Archived Event Loot Distribution (v1)

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That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Warning: Potential Long Read.
Warning 2: Also potential syntax/grammar errors due to a ton of text and me being a human

Events are fun and events are messy. Sadly that means they arent allways fair, especialy the distribution of loot.
With at LEAST 3-4 people attacking the same mobs or going for the kill , some up getting nothing for their effort, while others who may only have hit it once or twice can end up with a lot more loot.

Another problem is that non-premiums currently are at a large disatvantage. Dying is not uncommon in these events and for them that means losing their equipment AND their loot. The system im about to propose would fix the later point (they still lose equip though).

So here is my alternative to the current vanilla loot drop system (for EVENTS ONLY).

Masssive already knows how much damage each player deals to each mob (proven by the fact that you see a % when killing a mob how much of it was your work).
This ability to track damage could be used as the foundation of the new system.
It could be used to determine who gets loot or how good of a chance of loot the person gets.

Note1: With loot set drop I mean all drops that the would mob drops on death if you kill it. If a mob drops 2 items at once that means both are included. If a mob can drop 1 of 2 different items then only 1 of them is included per loot set drop.

For Minions/Uncommon :
The game could track how much % of a full minions health the player dealt to them, for each type of mob spawned in the event.
So for each 100% of a minion types health dealt to minions of that type the player would recieve 1 lot set drop of that minion.
If the player has less then 100% then he/she gets a % chance to get a loot set drop equal to the remaining % of damage dealt.

This method also means if 2 players deal 10% damage to the same mob each there is a 10%*10%=1% chance that both recieve loot (also a 90%*90%=81% that neither of them does).

Example: Players dealth the following damage % to the mob type:
P1 120
P2 70
P3 100
P4 240
Now P1 , P3 get 1 guaranteed loot set drop and P4 gets 2. The leftover % damage is
P1 20
P2 70
P3 0
P4 40
Now P1 has a 20% for another loot set drop, P2 70% and P3 40% these chances are independent from each other. They may all recieve loot or if they have bad luck none of them recieve it.

For Boss Monsters: Each drop gets evaluated for itself. A player cannot recieve more then 1 drop from the same boss (per event) . First the first loot drop gets distributed to 1 of the players (based on a % chance) then the second loot drop gets distributed to 1 player who is not the one who recieved the first drop, again based on the remaining % chance. And this goes on untill all drops are distributed.

Note: Unlike with minions here each piece of loot gets distributed to exactly 1 player.

2 Bosses of the same type spawn with 2 loot drops each.
Loot A , Loot B , Loot C, Loot D.
10 Players Fought those 2 Bosses of the same type and dealt this damage:
P1 10
P2 10
P3 10
P4 5
P5 5
P6 5
P7 5
P8 5
P9 20
P10 25
Loot A gets distributed everyone has chance of his/her own % of damage dealth divided by the % of damage dealth. P10 for example has a 25/100 chance. Lets say he wins.
P10 has Loot A , he cannot get Loot B. Loot C or Loot D through the distribution in this event anymore.

Loot B gets distributed. Now everyone has a chance of his own % of damage dealth divided by (total damage % dealth to the boss - P10 damage%). That means that P9 for example would now have a 20/75 chance instead of a 20/100 chance to get the Loot drop. Lets asume he gets it. Now P10 AND P9 are excluded from getting any further drops from this ONE type of boss for this ONE event.

Loot C gets distributed. Same as before but now with P9 and P10 out the chances are significantly better for the rest with Their %/55 (100-25-20) . This time maybe P4 with the small 5% if total damage done gets lucky and wins. Now p4 , p9 and p10 are out of the distribution for that boss type.

And finaly loot D gets distributed. Chances are %/50 (100-25-20-5). Final drop goes to randomly to P2.

Now at the end 4 Different players got a boss drop each. With more bosses or bosses who drop more loot pieces even more players would recieve a part of the loot (the more they did the more likely they get one).

Note: If all players recieved 1 piece of boss loot but more loot is to be distributed then the whole process starts from the beginning (all players are enabled to get 1 more loot piece from the boss again) untill all loot is distributed.

And finaly a very important tiny fact for the event: Loot distribution is at the END of the event.
That means even if you died as non prem during it, you recieve your loot after it is over and have a fair chance to get loot in comparison to the premium players who dont have to worry about dying.

- Players are guruanteed loot drops if they do enough damage.
- Boss loot is distributed more or less equally .
- Non premiums have a chance to get and keep loot.
- Loot stealing is completely removed from the equation.
- Requires coding. Would need a plugin. Either to automaticly distribute the loot or to let staff track who did how much damage to each mob type (manual distribution).

And that´s pretty much it. Feel free to ask questions, voice your opinions (praise) as long as you are not flaming (using any form of criticism). Ok, but seriously, criticism is also welcome.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well first off... No offense to non-premiums... but they are warned not only at the beginning of each event... but also several times during them, that they will loose their stuff when they die. One of the reasons why enderchests are there.

Otherwise i think this is a good idea. It would reward the people who did the work. I like it.
I agree as well. It is annoying when your not premium, but it's just so people support massive, and as said above, they are warned. This all makes sense, but does favor the strong and punishes the weak. That's my only complaint.
Well first off... No offense to non-premiums... but they are warned not only at the beginning of each event... but also several times during them, that they will loose their stuff when they die. One of the reasons why enderchests are there.

Otherwise i think this is a good idea. It would reward the people who did the work. I like it.
The increased chances for non prem are a side effect. The main one is a more fair distribution among those who participate in the event.

I agree as well. It is annoying when your not premium, but it's just so people support massive, and as said above, they are warned. This all makes sense, but does favor the strong and punishes the weak. That's my only complaint.
This system almost allows even weaker players to obtain the loot they want if they just keep attacking a mob type. Even if they get slaughtered in the process.
The boss loot distribution favors the weak. The strong players are more likely to get the first few drops, but then cant recieve another drop (from the boss) till each other player also recieved a drop.

Also thank you both for your feedback
Let me ask a question. Think about the following scenario:

I'm a player… Premium or not, it doesn't matter for this situation...

I spent the last five minutes attacking a really hard mob during an event... But I died. Even though I was still the highest damage dealer to the mob...

Would I still get my reward? Even tho I died?
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Let me ask a question. Think about the following scenario:

I'm a player… Premium or not, it doesn't matter for this situation...

I spent the last five minutes attacking a really hard mob during an event... But I died. Even though I was still the highest damage dealer to the mob...

Would I still get my reward? Even tho I died?
I see your point now.
We use MassiveMobs for pve game events. I'm not quite sure how feasible it would be to make a plugin for even loot distribution or how it could calculate event mobs separate from other mobs. I'd imagine there would be a lot of plugin conflicts with MassiveMobs.
We use MassiveMobs for pve game events. I'm not quite sure how feasible it would be to make a plugin for even loot distribution or how it could calculate event mobs separate from other mobs. I'd imagine there would be a lot of plugin conflicts with MassiveMobs.
Oh... I never thought of that. Good point nommy.
I've been on servers that in an attempt to reduce lag they make it so whoever kills the mob gets the drop instantly placed in their inventory and I'm sure something like that is possible for Massive, however I'm guessing this is a change that you wouldn't be able to toggle on and off it would just have to be designed to do that anytime a mob is killed. This is of course good and bad. Good in that it would likely help reduce some of Massives lag and also allow whoever killed the mob to get its drop. Bad in that if your inventory is full the drop just disappears. So for those of us like myself that like to collect rare mob drops in our DR we would constantly have to make sure we had open slots in our inventory and that would be a huge pain.

Anyway I like the system as it is now. It's not perfect I will admit, it really does suck when you spent 5 minutes on a mob then some jerk swoops in for the last hit and takes everything. Still, I think the randomness of it helps those that didn't really have a chance at killing the mob themselves get some loot here and there and that to me is a good thing.

Also as far as non prems not getting the same treatment as prems at events well I mean come on that's kind of the whole point of premium benefits. The server gets to continue it's operations due to our monetary donations so I don't see what the issue is with us getting a little something in return. Prem isn't very expensive and very easy to afford with regals. I literally make the regals for a months prem in just one day of ingame work so if people want prem perks there's no excuse why they can't get them.
For some mobs we can increase the explosion radius of their drops so when they drop things their items go far and everyone has a chance to pick up something. This is mostly useful for mobs like slime ancients who drop a ton of items at once but could possibly be looked at for some more use with event mobs as well
I 100% support this! Something that would be cool, what if there were 2 events at once? 1 event for all players, and if a player dies in this event, inventorys are kept, but you cannot rejoin the event to 30 seconds, and the ordinary event. The ordinary event would play exactly like it does now, just with better loot drops, and tougher mobs.
I 100% support this! Something that would be cool, what if there were 2 events at once? 1 event for all players, and if a player dies in this event, inventorys are kept, but you cannot rejoin the event to 30 seconds, and the ordinary event. The ordinary event would play exactly like it does now, just with better loot drops, and tougher mobs.
Post a different thread for different ideas.