Preserved Sheet Eirikir " Einhenjar " Valdemar

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Here's my review -
  • Weaknesses:
    • I am of the opinion that your single weakness of 'stubborn' is a cop-out and not at all something that balances out the rest of your character's strengths. Either remove a talent or add another weakness.
Mark this change in red and tag me when you're ready.
Roger Roger, I'll get it done soon.
I switched the weakness perhaps this balances it all out? @Valentinian
Overbearing and stubborn are both about Eirik having his own way and others following suit. Additionally, I wouldn't consider overbearing a weakness for this sort of character, while stubborn is only somewhat a weakness. Try to aim for a physical, mental, and social weakness. Three is a very solid number to balance at, but I am fine if you only have two of the above.
Gotcha, ill get to it in the morning. Thank you.
@Valentinian Added the last weakness, I believe that should be good.
While this character has since died, I recommend finishing the above changes so we can set it to approved. That way you can look back at the application in the future.