Archived Enderpearls

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Necro Slayer
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
New York
I do not know if the following suggestion is possible coding wise, but if it is I feel it would be a good way to make pvp much more interesting. First off is, the problem. During pvp recently, many people have been spamming enderpearls mid fight, weather it is to restock potions or to get out of combat completely. Also, there is a small window of time after the player lands from enderpearling when they are un-hittable. The idea is this: Enderpearls would be disabled upon the player losing Pacifist. This would make it so that there is no easy way to simply press a button to escape pvp. From what I have seen in my recent pvp skirmishes, is that anyone who brings a stack of enderpearls, and has a decent knowledge of pvp, is just about un-killable as long as they have a pearl to sling and teleport right out of the fighting. This is very frustrating, to me, as it seems too easy to escape, and too hard to actually kill the enemy until all their armour is shattered. If enderpearls could infact be disables during loss of pacifist, I belive it would be better for pvp in general, as it would actually force enemies to fight, not just run.
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This is a perfect idea, its not logical for somebody to be able to 1 versus 5 people and not eventually die. People just can keep pearling no matter what when they're hp is low, they can stay in a battle aslong as armor doesn't smash, I cant count how many kills I would have if people weren't able to use a pearl during a pacifist false. I mean it seems more then fair for people to actually run until they get pacifist then they can start pearling.
I agree with this although I am not a pvper it would seem fair that way people can't escape a battle unless someone has their back to protect them while they are drinking/escaping which is logical.
This is stupid, imagine slowness, better sprint and axe? easy combo kill, enderpearls give u a chance to escape, and everyone in all factions use them when their about to die, newbs I see you countless times pearling away to pot/up or use insta healths.
I personally don't have any problem with the ender pearls, but this is the best suggestion I've seen regarding disabling them. I can see why they're annoying for pvp, but I'd like to keep them in the game otherwise, so this is a nice middle ground I think.
mrskeeter you do not understand. its not realistic for someone to be able to 1v5 and not die eventually if they dont actually get any kills. It is not stupid because u can keep running and not attack anyone get pacifist then pearl and escape. Nobody ever dies in a fight if they have tons of pearls. so therefor if they did do this idea then theres still a even chance for people to escape and to get kills. and PizzaRoles not to completely remove them , just when people are pacifist false. Its literally a completely logical idea
I'm not really a big fan of having enderpearls at all, but they are useful.

However, I completely agree that they are abused during pvp, as I have been the victim of a foe pearling away when I'm close to victory.
I honestly don't have anything to argue my point, but I'll share it anyway. I don't like this.
Alj23 you haven't been pvping since massive armor and such, it would honestly be fair to balance out the survivability rate in the current PvP gameplay.
I think this is an excellent idea! I think people need to get over walls, but once they start shooting arrows at me, I don't want them bouncing around all over the place, up towers and whatnot. Great thinking.
This is stupid, imagine slowness, better sprint and axe? easy combo kill, enderpearls give u a chance to escape, and everyone in all factions use them when their about to die, newbs I see you countless times pearling away to pot/up or use insta healths.
Shane, if you are here to call people noobs, then leave. This thread is for constructive criticism regarding the suggestion.
I honestly don't have anything to argue my point, but I'll share it anyway. I don't like this.
might I ask why you do not like it?
mrskeeter you do not understand. its not realistic for someone to be able to 1v5 and not die eventually if they dont actually get any kills. It is not stupid because u can keep running and not attack anyone get pacifist then pearl and escape. Nobody ever dies in a fight if they have tons of pearls. so therefor if they did do this idea then theres still a even chance for people to escape and to get kills. and PizzaRoles not to completely remove them , just when people are pacifist false. Its literally a completely logical idea

Yes, I realize this. I was supporting the original post.
I think this is a fantastic middle ground for this situation as we all agree they are needed to initially go over walls so removal is out of the question.
Personally, I'm not for or against ender pearls. I mainly use them in RP situations, so them being removed from PvP isn't a big issue for me. (I very rarely PvP, come to think of it...)

So, in short, I support.
Personally I'm not really on board with this idea. I kinda like the idea of being able to run away from people in full massive armor when they ambush me, but that's just me. As for this ninja-ing (score for inventing a new word) that yall be talking about, I don't think it's really fair to the players who have mastered the art of using pearls. As it turns out, they can be incredibly tricky to use outside of combat, and in combat it gets worse. You could pearl into lava, or into a wall and suffocate, or fall to your death depending on where the game decides it lands. Removing something because you cannot think of a way around generally isn't a good idea, but that's just my opinion.
Anyhow, before everyone starts flaming the metric crap out of me, I agree with Alj23. Removing Massive armor would solve a lot of those problems, but probably not all of them.
This is stupid, imagine slowness, better sprint and axe? easy combo kill, enderpearls give u a chance to escape, and everyone in all factions use them when their about to die, newbs I see you countless times pearling away to pot/up or use insta healths.

Translating into Meme:


Constructing Response... :

On a slightly more serious note, I like the idea overall, it's a good one. I've never abused enderpearls in combat, but I've seen Chron do it fairly often (it's probably the 'secret' to their 'power') and those people who use pearls in combat will naturally dislike this. I hope it is implemented into server pvp.

I'd also like to note that, in roleplay, people pearling around and effectively teleporting is so non-cannon it hurts.
I've always pvp'ed with enderpearls. As have you and every other big pvp'er on this server. Removing them would be silly, and quite weird. I can't imagine pvp without them. This is why I don't like this idea.

iMineNewbs - Remove Massive Armor. Problem solved.
I know that enderpearls used to be, and still are a large part of pvp, however things are changing. I don't know when you last pvpd, but fighting someone with Massive Armour + Undead damage reduction + faction land damage reduction is extremely hard to kill. It doesn't help that when you finally wear them down to two hearts, they can simply toss a pearl, become un hittable for a few seconds, and have enough time to completely heal up with potions.
I do not know if the following suggestion is possible coding wise, but if it is I feel it would be a good way to make pvp much more interesting. First off is, the problem. During pvp recently, many people have been spamming enderpearls mid fight, weather it is to restock potions or to get out of combat completely. Also, there is a small window of time after the player lands from enderpearling when they are un-hittable. The idea is this: Enderpearls would be disabled upon the player losing Pacifist. This would make it so that there is no easy way to simply press a button to escape pvp. From what I have seen in my recent pvp skirmishes, is that anyone who brings a stack of enderpearls, and has a decent knowledge of pvp, is just about un-killable as long as they have a pearl to sling and teleport right out of the fighting. This is very frustrating, to me, as it seems too easy to escape, and too hard to actually kill the enemy until all their armour is shattered. If enderpearls could infact be disables during loss of pacifist, I belive it would be better for pvp in general, as it would actually force enemies to fight, not just run.

There is a problem with this idea though I support it in general. The new PVp changes disable being able to pacifist false on enemy land meaning if you pearl over even something 3 blocks high, you are unable to come back. Ever, nor can you log off and log back on later, your just kind of stuck there till the end of time.
There is a problem with this idea though I support it in general. The new PVp changes disable being able to pacifist false on enemy land meaning if you pearl over even something 3 blocks high, you are unable to come back. Ever, nor can you log off and log back on later, your just kind of stuck there till the end of time.
I don't understand quite what you mean? If you are saying what I think you are, that it isn't possible to get Pacifist: True on enemy land, that is not true.
Look in server announcements and see the thread that was recently made about upcoming changes to PVP. One is to be unable to pacifist true on enemy land. I'm just pointing this out and saying you should edit your suggestion to accommodate this. Great idea though.
Look in server announcements and see the thread that was recently made about upcoming changes to PVP. One is to be unable to pacifist true on enemy land. I'm just pointing this out and saying you should edit your suggestion to accommodate this. Great idea though.
Ah, I see it now. Honestly, that is a feature I wouldn't like at all, but that is a debate for another thread.
This, with a bit of tweaking, is very very plausible. The way I see it from a fairly RP perspective, it really breaks the feel of a medieval fantasy battle when the winning side just has to pearl everywhere to win.

However enderpearls should definitely be kept for traversing walls/objects. (For those who have argued the use of hook and lines for getting over walls)
The pearls themselves should have rarer spawn rates. I hate how people just have craptons of them at their disposal.
This is a great idea in my opinion then it would actually be a better fights at massive and more enjoyable pvp
I basically think that enderpearls should be disabled in pvp.
Then they will still be useful when you have to get over walls and climb mountains. :3
To be honest, using/having ender pearls ruins the immersion of rp. When you're fighting a Knight, and he uses magic to TP away... Even though tping isn't even possible by mages in the massivecraft world ._.
I think this would be a great solution to hit and run fights and it would also boost the economy a lot. After all without enderpearl escapes im pretty sure a LOT more armor gets trashed which could partly balance out the inflation of god armor because of massive armor.
I do not know if the following suggestion is possible coding wise, but if it is I feel it would be a good way to make pvp much more interesting. First off is, the problem. During pvp recently, many people have been spamming enderpearls mid fight, weather it is to restock potions or to get out of combat completely. Also, there is a small window of time after the player lands from enderpearling when they are un-hittable. The idea is this: Enderpearls would be disabled upon the player losing Pacifist. This would make it so that there is no easy way to simply press a button to escape pvp. From what I have seen in my recent pvp skirmishes, is that anyone who brings a stack of enderpearls, and has a decent knowledge of pvp, is just about un-killable as long as they have a pearl to sling and teleport right out of the fighting. This is very frustrating, to me, as it seems too easy to escape, and too hard to actually kill the enemy until all their armour is shattered. If enderpearls could infact be disables during loss of pacifist, I belive it would be better for pvp in general, as it would actually force enemies to fight, not just run.

I totally agree with this idea, however this would also mean that pvp would be much less rewarding, you'd start to get players running just to kill people with them knowing they will die ergo, they will carry one weapon and some food, and raiding would be less rewarding beacause to steal stuff youd have to hope you can find a way out the faction. I think you should change the idea to an, Ender pearl will only teleport you if you are stationary, so it would encourage more stealth attacks, and give defending player the ability to interrupt there getaway
What about instead of the enemy territory thing, there was a cooldown so you had to wait before throwing another pearl, aka "Use your pearls wisely'
Personally I'm not really on board with this idea. I kinda like the idea of being able to run away from people in full massive armor when they ambush me, but that's just me. As for this ninja-ing (score for inventing a new word) that yall be talking about, I don't think it's really fair to the players who have mastered the art of using pearls. As it turns out, they can be incredibly tricky to use outside of combat, and in combat it gets worse. You could pearl into lava, or into a wall and suffocate, or fall to your death depending on where the game decides it lands. Removing something because you cannot think of a way around generally isn't a good idea, but that's just my opinion.
Anyhow, before everyone starts flaming the metric crap out of me, I agree with Alj23. Removing Massive armor would solve a lot of those problems, but probably not all of them.

If the combat tag is anything like the premium combat tag, just dont attack them and you can get away.
(and by "them" I mean the players in massive armor)
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