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Played Character Erlend The Prideborn

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
Note, this Character Application is meant to be comical on purpose, because this Character is not a regular Player Character and will not appear in Combat Roleplay within a competitive setting among other Player characters. Do not read too seriously into the data, other than the assurance, that Erlend is in fact, not the Pride arken, as some people seem to have speculated about because of unfortunate statements from me.

Character Information
  • Full Name: Erlend the Prideborn
  • Race / Culture: Wirtem Ailor
  • Age: 47 (probably)
  • Gender / Pronouns: Him
  • Occult: Void Mage, Pride Arkenborn
Core Concept
Erlend is an Arkenborn of Pride who has spent half a lifetime honing Magical skills and gathering a large library of magical books and historical novels that he keeps in a very well-defended repository at the Lion's Repose. Erlend has largely retired from traveling but still hands out requests and errands to visitors from time to time to add to his collection.

Appearance Information
He's a guy. He uses Magic to look younger than he actually is, save his gray hair.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 999
    • Reading is good for you.
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 999
    • MacGuffin Machine.
  • Faith: 0
Common, Anglian, Wirtem

I will update this depending on Roleplay. If you think you deserve special mention, please tell me.

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Born in Opper Calem near the Drixagh border in a small bum village in the forest. He speaks with a light Calem accent and seemingly operates in Wirtem cultural routines.
  • Traveled through the Archipelago for many years and the world beyond collecting books. For Characters that are around 30-40 years old can in theory have met him at some point in passing in the past, but this may require some coordination.
  • Was drafted as a chamber pot and resupply runner during the Ranger Crisis and the Songaskian Wars.
  • Spent 7 years in the high-maximum security prison of the Azure Order until the Dragons blew it up and he survived because he was so decked in anti-magic chains that they absorbed the explosion.
  • Spent the last 3 years working as Road watcher and has been pretty stagnant at the Repose, tending his Library and the people coming by.