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Played Character Elissandre Par’senthellis

This character is actively played.


Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
Lazurite Lair
The Dominion
Eliss is a member of the Callelassa [Silver Chalice] Mercenary Band

For the Group Warden ability:
Elissandre sports an enchanted trident, the blades of which seem like running waters and the handle is carved with iconography and scriptures to the Deep Empress.

For the Solo Mechanic:
- ( i need to pick a new one since teledden got yeeted)

Character Thematic TLDR:
Eliss is a Godchosen of Vyre
Eliss is an Eldertide Godborn
Eliss is a Holy Mage with magic aesthetics based on water, glowing for more beneficial magics and darkened for the more dangerous ones.





*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art on this page, (Bar the art made by Cocoacherry) they are all placeholders until I make them myself c:

Character Information
Full Name: Elissandre Tellan'dryath Par'senthellis

Alias: Ata'loth
Race: Fin'ullen
Age: 159
Gender: Female
Occult: Eldertide Godborn & Mage

Core Concept
A child born from unholy union. A monster from the ocean's depths.
Elissandre is a Godborn child of the Eldertide and devoted follower And Godchosen of the Deep Empress, Vyre. She is both oceanic horror, priestess and sorcereress.

-=A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing=-
At first glance, Eliss appears as your average Fin'ullen bar a few notable distinctions. First, her eyes are a solid
black with an orange limbis. Secondly, a plethora of aquatic mutations are quite visible on the Fin'ullen, her ears are
webbed, a set of coral horns and several patches of scales littered along her face and arms. Occasionally, her shadow betrays her true form to those that stare too long

-=A Beast From Below=-
Elissandre's true form however, is a monstrous representation of the ocean. A scaled horror with rows of pointed teeth and claws, covered in scales of varying hues and a multitude of eyes.


Constitution: 0
Rebound (Heritage Trait)

Magic: 7
[Adapt PB: Magic] Oceanic Pack (Heritage Trait)
[Adapt PB: Magic] Mind control Pack
[Adapt PB: Magic] Shapeshift Pack
[Adapt PB: Magic] Safeguard Pack
Duelist Invocation Pack

[Mount PB: Magic] Cavalry Summon [Free]
[Mount PB: Magic] Carriage Summon [Free]
[Mount PB: Magic] Mounted Armory Pack

Magic Warp Pack
Magic Shove Pack
Magic Cleanse Pack

Faith: 7
Divine Stance [Free]
Sacred Healing
Sacred Circle
Divine Smite
Divine Savior
Divine Aura
Divine Rescue
Divine Burn


Pannarokh (Learning)

Plot Hooks
-Elissandre was born in Ilha Faiaal, and was known as some sort of resident freak that the Vyre Cultists had acquired and raised.

-Elissandre is a child of the Eldertide, an Alorian born monster that masquerades as a person. Certain Orders of Knighthood have probably heard of these types of beings before.

-Elissandre has been in Regalia for some number of years. She:

- Was Once a lead member of a Gang of Thieves/Pirates who stole artifacts and robbed various businesses, and consequently was wanted at one point in time for it.
- Was once married into a family of Fin'ullen Nobility, but due to obscure circumstances the family fell apart and left Eliss on her own.
- Is still currently an acting Ordvaan and Godchosen of the Abyssal Empress, Vyre and a member of the Sael Menaya, working to aid in the protection of Estelley Faithful.
Last edited:
@Caelamus Hello! I've done an update to Eliss' app, with the spell point buy update i switched around the abilities for the new ones but also removed ancient speech for the new archive wisdom pack! I've also added the description for her altered self form & spirit form
Henlo! I have updated this character's app due to the theurgy & Spell updates and I need a new reviewer thank you!
@RaggedyGrace Henlo! Due to the appearance of new abilities from the prof update I've shuffled Elis' spells around and i've yeeted the specials since its replaced with the new magic thing, thank you!