Preserved Sheet Eletha Daalsein

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A few changes-

Changed the name from Allorn to Altalar in language as requested.

Changed state sabo to ancient speech pack - just made more sense to have it.

Just added a city she was born in, so a small edit to her story.

If there is anything more, let me know. Cheers.

A few changes-

Changed the name from Allorn to Altalar in language as requested.

Changed state sabo to ancient speech pack - just made more sense to have it.

Just added a city she was born in, so a small edit to her story.

If there is anything more, let me know. Cheers.
Nope, that should be it!


Simple change in proficiency with the dumb luck pack change.

-Removed Stupid Luck
-Removed Quick Cover in Dex
-Removed Tripwire Pack
-Removed Ancient Speech Pack

-Added Purity Shot pack
-Added Winging Shot
-Added Quick Cover under artificier packs
-Added Comrade Pack under constitution

Due to the removal of Parkour Pack and Backup Shot
I changed them both to new abilities - Evasion Pack and Prepared Pack

Simple Edit.

Added the four specials to artificer under abilities as I just realised I never picked any for my two packs.

Changed last name due to being married now.
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Update -

As per the Isldar update, I have corrected all the specials under the ability tab.
More than that, I have added two new sections where the specials and abilities are for the Artficier and Magic.

On that note, I have removed Deep Lore Pack since I haven't even used it once, nor do I think I ever will and added 1 magic point buy that is primal due to the new Racial that Isldars get.
The three specials that I got with that one magic ability can be seen under the ability tag, Magic.'

Lastly added Mount Husbandry pack as per new racial to Isldar.
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Simple change!

Changed Arcane Attraction to Magic Throw

Due to the new updates.

I changed all mentions of Violet Whisperer to Keeper Archon.

I switched some prof's around due to the changes.

I removed Ally throw and gained a free point due to her magic ability becoming free (Isldar Racial).
1 point went into Strength and 1 point went into Charisma.
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