Archived Enderpearls

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I do not know if the following suggestion is possible coding wise, but if it is I feel it would be a good way to make pvp much more interesting. First off is, the problem. During pvp recently, many people have been spamming enderpearls mid fight, weather it is to restock potions or to get out of combat completely. Also, there is a small window of time after the player lands from enderpearling when they are un-hittable. The idea is this: Enderpearls would be disabled upon the player losing Pacifist. This would make it so that there is no easy way to simply press a button to escape pvp. From what I have seen in my recent pvp skirmishes, is that anyone who brings a stack of enderpearls, and has a decent knowledge of pvp, is just about un-killable as long as they have a pearl to sling and teleport right out of the fighting. This is very frustrating, to me, as it seems too easy to escape, and too hard to actually kill the enemy until all their armour is shattered. If enderpearls could infact be disables during loss of pacifist, I belive it would be better for pvp in general, as it would actually force enemies to fight, not just run.
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newbs and them support this, yet they escape with pearls right before they die, but they wanna remove pearls so I cant pearl. lol.
newbs and them support this, yet they escape with pearls right before they die, but they wanna remove pearls so I cant pearl. lol.
Would you please stop inciting flame on pvp-related threads? Of course if pearls are still in the game, people will use them. That is like saying if I support the removal of Massive armour, then I wont use it to fight an army of people in Massive armour. It is ridiculous to not use any possible advantages as long as they are still viable options in combat.
If the combat tag is anything like the premium combat tag, just dont attack them and you can get away.
(and by "them" I mean the players in massive armor)
Making the following asumptions.
1) You think that I am on board with the combat tag affecting ender pearls, which I am not I want them to be left alone in usage.
2) More often than naught thanks to lag, or pots they move faster than me, meaning that my only solution is to confuse them for a few seconds while i pearl somewhere behind them, and then start developing more of a plan as to what my actions will be.
Again, I do not want to change Ender Pearls, mainly because they keep me alive when the prems come a knocking. There is the whole art thing to, but I don't think anyone read/cared about that portion so no real point repeating it. Main thing was I would rather see them left alone.
Couldnt we just limit how many you are allowed to use within a certain time frame? Because for rp purposes they are good, you are a rogue or a mage and you are surrounded and it isn't your style to take on multiple enemies, so you use your talents (enderpearls) a couple of times to avoid being trapped. It makes sense and if you can't spam them that eliminates the real nuisance behind them.
Couldnt we just limit how many you are allowed to use within a certain time frame? Because for rp purposes they are good, you are a rogue or a mage and you are surrounded and it isn't your style to take on multiple enemies, so you use your talents (enderpearls) a couple of times to avoid being trapped. It makes sense and if you can't spam them that eliminates the real nuisance behind them.
If you are roleplaying, I dont see why you should lose pacifist in the first place, making this not an issue.
Couldnt we just limit how many you are allowed to use within a certain time frame? Because for rp purposes they are good, you are a rogue or a mage and you are surrounded and it isn't your style to take on multiple enemies, so you use your talents (enderpearls) a couple of times to avoid being trapped. It makes sense and if you can't spam them that eliminates the real nuisance behind them.

Were not talking rp here my friend. Plus if your surrounded, can't you just run away?
Another solution could be that enderpearls won't be able to stack, or you can only carry a certain number in your inventory ( or backpack for prem)
You could but say speed or evasiveness is one of your "specialties" why would you limit yourself to just running the same speed as everyone else? And you can rokeplay combat to, not every character is peaceful just because they are role-playing either. I'm not supporting the people that abuse it in PvP, but don't take it away just because some people abuse it, that's exactly what the U.S. govt does, limits the freedoms of everyone for the actions of a few.
This is a perfect idea, its not logical for somebody to be able to 1 versus 5 people and not eventually die. People just can keep pearling no matter what when they're hp is low, they can stay in a battle aslong as armor doesn't smash, I cant count how many kills I would have if people weren't able to use a pearl during a pacifist false. I mean it seems more then fair for people to actually run until they get pacifist then they can start pearling.

Of course Shaneski the MLGPVPNutPearler disagrees.
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On a slightly more serious note, I like the idea overall, it's a good one. I've never abused enderpearls in combat, but I've seen Chron do it fairly often (it's probably the 'secret' to their 'power') and those people who use pearls in combat will naturally dislike this. I hope it is implemented into server pvp.

I'd also like to note that, in roleplay, people pearling around and effectively teleporting is so non-cannon it hurts.
Nice little bit of flame there mech
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