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Exposing Of The Traitor, Sivna Sinalah. - The Diplomats


e girl extraordinaire
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida



[A parchment of paper, written with black ink in a fancy-type cursive would be pinned and nailed down against boards all across Regalia, including those near Grey Gate along with the Nestled Nook. The message spoke its true purpose as clear as day for all to see.]

The Diplomats are people of peace. A simple community of those who wish for a calm life within Regalia. We wish to extend a hand to Regalia and show we do not mean harm for anyone. We are peacemakers, we do not fraternize with the likes of criminals, and we look to maintain a friendly and neutral standpoint with Regalia, and one Sivna Sinalah has betrayed such a docile standpoint by aiding in a recent robbery to steal two sets of armor from the guards, protectors of Regalia and its neutrality.

Sivna Sinalah, also known by his previous Alias Navis Halanis, has been found guilty of the above and cast out from our group for disturbing the peace. Having done so, he is no longer welcome within the homes of our family due to his criminal and traitorous acts. He has been sent his letter that terminates his ties to us. He suggested affiliation with criminals on multiple occasions, and he was turned down every time due to our pacifist standpoint. We look to make a better reputation for the Isldar in the holy city, not to destroy said reputation, unlike Siora Lellvyone's actions.

We apologize for the actions that Sivna has taken in the time he was with our people. It has been rest assured that he will no longer be affiliating with us. If he has chosen a dark path, then we will do no such action as for following him. If he wishes to redeem himself, he may do so by taking it up with the city, but we will not be associating with him.


Sivna has been cast out of the Diplomats due to his criminal acts. If he wishes to repent for his actions, he may take it up with the city, but he will not be associating with us. He has been outed for his crimes, and we hope he'll be dealt with accordingly. The Diplomats have apologized for his actions and reassured the Holy City that we are a peaceful group.

Members of the Court of Diplomats (Active, Involved.)
@KayKay704 @Puagrace @Hutydan @xXKingDraugarXx
@yuomr/jason @automagicals @Ringo0310 @Ynzy
@SnashuuPomaymay @Zubile @Victoria
"I knew Sivnah couldn't be trusted," said Cheyaoine Shainvel.
"Siv's such a lying bastard..."- Covas Shainvel.
LƤthai couldn't help but feel reminiscent of when he casted Taendross out of all Isldarrin affairs via Frisit herself due to being a traitor.
Hullinera Venicier stared at the post with a small sigh escaping her pale lips. Pressing them into a thin line while her brows knitted together. "Relief that the wolf in sheep's clothing revealed itself earlier than later." Her strict gaze flicking away from the post to Covas with the smallest nod.
Flo would look confused at this letter, tearing up at the sight of a dear friend being casted out which also meant for her protection she herself could not talk to them. She was on a vacation at the moment though, so she slipped the paper away and crossed her fingers to get home in time.
After Milo read what was on the post, he took a sip of his sake, then spitting it onto the floor. "Nice going, Siv." was all he said as he walked off.
"For fucks sack Sivan.. good job making us look bad." Elora said angerly
Fen'nan read this over, arching a brow, "Huh, he was with us for that? Pfft. Maybe I misjudged him, heh, ought to buy him a drink and pish for it." She remarked wryly, her bruised, beaten face smirking.
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"Think i've read this before.. look familiar, Lythir?" Maria snorted, jabbing her elbow the Isldar's direction as she waved the parchment his way. @MasterMordax
"Souvenir," Tiray mumbled, folding one of the parchments up and stuffing it away into her pocket with a quiet snicker. "Never liked that guy anyways. Seemed to be missing a few screws in that head of his."
Sib didn't really make a big deal about these post, but upon reading this and remembering the name being said by her own kid.. Suddenly walking back to her house with one of these posts, having been rolled up, to just whack over top of Synne's head.
"Stawp befriendin' criminals, ye' rat." Tossing the paper to her before waltzing off.
Edmure Howlester furrowed his brows, pausing as he read the notice. "Maybe they need more intrinsic diplomacy, so that they don't produce these rogue elements.. Rather than just casting them out." He turned a notch sideways to gauge at Aleck Dunmore's opinion of the matter, who stood besides him at the noticeboard.

Cyrus Goodwin read the posted note and frowned at it. He had doubts his lover would do such, but maybe this young Altalar didn't know his own lover. But he could not say much of Sivna for his own actions have been far worse then just a few crimes. He moved to rip one of the papers off one of the boards he had seen it on, making sure no one had been watching/around before he had done such. After which, he had stormed off home without a word. Shoving the paper into his pocket.

@Drdragon1027 UwU
A red Songaskian gave a glanced over the flyer by Greygate, and let out a gentle chortle through his nose. He pointed to those around him, "Anyone else find it amusing that they felt the need to mention their high moral standards ten or eleven times?"

Aleck's eyes wearily dragged across the notice, he scratched at his beard and grumbled somewhat. "Regardless of whether they should change their ways or not, this is a group I would remain wary of. If one of them has already went rogue, there is nothing to stop the rest by 'reassuring' us of their loyalty and stabbing us in the back. - Another point being that I believe they're not Ailor, I would sooner trust one of my own over a knife-ear or whatever else they may be."
Rosana snorted.
"You don't work with Criminals? Yet you worked with the Good Company even after being outlawed by the Violets? You are a disgrace to all Isldar Taendross - you ratted your own people out to the Violets when asking for Frisit-Worshippers. Ontop of that you put us all in danger along with Lathai. Both of you are only making fools of yourselves.. M'dears"
She rubbed her temples...

(OOC: Love you Jade <3)