"Every mind is different, containing an accumulation of matters unique to each person.
Each mind is that person's knowledge, experience, their past, their very life itself! I will protect them, their stories. "
They will not be forgotten.
Eternal Tales Presented by Xera of the Milai Hold
{ @Birdsfoot_Violet }
The first of our library series of events, we are honoured to welcome Xera who will be presenting stories from the Drowda and her own experiences."Every mind is different, containing an accumulation of matters unique to each person.
Each mind is that person's knowledge, experience, their past, their very life itself! I will protect them, their stories. "
They will not be forgotten.

Eternal Tales Presented by Xera of the Milai Hold
{ @Birdsfoot_Violet }
Event Information
Date: 03/11
Time: 7pm EST (Estimated run time is an hour)
Who: Anyone and every one of upstanding faith and moral
Where: Bridge between Floral Court and Fairbanks
Event activities: Storytime! Social hour!
On the eternal pages, t'is observed