Eliza Nightly's Art Dump

๖ۣۜDear lord, once I have the Regals, I am gonna try and make a purchase for Johnny on this thing. How are these doodles? D: You're lying. I know it. These aren't doodles. These are works of art.
Its so beautiful, remove my eues bcz i dun need sight anymur, i will never see somfin mur beautifu.
I'm glad you love them :'3 Anime is really cool! Though I feel like I haven't really improved over the years. xD Compared to you and a lot of others, I'm just alright. XD
WHAT. Your style is phenomenal and your coloring is HUHUGHFUHFUFHUF SO GOOD. You're worlds better than I am ; ^; WORLDS. <3
Oh, didn't know this page existed, so let me just say that Eliza's art is probably the best art I have ever had the fortune of coming across on this forums. I totes don't actually have it framed in my room or anything... But yeah, very lovely pieces, a lot of work obviously being put into each piece and most importantly the style is superb. I love it. Keep up the amazing work, you have quite the talent.
-bangs head on keyboard in utter awe-
You're really good at art and I literally can't put in words how amaing your art is i mean aaaaa.
Ahmigosh....... xD @Eliza_Nightly LOL! I think Billy has a point :'3 But I still consider you awesome!!!!
HFUHFUFHU! You're greattttt!!!!~
Oh, didn't know this page existed, so let me just say that Eliza's art is probably the best art I have ever had the fortune of coming across on this forums. I totes don't actually have it framed in my room or anything... But yeah, very lovely pieces, a lot of work obviously being put into each piece and most importantly the style is superb. I love it. Keep up the amazing work, you have quite the talent.
BILLEH YOU SO NICE! ; ^; Thank yuuuu :'3
-bangs head on keyboard in utter awe-
You're really good at art and I literally can't put in words how amaing your art is i mean aaaaa.
D'awwww!!! So many kind worrrdssss!!!! x'3 Dannk yuu!!! :'D
That Chameleon skin like. Needs to be a Naylar. Like. NOW
Ehehe I might've used it once as a naga back in the day <3
woah its brilliant. Good job!
HUFHUFHU you so sweet!! ; ^;
FABULOUS. (H)(H)(H)(H)(H)(H)(H)
I love your art. It inspires me :)
Keep up the good work! @Eliza_Nightly
D'awwwwww!!!!! Thanks so much!! :'3
Hufhufhu! Not hardly! But thanksssss!!! :')
i love your art too much
Sooooo. Got some more pics. Here's Naushe ;~;
Naushe Child.jpg Naushe Portrait Neck.jpg Naushe Steampunk II.jpg Naushe Steampunk.jpg Naushe Tablet thingymagjigthing.jpg Naushe x Lyla.jpg Watercolor.jpg
Then random doodles.~
Kema.jpg Flynn Bust.jpg Piper II.jpg Rahwon.jpg Romelle.jpg

Juuuuust to keep this thread somewhat up to date. Idk.
I'd like to buy your finest art.
Must... Buy... One... Of... Your... DRAWINGZZZZ!!! No, serious, they're good. :P