Archived Extended Faction Chat-

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Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings everyone!

I'm going to propose a suggestion here- a very basic, raw idea that most definitely needs work. I'll start by stating a problem, and then I shall unveil my solution. Hopefully this won't be as controversial as every other suggestion thread in existence.

Problem: I have a subfaction at the moment, one that we bought for the lovely city it came with. Because there is no part of the faction plugin for subfactions, I changed the permissions somewhat to allow me to edit everything from my faction, as well as allowing allies extended permissions. In this way, we have a subfaction without needing any plugin. However, problems remain! It's a terrible chore for one of my officers to have to run the faction- they're secluded over there, only able to speak to us through ally chat. We never want to clog up ally chat for others, so our interactions are minimal. You may see the issue here- it's relatively small, but interactions between people are really what define Massive. I don't want to be talking over ally chat all the time, and I certainly don't want to un-ally all our good friends. And so comes my proposition...

Proposed Solution: What if, instead of a plugin for subfactions, which I know has been proposed, simply give the ability to extend your faction chat to another faction. You would type the command, and the leaders or officers of that faction would get a notification asking them if they wanted to join faction chats. This connection could be severed using a command, but it would automatically go off when the officer who instated it went offline. There would be a maximum of 2 or 3 factions in a faction chat, so as not to confuse people, and the faction they're in would be labeled. This could be useful beyond subfactions- to close allies or raiding partners, perhaps even two factions negotiating a settlement.

I realize this sounds much like ally chat, and it really is, except that you have to request for faction chats to merge. There would be no only-your-faction chat if the two chats merged, until the connection was over. Essentially it's just a close ally chat. I'm curious if anyone else finds a need for this or supports this- I know it would make my experience better.
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I heard the admins was talking about an empire chat from long time ago however... They never made it, otherwise they just can't remember ;3
Hmm, I wonder if it's still being tossed around. I know there were rumors for Factions V2, but those never panned out.
Time to "cook" things up a bit. Good idea.
Yeah, I feel like it would add to the game in a new way- Ally chat is great, but you don't want to clog it up if you have 30 allies. This would add a closeness that would resemble a plugin for subfactions, but I think be much simpler to code.
yeah. empire chat would be an awsome thing, but personally a 5 status would be better (faction,empire,ally,neutral,enemy)
it would mean the other faction could be configured so the officer could come over, help build a castle or something, pick up some iron ingots from your forge to make tools for his men, let you pick up whatever the other faction makes, but not let that one memebr in your allied faction steall all your diamonds to make a house.
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