Archived Faction Improvements

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The Fonguard
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
Senator Fong's Mansion
This Thread was created to display my suggestions on how to improve factions in ways that do not limit Roleplay or greatly change the mechanics of Factions overall.
Raise the price of factions to 300 silver.
Raising the price makes it harder for premiums to gain a faction so easily as the 75 Silver a month bonus was made to make Regalia house renting easier. This will also slow the overflow of faction creations.
I would suggest adding a command that would disable the ability to talk in ally chat for recruits or any rank the leader would want. They could still see ally chat, but not talk in it.

It would be in the f perm list and would look like this:
/f perm (Faction) Allychat (rank) True/False

This command would clean up ally chat and keep new players from budding into ally chat with uneeded comments or from saying something they shouldn't. This could also create stronger ties with between faction members as recruits could depend upon their own leaders to help them.
Have animals within a faction's land only killable by that faction's members.
(The environment can still do damage like lava for example)

This could take the form of a command like /f mobthreats true/false, or it could be a permission so recruits or members can't harm animals upon joining said faction preventing griefers and trolls from doing harm to a faction, at least not directly.

We will no longer need to hide our animals underground or in vaults or barns all the time. We don't have to sacrifice our decoration and style for security and farms look better with pastures and such.
Have toggleable mob spawning in faction land. This command would probably have a timer connected to it so it could not be abused in any way and could only be toggled by the faction owner.

The command would probably look like this: /f mobspawn true/false

Let's face it, when your in a city surrounded by a wall you don't want a zombie hoard appearing because you wanted an allyway to look gloomy or your dwarven kingdom is overrun at all times with undead. Now I say toggleable because not every faction is like that, some factions could be instances or vampire hidouts and want monsters to spawn within their catacombs. This command would add more flexibility to the faction plugin, leaving more opportunities for the players and enriching the RP experience of massive.
These are just some of my ideas to improve the Factions Plugin and I would gladly hear your opinions on them!
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I agree with some of this, but not the animals only being killed by faction members. In medieval times it wasn't uncommon for enemies to burn others crops or steal/kill their livestock. By doing this they cut off the enemy's food supply by a lot. Even though most people in game do it to spite people, at least it kind of has a roleplay aspect.
Kirby12352 Thank you for your constructive comment.
Now the thing is, I suggested it would be tobbleable and maybe it could be off by default. I also feel that the positive outcome of this suggestion would outweigh the negative through better builds and stables and such because confinement farms really kill the RP mood in a lot of sitautions. Examples being lots of doors blocking your way to your horse, or big pens with walls of fences and a ceiling.
Kirby12352 Thank you for your constructive comment.
Now the thing is, I suggested it would be tobbleable and maybe it could be off by default. I also feel that the positive outcome of this suggestion would outweigh the negative through better builds and stables and such because confinement farms really kill the RP mood in a lot of sitautions. Examples being lots of doors blocking your way to your horse, or big pens with walls of fences and a ceiling.

Hm, yeah true. +Support
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