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Establishment Of Deathbane Militia


Dwarves are my Roman empire
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score

The crimes of servants of death are never ending. Kelevmor, warlord of sewers, has lead a mob to attack Regalia to claim Vhaaluk. Both Kelevmor and Hyris gained high law warrant for their terroristic actions, assaulting curings and state officials. Just few days ago I witnessed Hyris kidnap Judy Hale.

And now servants of death are preparing to commit their worst crime of all. They plan to summon one of their vile gods into Regalia

And so, with the need to stop them becoming more and more important, I declare establishment of Deathbane militia. Organisation whose purpose shall be to eradicate Beyond's cancer from Regalia, so they may not harm it's citizens no more


Death bane militia accepts all who wish to fight against this menace, be they mundane or magical. Afflicted and practitioners of Ordial magic need not to apply.

Only members of Krsnik group and and Grauwald group from Lothar order may apply
Red hunters that wish to join must enter red truce with mages in the militia
Militia also accepts mercenaries, who will be paid handsomely for their services


Militia is also looking for informants. No war can be properly waged without information about plans of the enemy. Any informant will be paid handsomely, be it in money, favors or protection, for information they provide


To pay for mercenaries and informants will be expensive. And so, deathbane militia is looking for aristocrats and nobles wishing to become benefactors. You can participate in the fight against this evil even if you lack skill with weapon


P.S I know how to properly spell your name Hy'riss. I just don't like you

Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid, servant of Dáuw​