Elini Ave'zha

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Entityze, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. Entityze

    Entityze Straight outta DBD

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Character Information
    • Full Name: Elini Av'ezha
    • Race: Apostle Manathar | Fin’ullen
    • Age: 87
    • Sex: Female
    • Gender: She/Her
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Eye Color: Black & Gold
    • Theme: Bury the Light
    Core Concept
    • Elini believes wholly in the Xenophane tenets.
    • Generally Elini is an unarmed brawler character with a few cheap tricks up her sleeves, she isn’t fair to say the least
    Proficiency Information
    • 12+ Sorcery Training | from points.
    • 10+ Fist Combat | from points.
    • 10+ Strength Training | from points & racial.
    • 10+ Instrument Art | from hobby points.
    • 8+ Perception Training | from points.
    • 6+ Roguery Training | from points.
    • Physical Stat: 20
    Ability Information:

    • Manathar Kit
    • Apostle Kit
    • Elemental Control 7
    • Elemental Control 4
    • Power Curse 3
    • Power Curse 2
    • Sleight of Hand Pack
    • Rogue Gift 4
    • Common | Fluent
    • Altalar | Native
    Appearance Information
    • Elini’s mutations are not so different from other Apostle Manathar, still sporting her black hair from when she was a Fin’ullen though now with crimson horns and golden and black eyes

    • Elini’s general appearance is quite simple, standing at 6’3, her hair is often short and she usually wears clothing that doesn't get in the way during combat or anything where agility is needed
    Life Story
    • Elini was born into the Av’ezha family on the 12th of December 223AC to two Fin’ullen parents within the elven city of Ylganaësse. Elini started her childhood off strong, though mischievous and even at an early age got into trouble a lot for fighting with her siblings, sometimes simple play fights sometimes due to disagreements between her and her siblings.

    • Elini spent most of her teen years learning about Altalar culture, though surprisingly didn’t find too much of it that interesting and never really adapted well to her family, and instead started learning how to properly fight more, she was never too fond of weapons so she stook to using her fists and getting better at unarmed combat and even picking up a little bit of sorcery here and there from friends and family, using such as cheap tricks in combat.

    • Soon into Elini’s Adulthood she ventured elsewhere, leaving her home and her family for the time being and ventured east towards Daendroc, travelling from town to town and city to city, picking up a few skills along the way such as pickpocketing due to the lack of income, though she eventually managed to get a job in a bar in a port.

    • One night while working her shift in the bar Elini noticed a group of Manathar sitting at the table talking between one another, this quickly caught her eye and she approached the group asking about them, though at first they were hesitant to tell her anything they eventually did, teaching her about the Xenophane and the Manathar themselves.

    • Elini decided to leave her job as a bartender and joined the Manathar and after spending a few months with them she was eventually converted into one, becoming an Apostle, the most fitting for what she did.

    • Eventually Elini decided to split from the small grouping of Manathar she spent so much time with, not finding too much enjoyment with spending time with the same people for overly long periods, Elini now a Manathar ventured towards Regalia after hearing rumours about it.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 Entityze, Feb 23, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
  2. Entityze

    Entityze Straight outta DBD

    Mar 17, 2014
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    10 points left out for things she learns IC
  3. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Hello, I will be claiming this for review.
  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main

    Nov 20, 2013
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