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Played Character Eos Gorlstan

This character is actively played.
Oct 12, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full name: Eos.
  • Heritage / Culture: Kissut Eronidas.
  • Age: 44.
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him.
  • Occult: None.
Core Concept:

A weapon manufacturer, and staunch loyal to the Lotha and Unionist agenda.

Appearance Information

Eos cuts a figure befitting a seasoned warrior of Eronidas, his appearance striking fear into most who meet him. His countenance is grizzled, weathered by years of battle, accentuated by attire that showcases remarkable metallurgical craftsmanship, whether in his armor or weapons. His hair, as black as a raven's plumage, is kept in a somewhat tidy fashion. His imposing presence is marked by a broad, muscular frame that complements his tall stature.

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength = 7pts.
  • Stance: Veteran.
    • Veteran AntiMagic.
    • Veteran Demonspite.
    • Veteran Tri-Slash.
    • Veteran Swift Strike.
    • Veteran Parry.
    • Force Toss. (Free, Eronidas.)
    • Steady Body (Free, Eronidas.)
    • Gut Punch.
  • Constitution = 2 pts.
    • Rage Counter.
    • Interception.
  • Intelligence 4 pts.
    • Tech Exchange.
    • Tech Resist.
    • Pureteck AntiMagic.
    • Pureteck Burn Pack.
  • Magic = 1pt.
    • Magic Smog (Sudzhennya Chapter mechanic, counts as Tech instead of magic.)
Hobbies: Tech, fletchery, smithing.


  • Vaman - Native.
  • Common - Learned.
Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Eos was born on the outskirts of Vixling, in a small farming village of Burl in 268 AC, which his family mainly specialized in the production and manufacturing of many grape vineyards, supplying the blueblood families that relied on the production of wine.
  • Burl's academic prowess was nothing of note, and usually came down to the ins-and-outs of harvesting, but Eos was taught the basics of mathematics and language. He became proficient at Common from a young age, and often was a translator for many foreign advisors that visited the vineyards.
  • Rising tension arose in and around Vixling, especially in Burl where a group of Kathar corsairs (several of them magically inclined) traveled the rivers inland and began to strongarm local business. As these tensions arose, these pirates demanded the noble families that sponsored these vineyards to pay them a cut in their profits, in response many families sent their own mercenary groups. With this began a long month of boiling anger and frustration between these groups and workers who felt they had a sword at their throat, and finally the tension snapped and with this led several corsair-mages to unleash demonic hell upon their farmlands, causing their plants to decay- and setting ablaze to their crops. Eos watched in hiding as most of his friends and family were beaten, tortured, or even killed.
  • Eos promised himself that he'd never watch from the sidelines again, and conscripted himself to the Lothar Order at the age of thirteen, a burning hatred for magic held deep within his soul.
  • He fought and trained, being one of the very few Eronidas in the Order– his strength was often unmatched and he did well in training. Though, further along in his career he met a few other Eronidas, many of them Azhuba and Zabar descendents who taught him in the art of weapon manufacturing, explosives, and blacksmithing under the Sudzhennya Chapter, so he joined.
  • At the age of eighteen the Chrysant War began and Eos was shipped out to Hadar. Fighting against each Allarian alchemical abomination that came his way, sadly, Eos earned his first scar across his eye from one of these abominations.
  • As the Chrysant War ended Eos moved for only a couple of years, and was stationed in Regalia shortly before the Ranger Crisis.
  • As the Ranger Crisis ensued, he fought against his own blood. This was a deep realization for Eos that it is the traditions and surroundings that compose a person and what they fight for.
  • Eos went on to serve in many battles and wars, each of them holding a different weight. Today, Eos is stationed in Regalia with hopes of serving his Order and code whilst starting a business.
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