Archived Faction Custom Ranks

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Bringer of the Bacon
Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
One of the major problems it seems in leading a faction is having to assign a rank to someone, then set the title, followed by going through all the permissions for that job they will need. Its alot of work just to have custom ranks and usually will effect all members on that rank level. So I have come up with a solution for this.

The system works like this, you use this command /f cRank create <rank name>, which allows for the creation of a set rank. Color codes and characters can be used in the Rank Name and this name would be displayed in place of the title

From this point you can use the command /f cRank standing <Rank Name> <recruit/member/officer/leader> to associate that rank with a certain level of importance in your faction.

After this, you can give the rank access to individual perms using /f cRank perms <Rank Name> <Perms>

You may also give certain ranks access to certain chunks, so if you had two ranks, Farmer and Soldier, the Farmers would have elevated access to the wheat fields and such while the soldiers would have elevated access to the Barracks/armory.

A player may be given a certain rank through a modified form of the original way
/f promote <player> <Rank Name>

These will give Factions the ability to easily create custom ranks and positions in their faction, and allow organizing one as a whole to become much quicker and smoother.

/f cRank desc <Rank Name> <Description> To allow explanations of each ranks duties
/f Rank view <Rank Name> Shows a ranks description
/f cRank list Lists all of a factions ranks
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this could be very helpful with organizing and structuring a faction. Currently the four ranks while nice, cant fit into everything you're just going to have people who don't fit and have perms they shouldn't have or don't have perms they should.
In plugin developement, anything that is percieved to be an easy task can be quite the contrary. This is the case here.

The Tech department is aware that the current player handling/organisation/ranking situation needs to be improved in some ways and we have already recieved a lot of suggestions on that topic.

Your suggestion would need a lot of effort in research and developement, we are talking about weeks to months here. We also should not forget backwards compatibility, which would need to be achieved in some way. The current Ranks are hard coded, so every faction relys on having the absolute same set of ranks.

Don't get me wrong, your suggestion, as others, has potential and will help us in the future. We are glad you took the time to write this down and express your idea. :) Yet now is not the time where we focus on Factions, becuase MassiveLock needs to be finished first and then if we find time and energy to tackle this rather large task, someone from the tech department might tackle this topic and get inspired by yohr suggestion.

Please also take a look at the other suggestions on this topic and see what was not suggested yet. Build up from that point ;).
In plugin developement, anything that is percieved to be an easy task can be quite the contrary. This is the case here.

The Tech department is aware that the current player handling/organisation/ranking situation needs to be improved in some ways and we have already recieved a lot of suggestions on that topic.

Your suggestion would need a lot of effort in research and developement, we are talking about weeks to months here. We also should not forget backwards compatibility, which would need to be achieved in some way. The current Ranks are hard coded, so every faction relys on having the absolute same set of ranks.

Don't get me wrong, your suggestion, as others, has potential and will help us in the future. We are glad you took the time to write this down and express your idea. :) Yet now is not the time where we focus on Factions, becuase MassiveLock needs to be finished first and then if we find time and energy to tackle this rather large task, someone from the tech department might tackle this topic and get inspired by yohr suggestion.

Please also take a look at the other suggestions on this topic and see what was not suggested yet. Build up from that point ;).
What is "MassiveLock" if you don't mind me asking. I've always been curious.
So does it act the same as LWC? I like the idea of making plugins for the server that really make it unique. Good job. :)
This isn't really on topic here.
But no, not exactly. It has some added featurea, you can find a thread on it in the News and Announcements thread, I think.
This isn't really on topic here.
But no, not exactly. It has some added featurea, you can find a thread on it in the News and Announcements thread, I think.
It may not be on topic exactly, but the tech staff was talking about it, on this post so I responded to him by asking him a question since he brought up the plugin. its not the end of the world.