Elves Aging?


Istdax Aleant'tar
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
So I've looked through the wiki a bit but couldn't really find something on it but what is the age they can usually get to before they die? More specifically the age of drowdar. Bear with me please I'm a nooby at roleplaying and I'm trying to build a character
Elves stop ageing around 18-25 or possibly older and then begin to rapidly age around 70-80. Also please direct your future RP questions to The RP question thread located at the top of the help section.
Edit: thank you for informing me three times that I have of this wrong! ithink I've got the gist now. The dispute was solved below, please stop rating this post.
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I thought it was 160, no?


No. That's the Kleinfolk; http://wiki.massivecraft.com/Racial_Age

Elves stop ageing around 18-25 or possibly older and then begin to rapidly age around 70-80. Also please direct your future RP questions to The RP question thread located at the top of the help section.

This is false, they stop aging at their middle ages, and rapidly age when they are around their 180th year.
pew pew pew I have no idea how to navigate the site I'll try and figure it out today and Daman132 guy do you not realize how confusing the wiki is no where on this page which is the main page for elves is there anything about elves ages so don't tell me to read it again.... seriously?
pew pew pew I have no idea how to navigate the site I'll try and figure it out today and Daman132 guy do you not realize how confusing the wiki is no where on this page which is the main page for elves is there anything about elves ages so don't tell me to read it again.... seriously?

I would help you out, but I've no idea what your trying to say. The grammar you've used is very confusing **Summoning Grammar Nazi @suzzie2***. You can also tag people adding a @ before their name. You are also wrong, once again, at stating that there is nowhere on the forums in which it states how long elves live. I had posted the link above.

The wiki just takes getting used to, you can easily navigate it like Wikipedia. Use key words if you do not know the title of the page the information is located in.

Also, for future questions on the lore, please dont make a thread regarding it. The staff created one right here which you can use; http://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lore-q-a-thread.17839/page-15#post-282562

Have a nice day/night~
oops I forgot to link the page I was talking about, here it is http://wiki.massivecraft.com/Elf, and it was also a rushed post due to me having to go and babysit my sister for a bit. Like I was saying there is nothing listed about age on that page which there should be. Also I hadn't realized there was a forum thread on it, as I've said I haven't a clue how to use this forum I'm still getting used to it.
Hey guys! So to clarify a few things:
  • Elves can live until 200, but that doesn't mean they will. Just like in real life, the oldest person alive was 122, she set the record, but that doesn't mean we'll all live to that age.
  • Elves will age until they hit about 18-25. Then, they'll stop aging physically until about twenty years before they die (not always 180, since they can naturally die younger), where they'll rapidly hit elder years.
  • The main page on Elves (wiki.massivecraft.com/elf) is going to be reworked pretty soon, involving just as much detail as the human page.
Hope that helped clear up a few things!