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Played Character Eshurin Abansige

This character is actively played.


Stunning Orc
Aug 17, 2021
Reaction score
The Spiritbound Knight

  • Full Name: Eshurin
    Heritage / Culture: Eronidas/Kissut Ashaven
    Age: 27
    Gender / Pronouns: Gender Fluid (He/They)
    Faith: Draconism (Main Patrons: Daiana, Umbra), Syncretic with Nilthism
    Character Occupation: Knight of the Aelrrigan Order, Noble,
    Homeland: Ashaven

    Appearance Information
    Eye Color: Gold with black sclera
    Skin Color: Dark skin
    Hair Color: Dark brown
    Height: 7'3"
    Body Type: Muscular, imposing

    Additional Features:
    • Glowing scarification that reflect his connection to the Valrutu magic of Ashaven and his culture. Including a few vaman phrases on his body that denote central ideas of the character.
    • The most central is a tribute to his Valrutu magic that reads 'The spirits of Valrut guide my path'
    • Eshurin also has sharp talons on his hands with bronze scales on his body.
    • Wears traditional Ashaven leather garbs, blacksteel armor, or he can be seen in some training gear.

  • Draconism:
    Eshurin follows Draconism, venerating the The Dragon Gods of Succession
    • Daiana: Eshurin venerates Daiana as the embodiment of Aloria and the cycles of life, honoring her as the source of all elemental forces and the maternal guide for his ancestral magic as well as his mother that he often prays too for words of advice and moments of listlessness.[/li]
    • Cinerius: Eshurin values Cinerius as the Dragon of Passion, honoring him for fueling the emotions and desires that drive his dedication to his people, He prays to him for resolve in battle and as service to Valrut that he's connected to through his magic.[/li]
    • Felicula: Eshurin acknowledges Felicula's importance in controlling and empowering magic, drawing strength from her to manipulate the elemental forces around him and maintain his connection to Ashaven's Ancestral magic as she is the source of it all.[/li]
    • Luna: Eshurin values Luna for her teachings on compassion and community, recognizing the strength in bonds between people and seeking to foster unity and companionship to protect Ashaven and its people.[/li]
    • Umbra: Eshurin worships Umbra for the dragon's justiciar role and to assist him in his own purpose dreamt by Daiana.[/li]

  • Attack Stat: Faith
    Defense Stat: Constitution
    • Thick Hide(Free)
    • Rage Counter
    • Status Endure
    • Iron Will
    • Breather
    • Interception
    • Wardrobe(Magical)
    • Safeguard(Magic)
    • Shaman Pounce
    • Shaman Darkness
    • Shaman Ancestor
    • Shaman Quake
    • Shaman Brutality
    • Shaman Fury
    • Sacred Healing(Free)

  • Roleplay Mechanics:
    • Eronidas Mechanics
    • Dragonkin Mechanics 2 & 3
    • Magic Talent
    • Athletic Talent
    • Elemental Invocation
    • Ancestral Manifestation & Bonding
      Combat Aesthetics:
      • Valrutu magic: Valrutu is a unique variant of Ancestral Magic practiced by the residents of Ashaven, especially those who live near The Life-Fire. This magic harnesses the ancestral spirits connected to Ashaven and the oral histories of resident's heroic ancestors who lived and thrived in the shadow of Valrut's ash.
    • Valrutu Guardianship: By invoking the spirits of the ancestors, Eshurin creates protective wards that defend his allies from harm, absorbing elemental damage.
    • Gauntlets of Valrut: The Gauntlets of Valrutu are forged from the molten essence of Valrut, imbued with the spiritual energy of past dreamborns and Ashaven Legends. These enchanted gauntlets allow Eshurin to channel the physical prowess and martial expertise of legendary Ashaven warriors, conjuring ancestral manifestations to fight alongside him.

  • Personality
    Eshurin is idealistic and sociable, shaped by Ashaven's communal and resilient culture. He is fiercely loyal, compassionate, and driven, balancing his role as a protector with hidden motivations tied to his divine purpose.

    Motivations and Goals:
    • To protect the sacred sites of Ashaven, ensuring the continued balance and peace of the nation.
    • To reconcile the teachings of Draconism for hjimself, offering guidance to others who also struggle with faith and subscribed purpose
    • To train the next generation of Aelrrigan knights, imparting both martial and spiritual wisdom.
    • As a Daiana Godborn, Eshurin seeks to deepen his spiritual connection to his parent, understanding the full extent of his divine purpose and the powers granted to him by Daiana.

  • 7RwvW1H.jpg

    Eshurin extending his hand to assist someone. Done by Mjenai


    Eshurin in a traditional garb, showcasing his muscular build. This is done by Weary Canary.


    Eshurin seated in a relaxed pose, art is by Scribbe.


    Eshurin summoning his ancestral magic. Art by Kalas11


    Eshurin sits regally on a throne. art is by Skinnaly.


    Eshurin on a volcanic terrain, holding a staff while gazing across the land while atop of Valrut. Art by Sbeep_


    Eshurin in a powerful stance, with spectral energy emanating from his eyes. This image emphasizes his mastery over magic and his Dreamborn heritage, it's by GerryArt.

Plot Hooks

  • Healer's Path
    Eshurin, as a member of the Llynburgh Chapter, specializes in the healing properties of both magic and alchemy. Anyone in need of healing, medical assistance, or alchemical expertise can seek him out for advice, treatment, or guidance in developing their own healing abilities.

    Cleansing Corruption
    Eshurin has extensive experience in cleansing magical corruption. Characters dealing with magical ailments, cursed objects, or the aftermath of harmful magical exposure can turn to Eshurin for help. Eshurin can absorb curses.

    Mage Mentor
    Llynburgh is known for teaching Aelrrigan squires in alchemy and safe magic practices, and Eshurin, being well-versed in both magic and alchemical healing, can act as a mentor for younger knights or aspiring mages who wish to expand their alchemical knowledge or get a better handle for their magic.

    Aelrrigan Allegiance
    Being an Aelrrigan Knight means Eshurin is always on the lookout for dangerous magic, renegade mages, or corrupted artifacts. Those who are aware of magical threats or have stumbled upon dark secrets may seek out Eshurin for protection, advice, or even as an ally in quelling magical threats.

    Herbalist Knowledge
    Due to the Llynburgh Chapter's vast alchemical gardens, Eshurin is deeply knowledgeable in herbalism. Characters who need rare plants, concoctions, or remedies—whether medicinal or magical—can approach Eshurin for help in finding or brewing the necessary potions.

  • Ritual of Remembrance
    Eshurin performs a sacred ritual that allows individuals to commune with their own ancestors, drawing forth forgotten memories or unlocking family secrets. Characters dealing with unresolved family matters or seeking clarity about their lineage may ask Eshurin to perform this ritual on their behalf.

    Ancestral Healing
    Through the power of his ancestors, Eshurin can channel the life-force of ancient shamans to heal the injured. Characters who are grievously wounded or suffering from lingering magical effects can seek him out for healing beyond normal means and removing curses.

    Keeper of Ancestral Stories
    Eshurin is a living archive of the stories, victories, and failures of his forebears. Characters interested in learning about Ashaven's history, warrior traditions, or the mystical forces tied to Valrut may approach him to hear these ancestral tales or learn the techniques woven into the oral history of his people.

    Spirit Bound Weaponry
    Using his magic, Eshurin can temporarily imbue a weapon with the spirit of an ancestor. This grants the weapon unique abilities based on the ancestor's skill or the element they mastered. Characters looking to enhance their combat abilities for a short time can request Eshurin's spirit-bound enchantments to empower their weaponry. (Wardrobe Pack)

    Call of the Fallen
    Eshurin can sense the presence of lingering ancestral spirits, particularly those who have not yet moved on. Characters troubled by the restless dead or seeking to lay a loved one's spirit to rest may approach him for assistance in guiding these spirits back to the soul river, where they can find peace.

  • Mark of Daiana
    Eshurin as a Dreamborn of Daiana, carries visible marks of his divine lineage with glowing gold eyes and his body decorated in scarification that pulse between golden and purple light from these scars are cracks that resemble molten earth, a sign of his connection to the elemental core of Aloria. Other Dreamborn or Godborn might seek him out for kinship, or characters curious about his divine heritage may approach him.

    Silver Medalist at Les Jeux des Goliaths
    Eshurin earned the Silver Medal at Les Jeux des Goliaths, an illustrious competition where the strongest athletes from across the Regalian Empire gather to test their strength and prowess in the sweltering heat of the southern desert. Eshurin proved himself as a formidable contender, narrowly missing winning by two medals. Those that are interested in hearing about the competition or about Eshurin's time in it.


"From the ashes of our ancestors, their strength flows through me, and I will carry their legacy until the void claims us all."
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Erseric calls this blend the 'Lamasar Brew' that he thinks fits what he knows of his friend. A rich and invigorating blend that marries the boldness of Golden Assam Black Tea with the warming touch of cinnamon bark. Delicate jasmine blossoms contribute a subtle floral note, complemented by the spicy kick of cardamom pods. Blue cornflowers add a visual flourish to the mix, while vanilla bean infuses a sweet and comforting element. The addition of ginger root brings a hint of heat, balanced by the herbal undertones of rosemary leaves.

Nehut Infusion is a soothing blend that starts with the gentle embrace of chamomile flowers, offering a calming and floral foundation. The sweetness of honeybush adds a subtle honeyed note, while lemongrass brightens the brew with a citrusy zing. Lavender buds impart a delicate herbal nuance, complemented by the earthy undertones of rooibos. The inclusion of orange peel brings a touch of zest and vibrancy to the overall flavor profile.

Gumart Blend with intense and robust flavors that match the knight's passionate and determined character. The base is a bold black tea made with the original mixture of lapsang souchong and another that the Eronidas won't disclose. Fiery cinnamon adds a spicy kick while dark chocolate nibs contribute a rich and complex depth.
Libbu Blend is a robust concoction featuring a base of smoky gunpowder green tea, symbolizing strength and resilience. The addition of bold and spicy ginger invigorates the palate, imparting a warm and invigorating kick. Hibiscus petals contribute a tart and tangy note, creating a well-rounded flavor profile

WIP too late

Erseric calls this blend Nablipqu, consisting of a rich, earthy Pu-erh, providing a strong foundation for the blend. To enhance its character, Erseric adds the invigorating warmth of wasabi. Additionally, he includes a hint of hibiscus. Together, the Pu-erh, ginger, and hibiscus create a bold and dynamic tea that mirrors the qualities that he sees in Norrvara from their brief and good introduction.

A blend called Sitsuttu is comprised of a tea base that is a comforting and grounding Valerian tea, providing a soothing foundation. Erseric adds the sweet and warming notes of star anise to enhance the grounding taste of Valerian with spiritual growth and calming the body and soul. A touch of lemon balm is included to evoke a refreshing and invigorating element. Lastly, a hint of orange peel is infused, contributing a citrusy brightness that signifies the potential for a new beginning.

The Outer Gatehouse - Wætlingport: As travelers approach the estate, they are greeted by Wætlingport, the outer gatehouse guarding the entrance to Erseric's familial estate. Massive stone walls rise on either side of the sturdy wooden gate, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of Eronidas fighting giant monsters. Two towering watchtowers flank the gate, their battlements manned by vigilant guards who keep a watchful eye on all who pass. A heavy iron portcullis hangs suspended above the entrance, ready to be lowered at a moment's notice to seal off the manor from any would-be intruders. Atop the gatehouse flies the standard of Erseric's adoptive father, proudly proclaiming his noble lineage to all who approach.

The Courtyard - Bærlicweard
: Beyond the gatehouse lies Bærlicweard, the sprawling courtyard at the heart of Wyrdswyðe. black stone paths crisscross the expanse, leading to various outbuildings and gardens that surround the central keep. To one side, stables house a nobleman's prized steeds, their sleek coats gleaming in the sunlight as grooms tend to their needs. On the other side, a lush orchard bursts with the vibrant colors of ripe fruit, while a tranquil pond teems with colorful koi fish. At the center of it all stands a grand fountain, its waters cascading gracefully into a pool adorned with marble statues of ancient heroes and mythical creatures.

The Main Keep - Ealdorburg: Rising proudly above the courtyard is Ealdorburg, the main keep of the estate and residence of Erseric's adoptive father Alaric Abansige. Constructed of weathered stone and crowned with crenelated battlements, the keep exudes an air of imposing grandeur. Inside, richly tapestried halls echo with the footsteps of servants as they go about their duties while roaring hearths ward off the chill of winter nights. The great hall serves as the heart of the keep, where feasts are held in honor of visiting dignitaries and important guests. Lavish chambers furnished with sumptuous silks and ornate furniture provide luxurious accommodations for the lord and his family, and a private library houses a vast collection of ancient tomes and manuscripts.

The Gardens - Wuduweard: Surrounding Ealdorburg are the lush gardens named as Wuduweard, a tranquil oasis of natural beauty and serenity. Flowering shrubs and towering trees form shady groves where songbirds flit among the branches, their sweet melodies filling the air. Stone pathways wind their way through the verdant landscape, leading to secluded alcoves and hidden clearings where one can find solitude and contemplation. Aromatic herbs and medicinal plants thrive in carefully tended beds, tended to by skilled gardeners who ply their trade with loving care. In the center of the gardens stands a majestic oak tree, its ancient boughs spreading wide to provide shade to those who seek refuge beneath its branches. A place that the young knight would find comfort and listen to the heartbeart of his mother.

The Training Grounds - Gefylð: Beyond the gardens lies Gefylð, the training grounds where Erseric honed his skills under the watchful eye of his adoptive father. Here, knights clad in shining armor spar with one another, their swords flashing in the sunlight as they practice their swordplay and martial prowess. Archers line up along the firing range, their arrows flying true as they hone their marksmanship under the guidance of seasoned veterans. In a nearby arena, knights and guards of the estate test their mettle, their weaponry clashing against one another in a display of skill and bravery. Surrounding the training grounds are barracks and armories, where soldiers prepare for battle and knights tend to their mounts. It is here, amidst the clang of steel and the thunder of hooves, that Erseric learned the basics of being a knight and forged himself into the man he would one day become.
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@WingedJade Might play my monk boy again. Did some swapping for the many packs released, made him a Magic brawler for full monk vibes.
Hello. Here's my review:

Core Concept
-Please specify which Ersetu follows, or if he's agnostic.

Outside of that, everything looks good and checks out. Approved!
He's neither actually, the Journey of Spirits that he's on is to find a faith that suits him.
The goodest Eronidas boy has had some things fixed on his profile. I had diving throw instead of Diving Tackle
Updated to include a raid kit if I ever do a raid again, also finished up his ashaven home. The Frat Capital of the Empire
Updated to reflect a trip to Ashaven and undergoing a Journey of Spirits to learn of other faiths.