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Played Character Elamöna

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score

Racial Mechanics:
  • Yanar can grow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
  • Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
  • Yanar can even create new plants altogether in their own Region/Base/Estate, complete with fruits and flowers.
  • Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
  • Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing.
    • Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
Divine Mechanics (Estelley):
  • ???
Custom Kit Mechanics:
  • Penitent One
  • Penitent Martyr
    • Chosen Ward: Wisteria Netollihua
      • Wisteria is immune to Prideborn Mindvex, Bodyborn forced Mutations, and general Arkenborn/Godborn emotion reading/memory alterations/mind manipulation, so long as they remain the Ward.
  • Penitent Shepherd
  • Penitent Whispers
  • Penitent Redoubt
Character Information
Name(s): Elamöna Nabëya Nomëssa, 'Four Eburnean Thorns'. Drulailmon.
Race: Half-Yanar Maquixtl. Senlon Culture.
Age: 41.
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/Her).
Occult: Exist Combat Mage (Estelley God Pact).

Character Concept
Elamöna is a Mana-turned-Artarel faithful who grapples with what exactly the concept of 'justice' is, while struggling with past and current predispositions that lead her to making choices that are questionable at times, even to those within the Estelley faith. She is laid three choices: to embrace the past as a Mana adherent, to lay to waste the sinners as Artarel's chosen sword fairly, or find an odd balance with both despite afflictions making it hard for her to do so.

Appearance Information
"The Inulvaan were wearers of four-faced helms who originally served the Goddess Estel in her physical form... exist(ing) across the Allorn Empire as a feared cult of meticulous debt-collectors and vigilantes..."
With swathes of mossy-green hair, Elamöna is clad in red scales with patterns that taper down from her forehead to the length of the nose bridge, which also covers her forearms. She possesses a built figure among innumerable scars that suggests an active lift as an adept swordsman.


Bruiser Stance (Free).
Careful Fighter (Free).
Technique Parry.
Bruiser Slam.
Bruiser Flurry.
Bruiser Parry.
Bruiser Feint.
Bruiser Agony.
Bruiser Rampage.

Cavalry Summon (Free).
Carriage Summon (Free).
Mounted Getaway.
Status Endure.
Rage Counter.
Iron Will.

Oceanic Pack.
Magic Shove.

Steady Body [Athletic].
Magic Cleanse [Exist].

Nātl (Nātl).
Atalar (Alt).
Droque (D).

Hobbies | Talents
Alchemy Hobby.
Athletic Hobby.
Magic Talent.

Persuasion Rolls: 3 BASE.
  • Elamöna is a fervent follower of Justice. She tries to follow in the Arken-God's image as an adept mage and swordsman, all the while being mindful of her position as an arbiter. This makes Elamöna judgemental and distant from most characters, and impartiality even towards of her own faith and ilk is to be expected.
  • Elamöna despises the heedless, the unnecessarily cruel, and uncaring, and would quickly act to dispossess them of any standing, and 'take them down a peg'. Evolism and Death Cultists tend to fall into this category, and though she believes in peace attained by the sword, she believes she can achieve the same effect with a witty joust of words.
    • Having been once a more pious follower of Mana, Elamöna is adept at Evergrowth and Leveia magic. It is a rare display, as she seems to favour the use of God-given magic instead.
  • She greatly enjoys company with fellow Yanar and Maquixtl, and is obsessively protective of Estelley followers (in particular those of Mana worship). As a result of living a rather secluded life from the city, she is a skilled orater and storyteller as there is little writing material to share didactic stories through.
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➺ Prayer beads forged of mottled glass and scored with lotus patterns. It is blue with silver lining.
"These are metred prayer beads of the ascetic priests of old Hyä-Ereya, in the times before it became a jungle, when Suel's men lived there together with the Fourteenth Army and the Fin'ullen encampments on the plain. Complete a verse and look into each eye. You will find that if you do not break the stare, no matter how long the prayer is, it will always end exactly as you are done with the last bead."
➺ A silvery charm hung on a glass-thin thread.
"A silver flame lit in her grasp as Elamöna felt their ▉▉▉ slowly stripped from them, then- it did not feel terrible, as a matter of fact .. it felt more like taking a deep breath for the first time in so many years, like looking into their own heart only to realise that it had been frozen over for so long. The Arken brought her hand away and looked at the flickering fire, blowing it out with a rough exhale, and then producing a silvery charm hung on glass-thin thread. She hung it around the Warden's shoulders, 'knighting' them in a perverse, Allorn sense of the thought, and drew a glimmering sigil in the air over either shoulder. Another sort of power fluttered through them, now."
➺ Rennaëlith.
"Altalar translated to 'Bringer of Peaceful Eventide' translated shorter to 'Peacebringer'.
Typically unique, white and ornate weapons of casting and battle called 'Key Blades' predisposed to the modern Keywatcher Cult, this one was found in Petal Court's ashes, 308 AC, containing the memories of its previous owner. It has since been fully inherited, weapon and memory, and its blade is made of Nightsilver instead.
➺ -.
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It is deliberately ambiguous how Elamöna feels about these characters, and any rating assigned indicative how strongly she feels of them.

■■■■■ - Artarel
"You had taken me under your wings, set me free after. Still, I follow your charge."

■■■■■ - Narla Netollihua
"I cannot choose again for you."

■■■■■ - Wisteria Netollihua
"Will you lie to me as the others have?"

■■■■■ - Vanectus Netollihua
"I never get to express my gratitude."

■■■■■ - Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth
"Shoulders I can rest my head upon."

■■■■■ - Ysenya
"Your silence is my refuge, guardian."

■■■■□ - Talven
"Yours is a levity I can appreciate. We follow the same charge, too."

■■■■■ - Dathil
"It would be easier for you if you didn't know."

■■■■□ - Iris
"I will find a way, even if we may be distant now."

■■■□□ - Ailred
"I am still uncertain, but my guardedness is my undoing."

■■■■□ - Jhavartal
"Let victory prevail, yet accept kindness as a means one day."

■■■■□ - Suzenvaela Felariell
"My wants are unattainable, though I want to remain close by."

■■■■□ - Elissandre
"I could trust every one of my plans with you and I would not worry."

■■■■□ - Trissena
"Misunderstandings are rife."
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@Caelamus I am incredibly indecisive, but I think this should be my last round of tweaks. Also request for thread to be cleared up.
@Caelamus I am incredibly indecisive, but I think this should be my last round of tweaks. Also request for thread to be cleared up.
Approved. Though, no amount of thread cleaning will ever be enough to wash away your sins, penitent one.
@Caelamus 你好。我要你的review.
changed state commander to disguise skill because i want to do funny reveals.
@Caelamus updated the number of yanar specials (20) and dropped the silvenism. I realised the forced Cahal mentality wasn't a thing when the character, even before being afflicted, was already a Cahal by 'heart'. Plus, they can be a loyal servant of Justice's without being a Silven.
@Caelamus updated the number of yanar specials (20) and dropped the silvenism. I realised the forced Cahal mentality wasn't a thing when the character, even before being afflicted, was already a Cahal by 'heart'. Plus, they can be a loyal servant of Justice's without being a Silven.
Ok remains approved.
@Caelamus i think it's a significant enough change, but Drulailmon has a demon weapon now
that, and I've tweaked some packs around
as much as I was recommended to go full battlemage, I didn't. Not yet, at least. But also, I found out that Spell Points bought through Commutable Point Buys still grant Specials, added accordingly @Caelamus

also, can i have a clear-up on the thread comments ;pointsleft; ;pointsright;
@Caelamus i have committed to drulailmon being a full juggernaut, with respect to the strength and constitution changes made
i get into fights (alone) often enough that it's tiresome to search for healers when it's late for most people. picked up recovery and dropped a magic pack
@Caelamus i know i just recently updated, but removed greater cahal status because of pending changes. also switched up one point
discussed with perm reviewer, but race-change leaning into the culture i play into most of the time. not vibing with yanar as much anymore, as much as it was cool to be a parasite to attach onto other cultures.

also put on sworn cahal status. it's active now
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Please denote what dimension Drulailmon's magic comes from, and that they have the anchored demon pack and link to the demon's application. Approved!
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