helpful to some factions who are sometimes completely offline.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This idea is pretty straightforeward

Essentially it makes a repository of things that happen in the faction, in a format similar to /mail. The things it logs could be like....
  • People joining/leaving/attempting to join
  • Relation changes
  • Money changes other than tax
It could be a new permission possibly too. The Mail permission so leaders can set what ranks that they want to be able to check the mail information

And it also would SEND mails. If you invite a player, it would send a /mail to the invited player with something along the lines of "[Faction name]: [Player] has invited you to [Faction name]"

Its not something completely needed but i think it would be helpful to some factions who are sometimes completely offline.
This would actually be really helpful. Good idea
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