Archived Facilitating Surrender & A War Plugin

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Feb 22, 2013
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Encouraging a faction to surrender and a War plugin

I'd like to present too you today the idea of a War plugin that allows factions to declare war on each other, set terms in game, and add a bit more diplomacy to the world of survival in MassiveCraft. I'd like to thank @BenAlex144 for his original thread that mentioned the idea, and allowed me to work off that idea and turn it into something more.

Currently on MassiveCraft, you can declare wars on another person via the war declaration form on the forums. This is all fine and dandy, but all it really allows you to do raid another faction an unlimited amounts of times whenever you choose, versus only be able to raid them once for two hours in a seven day period of time, if you did not have an approved war declaration. You can state your terms, your reason for war, and then have it reviewed by the staff and either approved or denied. The only reason this isn't meeting the need to declare a legit war is that it in no way pressures/and or forces an enemy to surrender. Beyond losing items from being killed, there is no financial pressure placed upon the defending faction. If not a single defender drops any items upon death, then there is no financial gain for the attackers either. I'm not saying wars are suppose to always result in a financial gain for the attackers, quite the contrary. I would love to see more wars where an attacker oversteps themselves and ends up being pushed back, and then they become the defenders, and actually lose. Currently defenders can hide inside and never come out. Something I don't really like, but it is a tactic you can use. At this moment, there is no real reason why a faction should surrender even if they are losing a war horribly.

Encouraging a surrender from an enemy faction:

In this thread @BenAlex144 proposed a possible solution to actually put pressure on a defender and convince them to surrender. Taking money from the defender, whether it be from the person who just died, or from the faction bank itself. It isn't a terrible idea, but one that needs both sides pointed out, and what it would effect/the affects it would cause.

  1. If the money were to be taken from the person who died: The money would be taken from the person who died, and as a result, they could possibly not pay their daily taxes (or still be able to, and just lose double the money.) This might result in them being kicked from the faction if they cannot pay their taxes. They might not be able to buy more supplies to continue fighting the attackers, which would result in them not coming outside to fight, taking us back to the original problem. It would pressure the faction, but it would pressure the individual player more than it would the faction as a whole
  2. If the money were to be from the faction bank of the person who died: The money would be taken from the faction bank of the person who died, therefore pressuring the faction as a whole. The main objective here would be to pressure the entire faction for money, and as a side effect, pressure them to be able to constantly pay their taxes. This is the goal that is trying to be achieved, to focus a pressure on the defending faction that would hopefully convince the leader to surrender, if his/her faction is taking heavy casualties every raid.
Based on the two points, if wanting to pressure the whole faction more than the individual player, option two is the way to go. This would not discourage individual members to stop fighting if they can no longer afford to, but would apply pressure over the entire faction to consider surrender.
Taking money from the faction bank would apply all the time, even if just during the weekly allowed raids, or if the faction is in a war (see below for what defines a war.) The amount that would be taken upon each killing could be decide numerous ways...
  • (Personal favorite) The amount taken directly corresponds to the tax amount set on the person you killed. If you kill a recruit (-recruit) of the defender's faction, and their daily tax is 5 Regals, you would receive 5 Regals from the defending faction's bank to your bank. This makes sense in that if you killed someone, you could take the money they intended to use to pay their tax, hence making it equal to their daily tax amount. A flaw in this system is that officers could set everyone's tax amount to 0 for the duration of a raid, and then change it back after. This would be combated by the attacking faction, if they notice that no money is being granted every kill, they run the command /f tax f (defending faction's name) and see what the taxes are for every rank. If they are all at zero, they can then make a ticket, and staff can see if someone changed the faction taxes right before the raid started, or during the raid, and punishment for abusing the system could be given. This could also be combated by not allowing a faction member's tax rate to change while they are pacifist false or have engaged in giving or receiving damage in the last five minutes, to prevent them for running away from the enemy for 30 seconds doing no damage, and then having their tax rate change when they get pacifist. It would work in the way that, if you attack an enemy, you go pacifist false. If an officer attempts to change your tax rate by rank, it will change the tax rate for all others of your rank that are pacifist true, but it will exclude you and not do it, and only update once you are pacifist true. If the officer attempts to change your tax rate by directly targeting you, and setting your's specifically, it would tell him/her that this cannot be done while the player is pacifist false.
  • The amount taken from the faction bank of the player who died would be a set amount designated by staff. This means that if you kill a newer recruit, or the leader of the faction, the money earned remains the same.
War plugin:

To better facilitate the above mentioned, a War plugin is in order. The entities that a war would be between would obviously be factions, so this plugin would hook into factions. The layout I propose would look something like the below. When you did /war (war name), it would print out the information below.

--War: Magnanimus versus Raptum--
Custom war name if applicable: n/a
Declaration date: mm/dd/yy
War duration: year/month/days
Attacker: Magnanimus (x) x = member count of Magnanimus
Defender: Raptum (x) x = member count of Raptum
-Surrender Terms-
1. Max tribute = X regals (Max tribute determined by the lowest member count of a faction between the two factions involved multipled by fifty. System would automatically determine this. Max tribute is always a default surrender term, becomes someone can always choose to surrender with max tribute, and you must accept it if they offer it.)
2. Custom Tribute two: ex.
3. Custom Tribute three: ex.

And from there it would be up to the staff on specifics, but this is the general gist of what I think it should do. There are also features that might be added, such as that when a war is declared, the war plugin keeps track of the amount of money taken from the defending faction through member deaths, and when that amount becomes equal to the max tribute amount that was calculated when the war was created, the war is ended in a victory to the attacking side. Vice versa, if the defenders draw a money amount equal to that of the max tribute, the war ends in victory for the defenders. In the end though, it is up to the staff on whether or not they want wars to be ended by reaching a certain goal, or only implementing this system to create pressure for a faction to consider surrendering. When a war would be made in game, it would be sent into a que where staff had to approve it once more. All this would take is a staff member looking at the forums and making sure the war was declared there, and approved, and then running a simply command of approved or denied. Game staff would handle this exclusively, as they already handle forum based war declarations. There is no argument that this would take up to much of staff's time, because to view a war and to check the forums should take no more than moments for each war created.

I would love to see this implemented, and I'm sure a lot of other pvpers would too. For once, wars could end. One of the main reasons that pvp dies and and then comes back for a time is that a large war is declared, all the pvpers get involved, and then no one surrenders. There's never any winner. No closure. Either one side goes inactive or both sides go inactive due to lack of fun and increasing boredom with an enemy that refuses to give in, even if ever thing that happens should dictate the opposite.

@Kapry 's opinion on how a surrender should work
Even though I like the idea of losing money on death, and automated "win" in my opinion is too much. Losing 100 regals is "nothing" to me. Yet I would feel very angry, if I were to lose a war because of 100 regals, while I still have over 200k on the bank, aswell as 60 god armors in my chests.

In my opinion losing money on death should only be a "pressure" on the enemy and not limited to the surrender-tribute, but to a daily maximum. This would in fact make people think about a surrender in an early stage of war, because if they keep dying, they would lose more money than they would have to pay to surrender.

In your idea, losing money on death feels to me like a "minigame" with money being the "points" needed to win. By forcing an end to wars like this, you can't even call it a surrender anymore, because a surrender is always out of free will. In this case "wars" would never end, because the losing party still might not aknowledge the loss and would just start a new war. In that case, the plugin you suggest loses its point of ending wars automaticly.

To sum it up: Surrender should always be out of free will and not forced by a "point-system".
@XvW 's idea on population points for factions
I think it would be interesting to see something similar to faction power added to the war system you suggested. Like a reinforcement count that is based off of the factions member count and which is reduced with each kill.
This count will regen over time and will apply for both sides in the war.
By doing this the defending faction has a chance to defeat the attacking faction by depleting the reinforcement count of the raiders (or at least make them retreat for a while to regen their reinforcements so that they don't lose. )
To prevent camping of recruits every player could have a personal power count (like with faction power) which will not yield any more reinforcement points when depleted. However, when a player has a power of 0 they become 'crippled' and deal less damage and recieve more while this power is 0.

If you're going to reply to this thread and point out certain things and say that it won't work or that is an issue, than please quote or state the specific text so I know exactly what you are talking about and don't have to guess, and then state what you would suggest to fix it. Don't just state the issue, state the issue and a solution to fix said issue. If you decide to not do that, and spawn nothing but negativity without any helpful criticism, then I simply rate your post disagree and not give you the satisfaction of a response, and encourage everyone else to do the same. Propose solutions, or other ways to do something, and I'll even edit it into the main post with your name and what you said as another way of doing things.

TL;DR: Ways to encourage a faction to surrender, and the idea for a war plugin. Go read the whole post fool!

@Wannag @kevencolis @Assembly123 @desert_eagle98 @qgmk @Asmodeus35 @Bsavs @DisturbedReaper @FubeTheMangler @Ha5h @Joshy54100 @jquaile @Kapry @Killingking777 @MagicalWetToast @spectec @WereWolfSlayer
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like it, so long as there is some kind of limit to the amount taken, so you can't pay a member 50r to kill that member repeatedly and make 200r from the the faction's bank.
I like it, so long as there is some kind of limit to the amount taken, so you can't pay a member 50r to kill that member repeatedly and make 200r from the the faction's bank.
As far as I'm concerned, there is a limit. The max tribute limit. Maybe you could explain just a bit more on what you mentioned.
Even though I like the idea of losing money on death, and automated "win" in my opinion is too much. Losing 100 regals is "nothing" to me. Yet I would feel very angry, if I were to lose a war because of 100 regals, while I still have over 200k on the bank, aswell as 60 god armors in my chests.

In my opinion losing money on death should only be a "pressure" on the enemy and not limited to the surrender-tribute, but to a daily maximum. This would in fact make people think about a surrender in an early stage of war, because if they keep dying, they would lose more money than they would have to pay to surrender.

In your idea, losing money on death feels to me like a "minigame" with money being the "points" needed to win. By forcing an end to wars like this, you can't even call it a surrender anymore, because a surrender is always out of free will. In this case "wars" would never end, because the losing party still might not aknowledge the loss and would just start a new war. In that case, the plugin you suggest loses its point of ending wars automaticly.

To sum it up: Surrender should always be out of free will and not forced by a "point-system".
Even though I like the idea of losing money on death, and automated "win" in my opinion is too much. Losing 100 regals is "nothing" to me. Yet I would feel very angry, if I were to lose a war because of 100 regals, while I still have over 200k on the bank, aswell as 60 god armors in my chests.

In my opinion losing money on death should only be a "pressure" on the enemy and not limited to the surrender-tribute, but to a daily maximum. This would in fact make people think about a surrender in an early stage of war, because if they keep dying, they would lose more money than they would have to pay to surrender.

In your idea, losing money on death feels to me like a "minigame" with money being the "points" needed to win. By forcing an end to wars like this, you can't even call it a surrender anymore, because a surrender is always out of free will. In this case "wars" would never end, because the losing party still might not aknowledge the loss and would just start a new war. In that case, the plugin you suggest loses its point of ending wars automaticly.

To sum it up: Surrender should always be out of free will and not forced by a "point-system".
Thank you for your input. The only reason I made it to where you could finally achieve a "forced surrender" through money being taken is that you and I both know that surrender isn't very common among factions of slightly better than average pvp standing. Raptum will never surrender to Magnanimus because of pride and they don't feel they are losing, and Magnanimus feels the same way. A surrender will never come from either side, even if facts point to surrender as the obvious route. It's not sensible to apply it seriously to Magnanimus or Raptum, because we love the constant fighting, but apply it to two stubborn factions that aren't well known for their pvp, but won't shy away from a fight. If one side is losing horribly, but their leader is too arrogant to surrender, nothing but his own decision will make him surrender.

So I guess what your saying is, that losing money should pressure the enemy into contemplating surrender, but a number to be reached in regals gained should not dictate whether or not they have to surrender. By that reasoning, over the course of a war, the attacking faction could accumulate 200 regals from the enemy faction, or 5000 regals from the enemy faction, and even if the max tribute was only 1000 regals, it wouldn't matter. This which I'm not opposed to.
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I think it would be interesting to see something similar to faction power added to the war system you suggested. Like a reinforcement count that is based off of the factions member count and which is reduced with each kill.
This count will regen over time and will apply for both sides in the war.
By doing this the defending faction has a chance to defeat the attacking faction by depleting the reinforcement count of the raiders (or at least make them retreat for a while to regen their reinforcements so that they don't lose. )
To prevent camping of recruits every player could have a personal power count (like with faction power) which will not yield any more reinforcement points when depleted. However, when a player has a power of 0 they become 'crippled' and deal less damage and recieve more while this power is 0.

I am sorry if this is a bit messy, I am currently on my phone and rambling
I think it would be interesting to see something similar to faction power added to the war system you suggested. Like a reinforcement count that is based off of the factions member count and which is reduced with each kill.
This count will regen over time and will apply for both sides in the war.
By doing this the defending faction has a chance to defeat the attacking faction by depleting the reinforcement count of the raiders (or at least make them retreat for a while to regen their reinforcements so that they don't lose. )
To prevent camping of recruits every player could have a personal power count (like with faction power) which will not yield any more reinforcement points when depleted. However, when a player has a power of 0 they become 'crippled' and deal less damage and recieve more while this power is 0.

I am sorry if this is a bit messy, I am currently on my phone and rambling

Instead of dealing less damage, maybe make it so they can no longer deplete the enemy's reinforcement count, so any kills they do get don't count - effectively they would be out of the war. I still would prefer that money is taken because then it is financially beneficial to surrender early in a war if you already know you will not win.
By lowering the players ability to fight it would make it possible to stop them from coming back in the near future and as such make it possible for the defending faction to repel the invaders without them constantly returning.
I think that one of the main differences between the money and reinforcement ideas is that one benifits small factions while the other benifits large factions. It also adds more risk for the attacker to have a set amount of lives.
I know of factions that would rather quit the server than surrender to enemies that may be arrogant and conceited about their wars. I don't think that forcing people to play the game in a way that benefits you and only you. The ability to not surrender is a choice-- no one should be "forced" into doing anything. If they want to sit there and be raided daily during war, then so be it, that's their decision and if you feel it is a waste of your time to raid factions, then perhaps you should spend your time raiding other factions.

As I have said in the past, there is a trait build specifically for taking money from people you kill and attack-- StealStrike. You're able to take money in that manner, and if you cannot make room for it in your trait builds, then you shouldn't be getting money from the people you kill or attack.

I am not going to propose a "Solution to an issue", because I do not see a problem that has arisen here. Factions do not "have" to surrender to stronger bigger factions that attack them. That is not a core part of game play, or else small factions simply would not exist for people constantly raiding or declaring war on them with the guarantee of victory. And raiders tend to already make plenty of profit from loot of killing nonpremiums or getting PVP-related kills from Premiums.

As for the war declaration system, I also believe that the manual work of accepting war declarations also benefits the server better than a plug in would-- staff are able to go through and guarantee that ridiculous reasons aren't being accepted to harrass factions by declaring war, fake war declarations won't be made, and staff are able to watch the system more carefully than it being automated through another plug in (which could glitch, at that, and cause issues between factions). To put it simply, I'd rather see effort gone into traits, and some of the PVP-related issues that are known rather than create more things to deal with in the long run.

Personally I feel it's an issue of it not being broken here, so I don't see what needs to be fixed. If a faction doesn't want to surrender, they don't have to.
I know of factions that would rather quit the server than surrender to enemies that may be arrogant and conceited about their wars. I don't think that forcing people to play the game in a way that benefits you and only you. The ability to not surrender is a choice-- no one should be "forced" into doing anything. If they want to sit there and be raided daily during war, then so be it, that's their decision and if you feel it is a waste of your time to raid factions, then perhaps you should spend your time raiding other factions.

As I have said in the past, there is a trait build specifically for taking money from people you kill and attack-- StealStrike. You're able to take money in that manner, and if you cannot make room for it in your trait builds, then you shouldn't be getting money from the people you kill or attack.

I am not going to propose a "Solution to an issue", because I do not see a problem that has arisen here. Factions do not "have" to surrender to stronger bigger factions that attack them. That is not a core part of game play, or else small factions simply would not exist for people constantly raiding or declaring war on them with the guarantee of victory. And raiders tend to already make plenty of profit from loot of killing nonpremiums or getting PVP-related kills from Premiums.

As for the war declaration system, I also believe that the manual work of accepting war declarations also benefits the server better than a plug in would-- staff are able to go through and guarantee that ridiculous reasons aren't being accepted to harrass factions by declaring war, fake war declarations won't be made, and staff are able to watch the system more carefully than it being automated through another plug in (which could glitch, at that, and cause issues between factions). To put it simply, I'd rather see effort gone into traits, and some of the PVP-related issues that are known rather than create more things to deal with in the long run.

Personally I feel it's an issue of it not being broken here, so I don't see what needs to be fixed. If a faction doesn't want to surrender, they don't have to.
Pretty much my thoughts on the matter. Speaking for Monk and myself we would never surrender nor will be pressured into such. To force players to pay via an automated means is not something that is overly required on Massive. If you feel that the war isn't going anywhere as neither wish to surrender... Then truce them and have the declaration on the forums marked as void.
I think it would be interesting to see something similar to faction power added to the war system you suggested. Like a reinforcement count that is based off of the factions member count and which is reduced with each kill.
This count will regen over time and will apply for both sides in the war.
By doing this the defending faction has a chance to defeat the attacking faction by depleting the reinforcement count of the raiders (or at least make them retreat for a while to regen their reinforcements so that they don't lose. )
To prevent camping of recruits every player could have a personal power count (like with faction power) which will not yield any more reinforcement points when depleted. However, when a player has a power of 0 they become 'crippled' and deal less damage and recieve more while this power is 0.

I am sorry if this is a bit messy, I am currently on my phone and rambling
I understand. Each member is part of a population count, and have a certain number of population points. Ex: There are 10 people in a faction. Each person in that faction has 10 population points each, making for a total of 100 population points.
As for the war declaration system, I also believe that the manual work of accepting war declarations also benefits the server better than a plug in would-- staff are able to go through and guarantee that ridiculous reasons aren't being accepted to harrass factions by declaring war, fake war declarations won't be made, and staff are able to watch the system more carefully than it being automated through another plug in (which could glitch, at that, and cause issues between factions). To put it simply, I'd rather see effort gone into traits, and some of the PVP-related issues that are known rather than create more things to deal with in the long run.
I think I left out in the original post that when a war would be made in game, it would be sent into a que where staff had to approve it once more. All this would take is a staff member looking at the forums and making sure the war was declared there, and approved, and then running a simply command of approved or denied. Game staff would handle this exclusively, as they already handle forum based war declarations. There is no argument that this would take up to much of staff's time, because to view a war and to check the forums should take no more than moments for each war created.
If you are not a supporter of the idea that factions automatically surrender when the max tribute amount is reached, than simply ignore it when giving your input. I labeled it as a possible feature, and even now striked through it. It didn't have to make it into the final cut, it was simply an idea.