Archived Expanding The Rules Regarding Faction Pvp

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My profile pic is cute af.
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
South Louisiana
Roleplay Guilds
Cirq De Frek
Suggestion: A sub-section to expand upon the already made faction rules.

The main reason I wanted to do this is because of "You need an RP reason to raid",
Seems fair enough, but its not when you consider a legitimate RP reason can be something
as "We're Bandits". Which can be a nuisance for starting factions. I apologize if I seem whiny,
but when I was officer of Chanticleer, in the early days we got enemied twice every other week
despite the fact we really weren't all that active. But I swear 90% of the time, the people who tried to raid used the stock "Bandit" excuse despite having no prior history of this kind of behavior.
Note: Flagging means making known, via description and forum post.
Note: Rules already stated in server rules are understood to be in play.
(The legitimate reasons to raid and their requirements)
Domination: This faction is out to lay waste to the world.
(Enemies Everyone Indiscriminately)
-The leader needs an approved character.
-They are required to have a minimum of 25 Members.
-They need to flag themselves as a Domination faction.
-Required to write their Faction's lore and post it on the forum for mod approval.
-They can only own land on one continent at a time.
-Open to raids due to being warlords
Banditry: This faction consists of Highway-men and Mercenaries.
-Can have a maximum of 25 members.
-Required to flag themselves as Bandits.
-They can only own a single connected patch of land per continent.
(Patches are collections of chunks)
-Freely open to raids due to being Bandits
Skirmish (reason): The factions just have bones to pick with each other.
-They can raid based on offensive actions.
(Murder, Theft, Betrayal, Supporting Allies, exc.)
PvP: This faction is out for blood.
-Required to flag themselves as a PvP faction.
-They can freely attack any other factions that flagged themselves as PvP.
-They are also freely open to raids, due to being a PvP faction.
Roleplay (Reason): This faction enemies strictly because of their RP.
-They attack when the story calls for it.
(Races are Natural enemies, ones full of vampires, have a vendetta, exc.)
(Things that cancel out war attempts)
-You can't initiate raids against factions younger than two weeks.
-You can't re-brand mandates.
-You can't rules-lawyer and abuse loopholes to get around other requirements.
-You can't initiate a war from the inside of the offending faction's boundaries.
-Failed to provide reasons and surrender terms before acting.
-Unless a faction is sub of yours, you can't raid them for denying a request.
-Unless your RP calls for it, you can't raid for them being in a specific place legally.
(Yanars could attack for destroying a forest for example.)
(Things to keep in mind before/when raiding)
-Before raiding, you'll have to state your reasons and surrender terms to their leaders/officers
-After the initial attack, you'll have to give your reasons and surrender terms
-Raids can only last at the most, 3 Hours.
-You can only raid the same faction once every 3 Hours.
(After Initiating a raid)
-When a raider dies/retreats/logs off, they can't return to battle until the next raid.
-When declaring war, you have to give the faction 1 hour of peacetime before acting.
-You must give Reasons and Surrender terms when asked for it.
I do believe that further pushing this rule to make wars harder to start, would not be good for the future of PvP on massivecraft.
While that is the intended effect, it does not make war impossible,

Effectively, the Amendments allows both Peaceable and purely PvP factions to Co-Exist.

Bandit Factions:
Can fight ANYONE, but only have a maximum size, and limit on number of outposts.
Can fight any other PvP factions (Including bandits and Domineers) no questions asked.
You just have to leave peaceable factions alone.
Freedom to fight anyone and everyone on a single continent.
All you have to do is put forth the effort to apply.
Now you're probably asking,
"But they are also open to being raided by anyone too!",
Well, what do you think you're doing by becoming these factions?
"But as a Bandit I don't have enough members to go to war?"
Well, that's what allies are for, aren't they? Pretty sure I didn't put any limits on that.
In closing, if anything, the amendments will make people think more tactically about the wars they choose to go into.
Which helps enriches the PvP experience.
Furthermore, if you sincerely hate having limits or rules of any kind,​
Well, there's magical things called "Anarchy Servers"​
I lived on one, and it was the only one I ever played prior to massivecraft.​
I loved it.​
-For most factions, they probably won't have to change if these rules came into effect,
given they've been keeping the spirit of the server in their actions.
-Domineering, Bandit, and PVP are all essentially the same species, and operate very similarly.
The only difference being their physical faction make-up and small mechanics.
-If you have any questions about why I've made things they way they are, feel free to post here or
ask me directly on my profile page.
-Removed some things.
-Additions are written in Blue.
-Removed things are crossed out in grey.
P.S. Yes I know in Medieval times borders were shifting all the time,
But if you wanted to use that excuse, you wouldn't go around fighting people
for the sake of fighting people.
And remember, to vote on the Poll if you feel strongly about this idea,​
It might not do anything, but the poll makes it look pretty damn cool.​
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This. Just...Just this.

When I was in Cross back in March, we were getting enemied almost daily. At one point, one of those enemies decided to send in two or three very heavily armed troops in every couple of hours simply to kill us, without any warning, and no particular RP reason. Not because half of our faction at the time consisted of vampires, no, they just did it "for fun," and we were never prepared for it (at least for the first few attacks) because they had absolutely no reason to be attacking us.

It got so bad, my character's history lists that he was hiding out in Daendroc for six entire months just to get away from all of the fighting.
There needs to be a catergory for 'Factions that wanna raid everyone for fun without a reason". That is what was fun back in the good times of MassiveCraft. If that isn't on the list of things a faction can do. You got no support from me. The requirements here need an approved character, many pvpers are probably too lazy to make one. And if you're about to say "Its an RP server". First of all, was MassiveCraft a RP server to begin with? It has Faction and McMMO, 2 large pvp plugins than the race plugin which added bonuses for PvP. Anywaysssssssssssssss, so far, I don't support this
There needs to be a catergory for 'Factions that wanna raid everyone for fun without a reason". That is what was fun back in the good times of MassiveCraft. If that isn't on the list of things a faction can do. You got no support from me. The requirements here need an approved character, many pvpers are probably too lazy to make one. And if you're about to say "Its an RP server". First of all, was MassiveCraft a RP server to begin with? It has Faction and McMMO, 2 large pvp plugins than the race plugin which added bonuses for PvP. Anywaysssssssssssssss, so far, I don't support this

PvP mandate. Its in there. *cough* Not to mention three of the types of Mandates are fair game and are open for factions of any kind to raid. *Double Cough* Read thoroughly before posting *Triple Cough*
And if you're about to say "Its an RP server". First of all, was MassiveCraft a RP server to begin with? It has Faction and McMMO, 2 large pvp plugins than the race plugin which added bonuses for PvP. Anywaysssssssssssssss, so far, I don't support this

"Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying, questing and PVP minecraft server."

-Quoted from the main website
I think it would be better if they just remove the "RP reason to raid" and leave it at that. Making it so factions can raid who they want when they want. Like the old days when it was fun on the server.
I think it would be better if they just remove the "RP reason to raid" and leave it at that. Making it so factions can raid who they want when they want. Like the old days when it was fun on the server.

Except then the server would lose a lot of the newer members who only stayed because they have a paper defense against much more powerful players who've been here for over a year and have stats that literally break the game.

As for the idea, I like it... it would help enforce roleplay (more or less). I think a few different types of roleplay tag could be created/added, just to spice things up a bit :)
I like it. Only problem is how factions could just switch from RP to PvP or vice versa at any time. I feel like The Mods should take a look at the faction and declare what category they fit best in.
While interesting to entertain such complex ideas for factions it is in the end impossible to enforce such a large amount of new rules and would result in confused and angry players and staff have to spend time enforcing a set of rules that are already hard to enforce in their current simpler form.

Jonathan Shipley:
"The true art of government consists in not governing too much."
Forgive me but wouldn't this be a contradiction? By having that in your signature and supporting a suggestion that would require a heavier role of staff in the involvement of the server.
I think it would be better if they just remove the "RP reason to raid" and leave it at that. Making it so factions can raid who they want when they want. Like the old days when it was fun on the server.

๖ۣۜAlthough I do greatly see your point as to disagree, but I have a point to disagree with what you say as well. I will of course use the reason "It is an RP server" as an excuse, but I will use a few more as well. I personally believe it was made so that PVP factions could not raid noob factions willy-nilly, mainly because that was a problem back in the day, were the raids that occurred everyday. This is probably not a reason at all for it, but this still can be a point;
If you read global, there are a lot of times it is used within flame by the average noob or PVPer, usually because they find 'unfair terms' or they simply do not like another person. Now, if everyone could attack when they would, who they want, as long as they want, for what they want, that would basically re-name global to "Flame chat". Seeing as you are a PVPer in most chances, I am sure you have seen the times when there was quite a bit of flame. The extended amount of players on the server also does not assist in keeping such flame down.

The next reason is because it just helps you get involved in the community.
Sure, PVP is an aspect, but every once in a while, you might as well work within the other parts as well. Believe me or not, I am actually a quite grand PVPer, I just choose not to PVP because of McMMo, armour, (and because of my .7 FPS). It is healthy to take part into more than what you are often used to, because I actually gained my PVP skills off of Massive's constant raids and darkrooming. I learned how to RP, and how to PVP. And look at me now, as well! I am quite loving of the community, keeping entertained and joyed, for if I cannot find RP, I seek the PVP aspect. If I want the PVP aspect but cannot find it, I take the RP aspect.

Plus, I have no idea about you, but Magnanimus can do this:
Suggestion: A sub-section to expand upon the already made faction rules.

Domination: This faction is out to lay waste to the world.
(Enemies Everyone Indiscriminately)
-The leader needs an approved character.
-They are required to have a minimum of 25 Members.
-They need to flag themselves as a Domination faction.
-Required to write their Faction's lore and post it on the forum for mod approval.
-They can only own land on one continent at a time.
-Open to raids due to being warlords
You have spectec whom so far has been quite great at writing stories of Magnanimus, and you also have the needed 25 members, do you not? You also plan to take over Ithania. Does that not fit the description?
If you really do not want to take joint into the RP points of Magnanimus, you can call out a RPer to try and help you post the story/history of your faction. If need be, I could offer some help. Although you strike terror to those whom PVP or have a faction in Ithania, why not scare the RPers within Regalia as well? More RPers would most likely participate in trying to raid with/against you because they would have the RP reason to. That could either mean you get more loot whilst fighting, or you gain more buds to help you kill someone.
(Things that cancel out war attempts)
-You can't initiate raids against factions younger than two weeks.
-You can't re-brand mandates.
(IE. You can't use 'Role-Play' to get around other Requirements.)
-You can't initiate a war from the inside of the offending faction's boundaries.
-Failed to provide reasons and surrender terms before acting.
-Unless a faction is sub of yours, you can't raid them for denying a request.
-Unless your RP calls for it, you can't raid for them being in a specific place legally.
(Yanars could attack for destroying a forest for example.)
(Things to keep in mind before/when raiding)
-Before raiding, you'll have to state your reasons and surrender terms to their leaders/officers
-Raids can only last at the most, 3 Hours.
-You can only raid the same faction once every 3 Hours.
(After Initiating a raid)
-When a raider dies/retreats/logs off, they can't return to battle until the next raid.
-When declaring war, you have to give the faction 1 hour of peacetime before acting.
-You must give Reasons and Surrender terms when asked for it.
This also helps keep the noobs on for longer, because once they make their factions, they have time to pucker up and brace for the impact once the PVPers attack.
Add a tribute method for peaceful factions.

I disagree with the whole idea of flags and here is my reasoning:
Let's start by taking a look back in time before Pvp had any rules of any sort. I will use the Imperial War as an example not because it was the "best" or anything, rather, it is one of the most well known wars in the history of MassiveCraft. That war was not started because of Roleplay, or logic, or anything that the rules would require of a raider now. It started when iMineNewbs got a little bored, and decided to go raid someone, who just happened to be a sub-faction of 9thLegion. One thing led to the next, and all of the sudden it became a fairly large-scale war. And now, my point in all of this. 9thLegion, once Argonia had become an Imperial, pretty much got pounded every single day for hours upon hours. We did not survive by banking on a rule to save us, we adapted. Once we started getting raided, I decided I might as well give PvP a shot, and started training. Not only that, but we formed a Coalition with just about every active forum-using faction on the server. Tactics such as Diplomatics and training to put up a fight have somewhat gone away with the Harassment and Tribute rule. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the harassment and tribute rule, however, I do believe that further pushing this rule to make wars harder to start, would not be good for the future of PvP on massivecraft.

What I think is that players simply need to learn how to survive in a world full of lulz-raiding assholes that can manage to slither around the current set of rules. Obviously, not everyone is a Pvper who can dedicate himself to a darkroom to win a war, however, when put under pressure, you would be surprised what some players will do in desperation to beat back attackers. If you are an RPer, for example, offer some of the big-named pvpers some help getting started with Roleplay. In return, when you are in desperate need of help, they might be able to lend an axe. Also, if you are being slammed by some brand new bandit faction, make a forum post. A majority of the active forum users will unquestionably jump in to help if they see a peaceful faction getting beaten down by some bandits.

Although I do like the Procedures part of your idea, I think that players should have to take more incentive when it comes to pvp than rules doing the talking for them. Most roleplayers are very literate, therefor, should make for very good diplomats. If you take a few hours to maybe recruit a few pvpers, and forge a few alliances, I guarantee that any faction on this server could handle any pressing situation (Assuming they were not the provokers) if they just took the time to think and figure things out themselves.
I do believe that further pushing this rule to make wars harder to start, would not be good for the future of PvP on massivecraft.

While that is the intended effect, it does not make war impossible,

Effectively, the Amendments allows both Peaceable and purely PvP factions to Co-Exist.

Bandit Factions:
Can fight ANYONE, but only have a maximum size, and limit on number of outposts.
Can fight any other PvP factions (Including bandits and Domineers) no questions asked.
You just have to leave peaceable factions alone.
Freedom to fight anyone and everyone on a single continent.
All you have to do is put forth the effort to apply.
Now you're probably asking,
"But they are also open to being raided by anyone too!",
Well, what do you think you're doing by becoming these factions?
"But as a Bandit I don't have enough members to go to war?"
Well, that's what allies are for, aren't they? Pretty sure I didn't put any limits on that.
In closing, if anything, the amendments will make people think more tactically about the wars they choose to go into.
Which helps enriches the PvP experience.
Furthermore, if you sincerely hate having limits or rules of any kind,​
Well, there's magical things called "Anarchy Servers"​
I lived on one, and it was the only one I ever played prior to massivecraft.​
I loved it.​
As one of the biggest pvpers on massivecraft.. I honestly like this idea. Gives me a way to go after domination.. Hehehe.. +1 from me

As to the procedures, 4 hour raids max,
Not returning to the fight... That is a very strong disagree from me. In rp fights sure, in big pvp battle sorry but no way. Demands and reasons are, as stated in the rules, given when asked from the defending faction. Also rp reason is not always needed. I will use a scenario for this one that I am sure all of you recognize.

Faction A (100% hackusating noobs) says to the pvp god faction's leader something very offensive causing a big bloody war when they just sit inside and do "rap battles". Not gonna say any names... But this would be an example of when you don't need rp to declare war... Again, not saying names.
I agree with you Bitta and think it was very well worded
As one of the biggest pvpers on massivecraft.. I honestly like this idea. Gives me a way to go after domination.. Hehehe.. +1 from me

As to the procedures, 4 hour raids max,
Not returning to the fight... That is a very strong disagree from me. In rp fights sure, in big pvp battle sorry but no way. Demands and reasons are, as stated in the rules, given when asked from the defending faction. Also rp reason is not always needed. I will use a scenario for this one that I am sure all of you recognize.

Faction A (100% hackusating noobs) says to the pvp god faction's leader something very offensive causing a big bloody war when they just sit inside and do "rap battles". Not gonna say any names... But this would be an example of when you don't need rp to declare war... Again, not saying names.

I would consider "For outright disrespect and spite" a perfectly legitimate RP reason.

The 'No returning' thing was mostly meant for engagements that seemed like, "Big Brother on Little Brother".

Say, like, a huge 50+ member faction full of vampires attacking a quaint farming village on the edge of the map,

Maybe there should be a criteria where No-Return should be in play?
Honestly, its a hardcore server so players should learn to play in a world against the strongests players and not whine. It was much better when it was hardcore and you had to adapt to being raided. Which, I'm expecting the original poster of this thread to be one of those people who-
1)Does nothing but sits in regalia all day
2) Can't pvp but gets raided and wants it to changed because he gets raided/killed too much

Concerning a post directed at me- Don't tie me into the whole Magnanimus Undead thing. I have no care and sympathy for role-players, I was in the faction for the fun of raiding and killing people, nothing else. If you want to own/lead a faction. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DEFEND THE FACTION NOT WHINE YOU GET RAIDED

As for the idea though, I fully disagree with it since this seems to be a "wuss RP way out" for little factions to be safe.

I'm expecting the original poster of this thread to be one of those people who-
1)Does nothing but sits in regalia all day
2) Can't pvp but gets raided and wants it to changed because he gets raided/killed too much

Concerning a post directed at me- Don't tie me into the whole Magnanimus Undead thing. I have no care and sympathy for role-players, I was in the faction for the fun of raiding and killing people, nothing else.

-I don't recall tying you into magnanimus. (if that was directed to me)

-I actually don't go to regalia all that often except to buy things. Roleplaying is actually a new developement for me.

-If I sincerely just hated PvP, I would've complained a long time ago.

-I think you're looking for the wrong server. If you want the ultimate PvP, go find a nice anarchy server.*

*Not telling you to quit massive, but to fulfill your bloodlust somewhere else if you truly don't care about Roleplaying or other people's Roleplay. It's like going to Starbucks to complain about their smoothies.
All I'm going to say is. I honestly feel these suggestions on PvP factions is unneeded. I've been on the server for 1 year and 6 months. When I first joined the server, the faction I joined was raided 24/7 and I never quited the server. Why? Because I wanted to stay on and train and one day fight back and raid the faction that raided me. Which I did. I disagreed the suggestion because it listed a "handicap" for starting factions. Which was that new factions have to be 2 weeks old before being raided. If a faction were to be raided before 2 weeks, they should man up and adapt and learn, (Ex. Get good allies, start training etc.).
I like it how you must have a rp reason to raid, but this is just to much and very confusing. I prefer creative rp in wars.
While my first few months after joining Helvetica, we were harassed day in day out. 2-5 times a day and this last for the better part of several weeks until one of them was caught doorglitching (rapidly hitting the door causing it to open allowing to attack). Also to add, the whole RP Raid idea is pathetic, majority of the time I don't even see anything relating to RP'ing. All I see is a bunch of button mashers and when someone asks, they state they're "Rp raiding." In my opinion, RP raiding is when you roleplay out everything, derp; not spamming your mouse. To anyone who feels this is offending, you have fallen into this category and need to stop with these shenanigans.
Honestly, its a hardcore server so players should learn to play in a world against the strongests players and not whine. It was much better when it was hardcore and you had to adapt to being raided. Which, I'm expecting the original poster of this thread to be one of those people who-
1)Does nothing but sits in regalia all day
2) Can't pvp but gets raided and wants it to changed because he gets raided/killed too much

Concerning a post directed at me- Don't tie me into the whole Magnanimus Undead thing. I have no care and sympathy for role-players, I was in the faction for the fun of raiding and killing people, nothing else. If you want to own/lead a faction. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DEFEND THE FACTION NOT WHINE YOU GET RAIDED

As for the idea though, I fully disagree with it since this seems to be a "wuss RP way out" for little factions to be safe.


You say this knowing absolutely nothing about this player inside of the server. You're frankly being a jerk about things that he's never done.
Hi, just coming onto this thread to talk about some interesting things regarding both Gerrior and Lord_ArchAngel's posts, and to add my own perspective on this.

To me, Gerrior and Lord_Archangel are opposite ends of the spectrum in what they view Rp-raiding in any sense would be, one preferring combat to be completely minecraft vanilla, where two sides would stab each other until they died, while the other preferred an extremely roleplay filled raiding experience, where people would literally do -stab at noob-. Both of these statements have flaws in them, or at least from my point of view.

Gerrior, while in point of view rp raiding would just be filled with players roleplaying out giant awe-inspiring battles, the truth of it is that most minecraft players will find it boring. Horrendously boring, considering what the alternative could be. Minecraft pvp gets your adrenaline rushing, gives you a sense of danger that you just don't feel in a completely rped out battle.

However, I disagree with Archangel as well, on another idea. He claims that there was no RP in the old battles of Massivecraft. I beg to differ. The older wars may have been started by nonrp reasons, but they usually quickly developed some sort of rp background or aura. Also, your idea of just throwing smaller factions out into the world unprotected is something I disagree with quite heavily. When the average person gets raided and killed for 4 hours in a row, he doesn't think "Okay, I'll spend 10 hours in the darkroom leveling up my skills", he thinks "SON OF A #################### WITH A##### AND ####### YOUR ##################" and then promptly ragequits the game. He may not leave permanently, but he's hardly in the mood to level up his MCMMO skills! This is because at this point in Massive, sometimes its just plain impossible to catch up to a pvper in any realistic way. Think about it, what do you need to be a competent pvper?
1) Premium
2) At least 500 levels in a single combat skill
3) A 1-3 sets of god armor
4)1-4 god weapons
5) Assorted potions
Okay, first off you have to buy premium by either grinding for it or paying real life money. Not that appealing, considering the fact that the price for premium has probably gone up due to the monthly regal gain. On the bright side, your MCMMO will probably go up as you grind for the regals, unless you sell stuff to get the silver, which in that case you need to grind anyway. Then, you gotta grind for the god armor, weapons, and potions, which would probably get together to be around 10-12 hours of total grind time, at the very least. Now, that may not be much if its spread out, but what is a raging player going to think when he calculates how much time being a competent pvper will be? Probably something along of the lines of "WHAT! I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO OBTAIN THAT!" As for allies or adapting, minecraft gets a bit less fun when you have to go into the bomb shelters every 3-4 hours or so. The allies could be valid, but at that point you're depending on the generosity of a few select people. That is, if you can get some allies who can actually match up to your raiders.

Personally, I believe roleplay should be implemented in a way which is not forced down into raider's throats, so they don't have to resort to the "IMMA BANDIT" excuse each time. The idea of adding roleplay/lore into raids should be carefully cultivated until it becomes part of a normal procedure for raiders, to think. "Hmmm, why am I raiding so-and-so today?" Eventually I hope that one day Massive will get to the point where pvpers enjoy having roleplay aspects in their war, having that feeling of accomplishment as your crusade or tales or your orc horde spread throughout the server, instilling fear into all factions, but not resentment or envy, because at the end of the day that's what makes roleplayers call "ABOOOSE!" Not fear of dying, but resentment that this pvper is killing them and ruining their roleplay. A meshing of roleplay and pvp will solve these complaints of "coward's way out" or "prolonged raiding".
Saying you are about to raid them before raiding completely takes away the element of surprise. I think the rules are fine as is.
These suggestions have merit can could, with some slight adaptation, be quite good. However I have some objections.

1. Staff would have to police all the factions who wanted to raid making sure everything was in order unless the game mechanics of factions were changed dramatically. This would take time away from everything else they do, which would be bad for the server as a whole.

2. Not sure if it is actually needed. If you get raided you evaluate the situation and take necessary action. You can try lure them into a trap (assuming you have some), call your allies and ask for help in global chat. If it continues you ask for help on the forums. If you have been a peaceful faction that has been nice to people, not raided anyone and has not really done anything to deserve getting raided people will come and help (at least from every case I have seen) . If you were a faction that raided other small factions, insulted everyone you met and were a general problem then tough luck, you wanted to be a pvp power and now is your chance to prove it. You don't deserve game rules to protect you.

Don't get angry if you disagree, I am someone who, until recently, did not have premium or any decent mcmmo combat skills. However I have survived as the leader of a smallish faction for nearly a year. Using diplomacy, cunning, traps, walls, allies and friends. I did not need pvp skills, good gear and high mcmmo. I am just calling it how i see it.
An import problem facing new factions are constant raids, and this elaboration on the already fundamental rules of raiding aids that problem nicely in a few ways. First off, new factions have a two week raid-free bypass (This will most likely end up being vital to new factions and will help create a better atmosphere during the raid because the faction would be prepared). The guidelines on how raids would flow are clear, and I particularly like the idea of notifying your target of the terms of surrender. Even the proposal of seperatly tagged RP and PvP factions would be helpful. Overall, I strongly support this idea and think it would be a nice addition to the already made faction rules.
Hi, just coming onto this thread to talk about some interesting things regarding both Gerrior and Lord_ArchAngel's posts, and to add my own perspective on this.

To me, Gerrior and Lord_Archangel are opposite ends of the spectrum in what they view Rp-raiding in any sense would be, one preferring combat to be completely minecraft vanilla, where two sides would stab each other until they died, while the other preferred an extremely roleplay filled raiding experience, where people would literally do -stab at noob-. Both of these statements have flaws in them, or at least from my point of view.

Gerrior, while in point of view rp raiding would just be filled with players roleplaying out giant awe-inspiring battles, the truth of it is that most minecraft players will find it boring. Horrendously boring, considering what the alternative could be. Minecraft pvp gets your adrenaline rushing, gives you a sense of danger that you just don't feel in a completely rped out battle.

The whole point I am trying to say is that saying you're going to rp raid someone and not follow through shouldn't be allowed.. There's no RP. That's like saying This cake is good! but yet it's pie..
An import problem facing new factions are constant raids, and this elaboration on the already fundamental rules of raiding aids that problem nicely in a few ways. First off, new factions have a two week raid-free bypass (This will most likely end up being vital to new factions and will help create a better atmosphere during the raid because the faction would be prepared). The guidelines on how raids would flow are clear, and I particularly like the idea of notifying your target of the terms of surrender. Even the proposal of seperatly tagged RP and PvP factions would be helpful. Overall, I strongly support this idea and think it would be a nice addition to the already made faction rules.

Which new factions get constantly raided, and have they asked for help on the forums yet?
Well Gerrior in that case I think we just have different opinions about what rp exactly is. I consider anything that's done to fit in with the server's current lore to be roleplaying, while doing something for reasons that take place outside of the Aloria universe (RAID4LOLZ!) don't fit into that category.
Well Gerrior in that case I think we just have different opinions about what rp exactly is. I consider anything that's done to fit in with the server's current lore to be roleplaying, while doing something for reasons that take place outside of the Aloria universe (RAID4LOLZ!) don't fit into that category.

But that's all I basically see now, there is no real battles, it's all button mashing and doing it just because..
These suggestions have merit can could, with some slight adaptation, be quite good. However I have some objections.

1. Staff would have to police all the factions who wanted to raid making sure everything was in order unless the game mechanics of factions were changed dramatically. This would take time away from everything else they do, which would be bad for the server as a whole.

-The way I would see it operate, they wouldn't really intervene untill someone reports them, much like how we currently report activity. Plus it works both ways, if you try to report everyone to the mods everytime someone enemies or raids you, you'll be given the eye of judgement yourself.

-Plus the mods doing the investigation would have the leisure of deciding whether its really that big of a deal.
(I put up with most of the raids, only once in my lifetime did I get moderators)

-As for the process it self, is something that would be posted over the forum, not something you'd make a ticket for. You'd have to give all screenshots names, and whatchamihigus.
(Something I hadn't come up with, as the processes can vary between different reports.)

-With the new amendments, I'd hope for a new section of staff members regarding PVP in the game.
-The way I would see it operate, they wouldn't really intervene untill someone reports them, much like how we currently report activity. Plus it works both ways, if you try to report everyone to the mods everytime someone enemies or raids you, you'll be given the eye of judgement yourself.

-Plus the mods doing the investigation would have the leisure of deciding whether its really that big of a deal.
(I put up with most of the raids, only once in my lifetime did I get moderators)

-As for the process it self, is something that would be posted over the forum, not something you'd make a ticket for. You'd have to give all screenshots names, and whatchamihigus.
(Something I hadn't come up with, as the processes can vary between different reports.)

-With the new amendments, I'd hope for a new section of staff members regarding PVP in the game.

Pvp, or "raid control", staff would defiantly help, even without extra game rules. However I think this suggestion would make factions and faction related much more restricting, possibly for the worse. If you are going to put factions in categories then there is going to need to be more options, and lots of regulation, and possibly modifications needed to the faction plugin. Factions is a great plugin because it is no restricting and allows for diversity, it also has basically 0 staff input needed. I just don't know if all this stuff is necessary. There are already game rules in place to stop excessive raiding and, as I said in my post, calling for help works pretty much every time if you are a faction that has not done anything to deserve getting raided.

EDIT: edited a sentence so it makes more sense
Pvp, or "raid control", staff would defiantly help, even without extra game rules. However I think this suggestion is getting too restricting. If you are going to put factions in categories then there is going to need to be more options, and lots of regulation, and possibly modifications needed to the faction plugin. Factions is a great plugin because it is no restricting and allows for diversity, it also has basically 0 staff input needed. I just don't know if all this stuff is necessary. There are already game rules in place to stop excessive raiding and, as I said in my post, calling for help works pretty much every time if you are a faction that has not done anything to deserve getting raided.

-I haven't actually made any changes to the suggestion, so it either been restricting , or it appears to be because of discussion.

-And "all this stuff" isn't all that much, the only sort of thing I put hefty regulations on are factions out to war with an entire continent.

-Things such as how long raids can last, and how long untill they can raid again, I believe I heard from Moderators, I think maybe Monmarty and NewWarrior over helpchat possibly.

-Bottom line is you really shouldn't have to make any changes to current factions or alliances so long as you've been upkeeping with the current spirit of the server. These amendments just put that spirit into ink, if you have any specifics questioning about why I put things down the way I did, feel free to ask and I can give you my explanation or reasoning.
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