Eyes Of The Ruby Hand

Preface: Just foreword, this will get into some... Plot Twist? Territory, as far as reveals for my character Conf goes. None if this is known IC. By anyone. But I felt like writing it, as this was a cool little moment that I wanted to expand on as far as detail and narrative goes.

Point Of View: Connthus (Conf) Helethium


It was... Cold. That was perhaps the biggest complaint he had with the new Haven. Perhaps even the only complaint. It was firmly out of the way of everything else in this new segment of the Sewers. Hidden where nearly nobody could stumble upon it- though, even if they did it was very unlikely they would make it far inside.

He sat at a table, within his office, within the Haven. It was hardly the highest quality set up he had ever seen. Far from it in fact. The table was sturdy but old, and had required that it was sanded smooth before it could be used for writing. The chair was of equal quality- old, but sturdy. In fact that could be used to describe the new Haven in it's entirety. Old. Worn down and tired. But Sturdy. It served it's purpose though.

Before him, spread out on the table, were dozens of papers and books, and stones used to hold down the papers. Maps of the city. Newly and hastily made maps of this section of the Sewers- likely at least a little inaccurate, and far from all-encompassing. And reports. While he had been crawling his way through miles of tunnels with a bleeding stump of a left arm, his Eyes had been working. He vaguely had a thought that he needed a new name for his lot- 'Eyes' and 'Listeners' and such sounded edgy as void. But, it served it's purpose. Just like the new Haven he supposed.

Most of the reports were a jumbled mess, as was to be expected honestly, given the damn state of the city. He had lost a large number of Eyes when the Boom had happened. They had done their job- spotted the danger. But just barely too late. It was because of them that any of the rest had made it out...

The majority of the reports were about the food shortages. Changing patrol patterns after the fall of Greygate. Dissenting hot-spots within the City. Riot locations... Ulfmen attacks. There were scattered bits about these sections of the Sewers as well. Mainly its prior inhabitants. Scouting had begun almost immediately, without his command even. Which he was thankful for- if they just sat around waiting for him nothing would ever get done.

He was working on a plan. A very great plan as far as he could tell so far. A plan to retake the city- despite being out numbered, out equipped, and in a hopeless corner, he knew the City would fight for it's freedom. It was really Humanities' most admirable trait. The ability to keep it's will, and fight on against the dark. Though, in his cynical hours he sometimes thought it to perhaps be it's only redeeming quality...

This dark line of thought was interrupted as a knock was heard at the door. He frowned, not expecting anyone to be bothering him this late. Though, the world never slept he supposed. He sighed , then spoke up "Enter."

One of his men stepped in, dressed deceptively ordinarily. He looked like any other bloke you would pass on the street. That was the beauty of it. "Well," Conf paused, ", what is it then?"

The man had an odd voice. Very, thick. If that was even a word to describe a voice- though he felt in this instance it certainly was. "We 'ave heard a few things. Most o' the Gangs 'ave gone silent, besides per'aps the Plants."

"Yanar." Conf interrupted, correcting.

The man hesitated for a moment, "Aye, Yanar. Their gang 'as been surprisingly active an' public down here. We see 'em around the Corpse pretty often. Seems their numbers 'ave not dwindled as much as the rest. "

"I suppose that is good news. I would consider them.... tentative... Allies."

"Well, I guess tha' is good then. There 'as been.... whisperings... though. Its quiet, being kept near mum, but there is apparently a Riot being planned, near the old Hammer place- the one the Bulwarks took over."

He scratched his chin. "Interesting. Well, is that all?"

Another hesitation, "Not... exactly. We 'ave heard more rumors about the Shadow Ones-"

"Thats a shit name, but yes continue."

" ... The, ... You know the ones, void. Not sure how much of it is bollocks or not but they 'ave apparently been seen around a fair bit recently. They are becoming more active."

"You think they have a plan?"

"Well, either they do, or somethin' has 'em stirred up. Either way, thought it best ye knew."

He nodded slowly. "Yes... Yes it is. If, that is all. I need to keep at this. I think I've nearly perfected it." He gestured towards the papers. "We will have the city within the month, surly."

The man- his name was something like Andrew wasn't it? - Nodded. "That, would be good. We are bloody starving down here, even with the strain eased slightly it's hardly a good situation."

But Conf was already engrossed in his planning once more. The man paused, before nodding and heading out. 'I shall have to see what we can do with this riot...' Conf thought idly as he went back to the map of the Crown City. So much to do, so little time...
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