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Played Character Estralarah : Child Of Leaf And Blood

This character is actively played.


The Lonley One
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score



Character Information
  • Full Name: Estralarah Rizei
  • Heritage / Culture: Dragonkin / Xotic Maquixtl
  • Age: 20 Years
  • Gender / Pronouns: Genderfluid (He/She/They)
  • Religion: Draconism
  • Occult: Learned Mage (Draconic), Learned Mage (Void)
  • Character Occupation: Jeweler

Core Concept
  • Estra is a Maquixtl who through various twists of fate, has been stuck with lingering void essence in their body despite an intense hatred for the dimension, and seeks to reconcile themself with other Maquixtl and Draconism followers and find it in themself to forgive their previous transgressions.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Gold (frequently changed to green)
  • Skin Color: Medium Brown
  • Hair: Black, curly, with a white streak near the front of their hairline
  • Height: 5'6
  • Body Type: Moderate muscular build
  • Additional Features: Dark red scales (frequently hidden)
Appearance Information Expanded
Estra has one streak of white in the front of their hair due to a head injury when they were little, causing it to grow white from that spot. Other than that Estra has quite a few scars dotted over their body from years of hunting the afflicted and a tattoo-esque marking on their collarbones depicting a sun and moon.​

Estra is a Cielothar with dark skin, green eyes, and curly, jet black hair, with only a single streak of white near the front due to an instance of head trauma when Estra was young. They have a relatively muscular frame, and are typically clothed in a more masculine fit with less accessories, less color, and generally a more low-cut collar. A more feminine look includes more jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, and more form-fitting coverage on the upper body.​
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Casting with Dragon Magic:
7/10 Magic Stat
Attack Stat: Magic (3)
Defense Stat: Magic (4)

Casting with Void Magic: 10/10 Magic Stat
Attack Stat: Magic (6)
Defense Stat: Magic (4)

Proficiency Points: [14/14] points spent
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Status Endure Pack
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 3
    • Technique Parry
    • Chem Feeding (free)
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Escape Artist Pack
  • Magic: 10
    • Safeguard Pack (Dragonkin)
    • Wardrobe Pack
    • Mind control Pack
    • Shapeshift Pack
    • Monster Invocation
    • Duellist Invocation
    • Magic Bolts Pack
    • Magic Curse Pack
    • Magic Summon Pack
    • TBD
    • TBD
  • Charisma: 1
    • Undisclosed Presence Pack
  • Faith: 0
    • Sacred Bleed Pack (Dragonkin)
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Alchemy Hobby
    • Athletic Hobby
    • Magical Talent
    • Cleric Talent
  • Mechanics:
    • Dragonkin Mechanic 1
    • Dragonkin Mechanic 2
    • Dragonkin Mechanic 3
    • Maquixtl Mechanic 1
    • Maquixtl Mechanic 2
    • Maquixtl Mechanic 3
    • Maquixtl Mechanic 4
    • Maquixtl Mechanic 5
    • Eronidas Mechanic 1
  • Languages:
    • Common (Free)
    • Nātl (Native)
    • Altalar (Learned)
    • Droque (Learned)
Heritage Mechanics:
Dragonkin Mechanic 1 - Dragonkin inherit the Mechanics from the Heritage Trait from whatever Heritage the Character is biologically made.
Dragonkin Mechanic 2 - Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
Dragonkin Mechanic 3 - Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.

Maquixtl Mechanic 1 - Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
Maquixtl Mechanic 2 - Maquixtl pets live unnaturally long lives, with them being able to apply Gene Editing on their pets to modify them.
Maquixtl Mechanic 3 - Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.
Maquixtl Mechanic 4 - Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
Maquixtl Mechanic 5 - Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing.

Eronidas Mechanic 1 - Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.​

Hobbies / Talents:
Alchemy Hobby - Alchemy Hobby covers broadly things done with potions, chemicals, and science. This includes but is not limited to medical healing and concoctions, salves and potions for different hair colors, gender-bending, making fireworks, cleaning foams, changing materials, or generally adding alchemical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living.

Athletic Hobby - Athletic Hobby cover broadly things involving physical labor. This includes but is not limited to lifting heavy objects, carrying other people around, helping others reach a physical fitness goal of theirs, as well as other basic physical labor or athletic roleplay. This hobby is fairly simple but very open ended, allowing the user to manifest their physical prowess however they see fit.

Magic Talent - Magical Talent covers broadly things done with magic or that have a magical feel to them. MassiveCraft does not in theory limit the creative freedom of Magic Roleplay. A Mage can create autonomous lights or brooms, give magical effects to drinks, or ignite and douse fires with a simple gesture. Mages can also use their magic to heal and cleanse, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. Healing cannot be done before or in combat. Alternatively, Mages can use their magic to corrupt and harm. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in Roleplay to all participants. Some uses of Magic Talent can be considered Sinistral Magic.

Cleric Talent - Cleric Talent covers broadly things done with God-Magic, or things done in the service of Religious Rituals. MassiveCraft does not in theory limit the creative freedom of Religious Roleplay. Cleric Talent allows a Cleric to have creative freedom with non-combat religious rituals, such as: igniting or lighting fires with a simple gesture, conjuring images in the air, or in smoke or water, etc. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in Roleplay to all participants. Clerics in particular are thought of as healers, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. Healing cannot be done before or in combat. However, it is important to note that Cleric Talent has some limits on what it can be used for, and should strictly only be used for healing and religious ceremonies, and not for day to day chores like automating a broom to sweep. Cleric Talent is always God Magic, and requires that a Character be a faithful of some Religion.
Chemistry Point Buy:
Chem Mend - To mitigate toxins, when the user has collectively dealt -2HP damage to themselves with Abilities, grant 1 Block Token. Once per combat, If Chem Mend is on Cooldown when the User drops to 4 HP, take Chem Mend off cooldown. Chem Mend has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

Chem Bloodboil - To make the user's blood caustic, immediately deal -2HP damage to self, but automatically deal 1HP damage to Target enemy the next 3 times the user takes damage from Target enemy's Attack Emote, which can be multiple Enemies. However, if only one Enemy, maximum -2HP to Enemy. Chem Bloodboil can be used Once Per Combat.

Technique Parry - To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

Chem Feeding (free) - Chem Feeding does not grant any Abilities, but grants utility for dealing with the Afflicted. The Chemist can produce Magic Aureates, which are apple-sized edible crystals which can satiate the feeding hunger of Vampires or Geists. The same object sates any of their hungers as if they have fed from a real person. Aureates can be produced one of two ways. Firstly, the Chemist must use an attack emote against someone. If they succeed in doing at least 1 HP damage, they gain 1 Magic Aureate, and only one can be produced per day. The second method, is to take a blood sample of their own, and mix it through a complex alchemical process to become a Magic Aureate. Up to three can be produced this way, but any Afflicted who consumes this Aureate becomes enthralled to the Chemist, meaning they listen to the commands and directives of the chemist against their will (this is all within reason, and with consent, the Chemist should not start acting against the interest of the Afflicted, and any weirdness forces the addiction to be retconned). This mechanic is disabled if the Chemist becomes Afflicted themselves. The only exception to this is if the Chemist has an Invaded or Vested Spirit Affliction. Chem Feeding is gained for free upon Point Buying any Chem Point Buy Pack.

Magic Point Buy:
Safeguard Pack (Dragonkin) - The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.​
  • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of magic where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Wardrobe Pack - The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.​
  • Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to one other person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Mind control Pack - The Mind Control Pack allows a Character to establish a level of control or influence on other Characters through the use of Alchemical addiction, or pheromone serums, or mind-control chips and machines. This Pack has several functions, each of which is explained below. Keep in mind that Mind Control, to rob someone of their free will and agency, is one of the most heinous moral crimes in most cultures and Religions. You should expect Characters to react with extreme hostility if your Character is found to be using Mind Control. Some Characters may also be immune to Mind Control, but in such instances, these Mechanics simply don't work, they don't suddenly notice that someone tried to Mind Control them. Using any form of Mind Control is not telegraphed, meaning it cannot be seen when used by others (unless someone was there when it was applied). This means the only way to discover Mind Control of any kind, is with educated guesswork.​
  • Persuasion Guidance: The Character can boost an Ally's Persuasion Roll while in Emote Range by +2 to the final Dice result. Only one Guidance can be active per Character, and it cannot be used on Self.
  • Persuasion Bonus: The Character gains +2 to the total /dice roll number before rolling, meaning base 3 + Wisdom/Intelligence + 2, while also raising Persuasion Cap by +2, this does not increase the final dice result.
  • Persuasion Thralling: The Character can establish Mind Control over a Character with OOC consent (which can be revoked at any time). Mind Control can vary from the Target becoming completely unable to act and waiting for commands, or being mostly in control of themselves, but just not being able to reject commands from the user. Mind Control cannot be overwritten, and can be removed from any Knocked Out person (they will always violently resist being freed) by removing the device or substance that Mind Controls them. There is no upper limit to the amount of people Mind Controlled this way. Make sure to always communicate the level of (dis)comfort Players may have with Mind Control before engaging in it.
  • Magical Variant: The Magical variant of Persuasion Guidance and Persuasion Bonus is identical, where the changes mostly occur in Persuasion Thralling. Persuasion Thralling can no longer be removed by just Knocking someone Out, they have to be freed from Mind Control through the use of an Ability or Mechanic that functions as a form of Exorcism. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Shapeshift Pack - The Shapeshift Pack allows a Character to change the fundamental genetic composition of their Character through for example the use of body-changing Alchemy or body-morphing technology like nanites. The Character can change their heritage (for example from Ailor to Eronidas or Solvaan, or even a combination of the two or three), including but not limited to taking visual aspects of individual peoples and combining them visually, though this never changes their Heritage Traits. Furthermore, they can change Gender Presentation, Biological Sex, Height, Hair, Facial Structure, Body Shape, Hair Color and texture, and even apply visual effects on their body like Tattoos, Mutations, and additional (non-combat) functional limbs or body parts. The Mundane version of this Pack does not count as a Disguise but is applied indefinitely, meaning the Shapeshifting does not break until an antidote or reversal is applied. Keep in mind that Shapeshifting should not be used in anti-RP ways to avoid consequences perpetually, while it can help with Crime RP or to keep one step ahead of one's enemies, making a character completely untouchable may result in Staff intervention. Also keep in mind that Shapeshifters have a bad reputation in the lore, your Character may receive hostility for openly Shapeshifting in front of other Characters.
  • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of this Ability has all the same functions, except that the Shapeshifting does count as a Disguise, and can Hide Affinity Traits, but never Affliction Traits. Additionally, Magical Shapeshifters are capable of mimicking the appearance of another Character exactly while Mundane Shapeshifters cannot. Keep in mind that passing off convincingly as someone else, still requires a modicum of behavior mimicry as well, otherwise Characters may see through the ruse. Shapeshifting can be done as many times and as quickly as the user wants. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

Monster Invocation - Whether by a curse or by voluntary blessing, this Pack allows the user to transform into a Monster Transformation, which counts as a Disguise. A Monster Disguise is a monstrous version of a Character that breaks beyond the design style of a purely humanoid character and thus can have all manner of visual changes that make them look more monstrous. During Transformation, if anyone is a witness to the Transformation, the Monster can also alter part of the witness's memories, so that they will not remember who Transformed, that the original person ran away, or was never even there to begin with. During the Monster Transformation, the user gains +2 Attack Stat (Break Cap to 11) and +1 Defense Stat (Break Cap to 9), but can no longer use ranged attack emotes. If the user drops to 0 HP, the Monster Transformation will be reverted after which the memory alteration no longer works. Additionally, Characters with Monster Invocation may receive more positive or additional interactions with entities that either feel alignment with, or close approximation to Monsters, such as the Eldertide or the Body Arken (Private Message DM's during Events to inquire). Keep in mind that Monster Transformations are always defined as "Monstrous", and thus fall under Regalian Law High Law. This means it is strongly recommended not to use Monster Transformations is very public spaces or in the middle of the city, as the Regalian Guard & Knights and most law-abiding citizens will attack to kill on sight. If Monsters get arrested, kill-perms are likely to be granted to have the Character executed.

Duelist Invocation - The Duellist Invocation allows a Character to change the rules of (mostly) friendly combat in a scene. In order to use this Invocation, there must be a clear number of participants (either a group, or two persons), and a clear "ring" or "arena" in which the fight takes place. Then, the Invocation creator can set the rules of the fight in whatever way they like, this can include but not be limited to: ridiculously over-the-top anime-style theatric combat, increasing Proficiencies to 28, increasing HP to 30, changing Attack/Defense/Damage Stats, disregarding the Combat Roleplay system altogether and using logic dictation, allowing Characters to fly or transform and so forth. The idea is that reality can be defined by the person making the Invocation and that as the cherry on the top, the participants become effectively immortal. Even if they die as a result of the duel, they will be revived at the end and their bodies restored. Duellist Invocation cannot interfere with regular Combat Roleplay, participants must always be willing, and as soon as the duel has started, it cannot be interfered by outsiders until the duel is done. Finally, any Character that has this Pack, gains +1 Attack Stat (Break Cap to 11) and +1 Defense Stat (Break Cap to 9) so long as they are only in a 1 versus 1 fight (meaning, as soon as anyone joins on either side, this buff is removed).

Magic Bolts Pack - To cast with magic, the user gains either Ranger Stance or Deadeye Stance, which activates when this Ability is used. The stance chosen functions with magic, not a weapon, but does not count for using that Stance's associated Abilities. Additionally, once per combat, the user can re-roll one failed Ranged Attack made with Magic Bolts. Magic Bolts can be upheld indefinitely, but has a 20 minute cooldown once ended.
  • Sinistral Usage: the User gains +2 Attack Stat, that breaks cap up to 11, while using Magic Bolts.
  • Ranger Stance can be Activated without consuming a Turn. During Ranger Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Melee Point Buy, Shielding Point Buy. The user's Basic Attack Emotes become Emote Ranged, but if they try to attack someone within 4 blocks, the user suffers a -3 penalty to their Attack Stat for that attack only. Stances are indefinite, but can be ended any time for a 20 Minute Cooldown.

Magic Curse Pack - To make an enemy choose between two weakening effects, instantly apply the Warned Status to an Enemy within Range. The Enemy must choose between -1 Attack Stat or -1 Defense Stat. This Stat Reduction lasts for 15 Minutes, after which Magic Curse's Cooldown begins. Magic Curse does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
  • Sinistral Usage: Stat Reductions become -2, instead of -1. Also, target another Enemy within Range. Whichever option the first enemy does not choose, apply that -2 to the second enemy.

Magic Summon Pack - To never be without weapons and armor, instantly summon any combination of armor, shields, weapons (ranged or melee) for the user and up to two willing allies within Range. This does not re-fresh Block Tokens from Armor, but grants them if the user did not already have them. Additionally, if the user (and allies) wear this equipment for 20 minutes, also grant +1 Attack or +1 Defense for the duration. Magic Summon does not Stack, has no Cooldown, but once it grants +Stats, it lasts for up to 1 Hour.
  • Sinistral Usage: Instead of granting equipment to allies, only grant equipment to Self, grant +1 Attack and +1 Defense (breaks cap up to 11/9) while using it. Additionally, prevent Attack/Defense Stat Reduction for 30 Minutes.



Roguery Point Buy:
Escape Artist Pack - The user is able to, while restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs, and any other mundane restraints used to hold a player down. Additionally, while in combat the user can spend an Action to remove the Trapped Status Effect. Escape Artist has no Cooldown, unless used in Combat, during which it has a 30 Minute Cooldown.

Faith Point Buy:
Sacred Bleed Pack (Dragonkin) - To prevent an enemy from healing, deal -1HP damage to self, target an enemy within range, and apply the Bloody Status Effect to them for the next 15 minutes. If the Bloody Status is removed early, reduce this Ability's cooldown by 30 minutes. Sacred Bleed has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

Life Story:
  • Estra was born in a village in Avant-Olmaat to two Maquixtl parents.
  • They spent most of their teen years learning to use climb and explore the forest effectively, as well as learning all about herbs, flora, and fauna.
  • Before Estra was able to find a place for themself in Avant-Olmaat, they were taken by a group of vampires while wandering the woods. While taken and turned, Estra committed various acts of violence against small settlements as they traveled. Eventually they wound up in the coastal city of Meenarth in Ellador and took work upon a ship to gather blood cattle. During their years living in Meenarth, Estra took to learning magic, magic to control and fight and burn, to incite fear.
  • The ship Estra traveled with, The Ashen Seafarer, was intent on bleeding a small town dry of all their civilians, however as their attacks became more frequent, the fleet was met with a surprise. The town had gathered enough funds to hire a Suvial mage to defend the village. With the diminishing population, Estra's ship brought less and less vampires over time, as they didn't need the extra manpower. When they arrived for their raid, the Suvial mage churned the sea, rocking vampires from their ships and tossing them into the water. The Suvial bound each vampire and invoked the blood invocation, thus offering each vampire a choice with a clear mind: Rebuke your ways and be cleansed, or cling to the void and die. Finally with a clear mind, Estra was cured and took a ship to Daen, where they lived for a few years, quietly nurturing their dwindling magic.
  • Over the years in Daen, Estra began to resent that their magic was sourced form the void, as they vowed never to fall into the draw of voidal magic again and sought to reconcile with their beliefs in the Estellon pantheon. Estra took much time and effort to learn to alter the dimensional signature of their magic, turning void to exist, though it made their magic weaker.
  • After hearing news of the sanguine crisis in Regalia, Estra decided to make their way there and help to stop such a thing from happening again, even knowing that they would most likely not be welcome among the other Maquixtl due to the nature of their magic.
Plot hooks:
  • Estra sometimes appears as a Maquixtl with golden eyes, something somewhat unusual and typically reserved for some kind of preternatural influence.
  • more TBA?
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