Preserved Sheet Eirikir " Einhenjar " Valdemar

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The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Full Name: Eirikir "Einhenjar" Valdemar

  • Age: 40 (Birthday is Janurary 20th)

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Balltarc, Kalmarran Northern

  • Main Ambition: To hold his family land safely for many years to come and pass on to his sons and daughter a better world than which he arrived in.

  • Special Permission: School of Skagger -Expert level

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Eirik is currently the Inspector Admiral of the Obermark Theatre within the Regalian Navy, his plans involve as minimal of casualties of friendlies and an extensive amount of enemy fatalities. Perhaps even the extermination of the Hvitskagger forces.
  • Eiriks upbringing was primarily done within the School of Skagger and the Crag, however for the 12 years he spent with his family within Midgal he was raised as a noble warrior by his father and mother.
  • A secondary ambition of his is to have his bloodline continue on for generations to come into what is perceived as the far future. As well as to have stories written about him and his kin for their tales of triumph and glory within the Archipelago and the lands beyond.

Skill Information (Optional)

The following is optional when filling out your character application, though mandatory when registering a Special Permission, or when your character has been trained by one of the Military/Magic Schools. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information as simple and confined as possible. This information mostly pertains to combat/magic education and training to declare a skill level.

  • School: The School of Skagger

  • Level: Expert Skagger

  • Source: Taught by father until the age of 12 to fight, School of Skagger to acquire the rank of Warrior, various war campaign and so on until finally ending his educational period at the Crag.

Visual Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Eye Color: Piercing Blue

  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

  • Hair Style: Normally a single braid mohawk fashion going down the back of his neck.

  • Skin Color: Northern Pale

  • Clothing: Can be seen wearing various styles of armor, leather plate, and so on. As well as wearing Northern pelt fashion. On the rare occasion he goes outside the city to places near Farahdeen he will wear a style of Qadiric armoring, unhappily. On normal occasion he can be seen wearing his hardened leather armor and or his basic comfortable clothing.

  • Height: 6'6

  • Body Build: Muscular

  • Weapon of Choice: Dual Axes of Bashturr

Visual Information (Expansion)

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!

  • Eirik has an oval shaped head with a strong jaw line. His eyes are almond shaped while his eyebrows are full. His nose is a roman style that adorns his face properly. He is plastered with various Northern tattoos on his head. More specifically over his left eye and along the sides of his head as well as a lesser known grouping of tattoos that travel along the back of his head and down his neck to swirl into the ones that are seen upon his back and chest. His lips are thin while his eyes are a piercing blue.

  • Eiriks body is quite stacked, his muscles are noticeable in most clothing he puts on and are well defined overall across his body. He has various scars from his times in battle, most notably the large axe mark upon his abdomen and the various arrow scars he acquired from his time in Dressau from the "loving" Lord Commander William Coens' archers. He also has a Timber wolf Tattoo upon the right side of his neck that signifies his loyalty to his family by bearing the beast that they took up as their sigil.
  • He normally wears fairly light armor and clothing when he walks around the city, however he has been known to wear heavy armor while going against simple targets, while the inverse is when they are much more dangerous and or larger groups he will switch to his hardened leather armoring and or chainmail. As well as adorned with a Timber wolf pelt that is draped over his head and shoulders that has its paws tied over his chest. His pants are generally some form of light weight animal fur turned into normal looking pants or Imperial simple pants. Other times he can be seen wearing a Regalian Naval Admirals attire suitable for the Obermark Theatre.
  • Eirik speaks normally with a thick Northern accent, seen mostly in conversation with him when he speaks Common. However he has begun to get accustomed to the Regalian dialect and is starting to lose his accent much to his dismay.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, we will ask you write a paragraph to respond to each question, and we'll provide some examples to give you some ideas. If you want to be helpful to reviewers, make sure to bold the keywords you are using that are traditionally seen as traits:

  • First Paragraph: How is your character perceived by others? Explain for example that the character is seen as a kind person who is also charitable and temperate. Explain how strangers would perceive the character and what they would think of them if they met them the first time, or heard about them.
  • Eirik can be perceived by others as a generally neutral and docile individual when alone. However when met with friends he can become quite boisterous and hearty, joking and making merry with those he perceives as friends of his own. However for those he views as his enemies he will revert to a neutral matter of fact tone. Normally portrayed with simple gestures and basic responses, almost as if he hardly cares that they exist or are even present within his vicinity, well, when he isn't fighting them that is.Strangers might perceive him as just a big brute barbarian from some odd Northern area and try to avoid him simply because they either do not like him, or are afraid of him due to his size, stature, and attire.
  • Second Paragraph: How does your character feel inside? Explain their confidence or anxieties, and for what reasons they have this. Explain how they see themselves, how certain they are of themselves etc.
  • Internally Eirik is a violent storm awaiting the hapless ship to sail through. His feelings are generally locked away aside from his more positive traits due to his Skagger upbringing and Northern Tradition. His confidences stems in his knowledge of the matters at hand and ability to undertake tasks he knows he can undertake. However his less confident moments reside in moments in which he finds himself in a completely new environment and dealing. He would not thrive anywhere that was not urban such as Regalia or Rural such as Midgal or generally on the open waves, generally he would try to avoid Jungles and Swamps simply because he does not know what lies within them and isn't too keen on figuring out what beasts lie within. Eirik sees himself as a very capable individual who will be able to deal with any obstacle that stands in his way, however confident or reserved he is about the task he will do so if commanded to by a commanding official or asked to by a friend.

  • Third Paragraph: How does your character act towards friends and family? This is roughly the same as the first paragraph, but you'd have to get more specific about how your character acts around friends and family and lovers, people they are naturally more comfortable with. Detail how this differs from how they are perceived by strangers.
  • Eirik loves his eldest children, the twins Sebrina and Ivar. They both took after him and followed the family tradition of being a Skagger and beginning their mark as warriors of the family. However his two younger sons he is somewhat apprehensive around, he does not connect as well as he would like to as they generally took after his late wife who helped pushed them towards the arts more so, thus making it difficult to teach Thrain how to be a warrior as per family tradition. However he still loves all of his children and wishes the best for them in whatever venture they undertake. Around his friends he acts as if they have always been great pals, however for the more timid and weak of nature friends of his he acts as a father figure to them and helps guide them and push them towards better things and generally encourage them to be the best versions of themselves.
  • Fourth Paragraph: What is your character's morality? Explain how your character's morality works, whether they are good, neutral, or evil, and how that manifests itself in their moral code. Are they just or corrupt? How do they see other people's corruption and evil deeds etc?
  • Eiriks morality is a fickle matter. His subconscious prejudice towards following kin before any other tends to skew his moral compass when the matter is dealing with those of his type. Such as those from Drixagh, Nordskag, and so on. However in the end he is generally a Neutral Good character, nearly incorruptible when he sets his mind towards a certain group or venture. He views those who are corrupted and easily manipulated as weak and simply cannon fodder that he would have no problem with getting rid of simply because of how 2-D they truly are. He would happily fight against those who are corrupted should the need arise.

  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): What is your character's Worldview? Explain what their relation with their religion is, how strongly they believe, how they feel about the relation between commoners and nobles, and how they generally view their privilige in the world. This last paragraph is optional, you don't have to use it in case you fear the information will be metagamed.
  • Eiriks view of the world is complex to say the least. He views the world as a great place to mold to the needs he finds himself needing and yet still has a tad bit of worry for the future in regards to his offspring and their offspring there after. Religion and Eirik have always been on such a strange parallel that he finds it hard to understand or care about any others. He understands and knows Unionism to a good point, however his life has been molded around the faith of the Union of Air and the Old Gods. He grows conflicted on the matter so much that he attempts to just avoid any sort of relation to it as much as possible. Minimally saying "Spirit Bless" as much as possible just so that he can get through that part of the conversation as quickly as possible. His views of commoners is that they are just nobles without much responsibility. They are followers who need a leader to guide them. As for the nobles many are just cut throats looking for the next neck to caress with a blade. However some do have good intentions and others are actually good friends. Yet the bad might outweigh the good in this right.

  • Excellent Craftsman: With a long life of war and conquest, he has had time to perfect his craftsmanship through the construction of many siegecraft and watercraft used by himself and his people to win the skirmishes, battles, and wars that which he has found himself in. He had once been fabled to build a Siege tower in three nights when he was raiding a high stone walled city. He has also begun building a new ship design in which he plans to outfit a large portion of his Navy with to allow for much greater damaging ability and defensive ability for his vessels. (stay tuned)
  • Excellent Guerrilla warfare strategist: Dealing in war parties, raiding, and Skagger style combat. Eirik has been upon countless raiding parties on enemy villages, successfully completing these raids with little casualties to his own side due to the way he sets up his units. His battlefield commander style reflects that of well known Skaggers who used many out of the box and seemingly crazy tactics to achieve victory, however minor or Major these victories were within Alorian history. He has also been known to put his abstract combative thinking towards maritime ventures in the way he combats enemy vessels.
  • Leader of Man: Having had to lead and command units for the vast majority of his life he has developed a tone for leadership. His voice is a powerful assistant when addressing his units and he seems to have the knowledge and constitution to command quite well. His stature as both a Berhednar and a high ranking Military Official aids in his ability to command and lead his men from the front, thus ensuring that his word is done efficiently and properly. This can be seen quite well when he used to lead raiding parties and helped defend against the Hvitskaggers. He is a very capable commander of his units and his battle tactics can be picked out quite easily within the battlefield as being one suited for the least amount of risk for the highest amount of reward.
  • Maritime Prodigy: From a very young age and even on, his hobbies revolved around combat and the sea. Fishing, racing, diving. Eirik looked to the vast expanse of the ocean blue for inspiration to explore. He learned everything he could, keeping his prized possession of old trade route charts close to home wherever he went. When on his journeys he utilized the coastlines of Drixagh and Nordskag to help defend and counterattack any Hvitskagger raiding vessels that made their way through. His skills developed exponentially over time through the repeated exposure to the naval pursuits of his father and the cousins of the family.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Dead: After a long and eventful life, Eirik has finally perished at the hands of the Undercrown and his men. Within the afterlife he is no longer present within Regalia and is as such. Gone so very far away.
  • Stubborn: His thick skull and driven attitude lead him to be fairly stubborn when it comes to listening to others ideas, perhaps he is to invested in his own way and thinking it is superior to all other ways, perhaps he has too thick of a skull to hear new opinions and ideas if he has one of his own. This emotion can be displayed but not specified toward during times of being given orders from two different commanders that conflict. In the end he would probably just do something he wanted in regards to what they wanted by combining both of their plans into something of his own creation that he knows he would be able to undertake.
  • Weakened Left Leg: From recent events Eirik has received a gracious gift from the people of Drixagh. However due to the lack of medical services available to him at the time he resorted to using simplistic methods of adjustment to return his leg to its proper form. Yet despite his attempts at fixing it he still feels a weakness in the strength of his left leg and will likely showcase extreme discomfort or complete debilitation should a good strike be landed upon it.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!

    • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.

  1. Eirik strokes his beard when he is in mild concentration and thought. Seen various times throughout the day when having to actually think through a problem instead of just beat it to death.

  2. He takes on a neutral tone and minimalistic responses when he feels slighted. Due to his Skagger training he keeps a cool head throughout yet does so as more a defense mechanism and a "display" for others.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  1. Two skills that Eirik has developed over time have been his longtime hobby of fishing and woodworking. When he was young he used to love making little trinkets out of wood and rocks and other materials he could have found around his area. His fishing has carried through from teachings by his father who taught him everything he knows on how to do so properly and efficiently. He has been able to stave off the winter by cutting cracks in lakes and ice fishing on the rare occasion that it was necessary.
  1. He became well practiced with the usage of a sword during his time as a guard in the Bluesteel Orders Vigilant Shield. However he hardly uses it much since he has his axes on his person at most times.


    • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Eirik likes to fish and hunt. He does so recreationally or in competitive ways. Either or he does it for his enjoyment.
  • Eirik, in his spare time, crafts and builds any number of "things" out of wood and metal. He has been doing so for years and finds it one of the more relaxing things he is able to do in his war torn lifestyle.

  • And Finally Eirik loves to people watch. He finds the activities of other people fascinating and deeply questions their reasoning and purpose to their doings while they act it out. This has developed into a sort of hobby of his where he would sit upon a bench and just take note of the random people here and there as they went about their daily dealings.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.
While its generally difficult to anger such a hard set Skagger there are certain things that irk him.
  • The smell of Sewer people is a pet peeve. In general people who do not bathe annoy him. Perhaps it is his ability to have cleaned himself often in Drixagh on the coast or in the estuaries and what not that lets him have a somewhat higher regard towards the way people smell. Battlefield smell is different from Sewer smell, even though they both are quite pungent.

  • Eirik avidly despises the disgraced Skaggers and those who are against his people. Northerners are his soft spot so in summary, don't mess with the North around Eirik.

  • He despises bullies. Those who actively pick on or harm those weaker than themselves are a bane to him. He will go out of his way to stick up for the little guy and teach the bully a lesson without much remorse thereafter. Viewing what happens to them as a necessary evil compared to the evil they commit on those weaker than themselves.

Relationships (Optional)

Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.

(+)Ivar Valdemar: He views his eldest son as the trophy child any Northern man would want. Strong and knowing yet still adaptable enough to learn where others would wander blindly.

(+) Sebrina Valdemar:
His eldest daughter is the most free child of his, and he enjoys her adventurous charm. He would kill anyone who dared to harm his little girl. @FoxFlare

(+)Skald and Thrain Valdemar:
He sees the both of them in generally a similar light. They both are more so intelligence based than their elders and utilize more so their mental skills than their physical ones. @littleshep101 @IGutTheMidasTuch

(+) Edmure Coen:
He sees Edmure as a generally alright guy. Capable individual, knowing of battlefield necessities and so on. He met Edmure at Rothburg/Dressau during the Occupation and he sees him as a good friend. @ScaledSupremacy

(+) Ania Santorski:
Ania is a legendary figure amongst the Skaggers and deserves the respect she has earned. With her valiant work against the Lo Occupation and her levies work on the Bone Horrors, the High Lady Santorski sits at a high place of respect within Eiriks life. @MantaRey

(+) Elizabeth Black:
She is like the most innocent girl he has ever met and views her as basically another daughter of his. They met at Rothburg and he helped care for her when she needed it the most. @Miss_Confined

(+) Dianne Black:
A strong mother bear esc. Person. She is perhaps more terrifying of a person than even the strongest of warriors out there. You simply do not mess with Dianne Black. Eirik met her at Dressau in the medical area. @darkarely

(+) Christopher Black:
A resourceful man, Eirik views Christopher as a good friend and an incredibly well learned individual. He met Christopher through Dianne at the Merchants Guild I believe. @Film_Noir

(=)William Coen:
While William is an admirable individual with large bits of positive qualities, he has not yet won the trust or favor of Eirik in the slightest. (Not that he cares). The first recalled meeting between William and Eirik was in Rothburg where he was arrested by William and his archers and he was firing lined by them on the Lord Commander's order. This is one of the more specific reasons why Eirik is neutral in regards to William. Even more so for other less known pursuits that have occurred between the two. @BillyTheScroofy

(=)Einarr Norrvakt:
Einarr was the first skagger Eirik met in Regalia and was also a large role model in his Regalian life and assimilation into the populace until a few occurrences happened. Thus leaving them estranged and generally entirely at odds against each other. He is only neutral in the sense that, while Eirik does not like him, he still views him as a valiant fighter and at least deserves minimal shows of respect. @Walrusaur_

Life Story (Required)

Add a summarized plot line of your character's life story. The point of the Life Story is not to give a novella long list of events that happened in the character's life, it's supposed to just create a summary of the person's life, while keeping a keen eye on explaining the previous points. The life story is supposed to tie together and provide background information as to why and how the person became what they are. It is required to limit your Life Story to about 3-4 paragraphs with no more than 800-900 words. If you want to, you can include a full Life Chronicles behind your Life Story where you go deeper into detail, with no upper limit for words, however this will not be reviewed. Keep in mind that all crucial factors should be in the Life Story, as the approval only counts for the information in the Life Story and information in the Life Chronicles may not be lore canon.

  • Born on January 20th 265 AC, Eirikir was born within the middle of a war march done by his father and mother. Upon this war march that lasted for the majority of his first year of life he was allowed to witness and take in the views of the battle from hilltops nearby. He witnessed there his father and mother killing men and women in battle in fierce raids against enemy villages and the simple barons who became overzealous in their actions.
  • When he was old enough to stand and hold a wooden axe he trained with his father and mother in how to properly fight with a single axe and dual axes in the Skagger way of combat. This lasted from 5 years of age till 12 years old until he was finally sent to the School of Skagger properly to be taught more in depth by them at that point.
  • 6 years later at the age of 16 he had graduated at the level of Warrior by hunting dangerous game out in the wilderness as well as taking part in a multitude of skirmishes and war parties involving his family or involving their allies and family friends.
  • At the age of thirty, after his time at the Crag and after a decade of near constant warfare he acquired the rank of Berhednar (Expert Level) and received the various tattoos he can be seen with currently from this location. The ringlet tattoo over his left eye details his sights remaining towards those who are chained to him. This means in a basic sense that he will always look out for those who are connected with him or are friends. The twin Othalan runes upon the sides of his head meaning Inheritance and Nobility detail his familys' power and position as well as the mantle he took up in the wake of his fathers death. The various other tattoos can be figured out later on by those who are really interested in learning.
  • Over time his family grew thus granting him four children until his late wife was killed in the cliche Northern fashion during battle. While she died fighting their two youngest children took up her enjoyments while the twin eldest took up their father's interests.
  • He had come to Regalia in search of his adventurous daughter at the beginning of the Lo Crisis which ultimately led to him being trapped here in Regalia for that time. He helped the Kronau Resistance retake Regalia and decided to stake a claim here and work to prominence within the city, gaining positions such as Military Councilman and Inspector Admiral of the Obermark Theatre of the Regalian Navy.
  • Currently Eirik is commanding the Obermark Theatres Navy, suffering through the blunders of Jannik Sinclair and the near random leaving of Einarr Norrvakt with great hopes for the new Lt. General of Percival Kade who he hopes will do a much better job of commanding and staying present than the previous two.

Last edited:
Hi @GrandVitaMorte ! I'll be reviewing your app now.
  • I'd like you to write out your entire backstory inside of the app in readable form. Until then I will put my review on halt until that has been done.
BUMP and EDIT Resubmitting for review

All edits were marked with red, these include
  • Adding ten pounds to weight
  • Clarification on his bodytype
  • Changing the wording of how his hair looks
  • Changing the names of his parents
  • Updating of his clothing (currently)
Additions include all the short little sentences prior to the Personality Traits, these are marked as Grey, and Bolded.
I say he is that tall because he has Balltarc blood within him which aids in a larger height for him to be able to have.
Then do I switch Balltarc with Haak? Or just add Haak as a culture?
Hopefully the final edit:
Added Haak to the Race list.
Revised weight to be 245lbs (He is a big strong boy)
Changes to be made:
  1. Firstly, add more detail to all traits/ strengths/ weaknesses. At least two sentences more for each.
  2. Berhendar and Muscle Mass are obvious strengths, remove and replace these.
Make the above changes in BLUE and tag me when done.
@Walrusaur_ I believe I got everything. Did you want more added to Personality as well?
  1. Refrain from using the term Viking in your sheet if you could. Vikings are not a thing in the lore, they are Skaggers/ Raiders. Also remove the reference to Ragnar the Red.
  2. Remove and replace the Near/Far sighted weakness, as it is selective.
  3. Try to remove bits that pertain to events (namely the bit about Tristan and the Marked)
Replaced the term Viking with Skaggers and removed Ragnar and replaced it with the fighting style of his ancestor Ragnair Valdemar (I know it sounds similar I just really like that name and other names don't make sene for Ragnairs character).
Removed Near/Far Sighted and placed within its place the Too Trusting Weakness.
And finally removed the bits that pertained to the events dealing with Tristan and the Marked.
Too trusting is a cop out weakness, remove and replace.
*Eirik tattooed upon the sides of his head blue tattoos that allow him to unlocked his Berhednar ability*
Uhm, then
A: You are breaking the Berhednar's code
B: You are reduced to a hissing lump of savagery and meat.

Those who achieved Berhednar state tattooed themselves with proper materials used to e able to enact their state on near command.

Thats only when they enact their berserker state in which it will take incredible mental willpower and focus to cease from killing everyone they see.
The tracing of the tattoos is fairly quick so long as you don't have ten thousand tattoos of varying makes and models.

And the length of time it would take someone to normally go into Berserking is not that long, they can literally flick it on but due to Nerfing of the Skaggers, its is generally seen as a stupid idea to try to go near one when they are in this stage.
I believe that you either trace the war paint or do the meditation, the war paint being much quicker. But that would mean that he can't walk with that applied around.
@Walrusaur_ May I add a Round Shield for Eirik to have to protect him from archer fire and weapons in this coming Siege?
I mean mainly for the usage of protection against arrows on the initial charge up the siege tower or ladders for the Wall Assault
True, but I just figure that getting a shield would add another roll towards defenses. While he is terrible at defense I doubt he would be stupid enough to assault a wall full of archers, mages, cannons, etc. without at least a shield to protect him, but I won't fight it if it doesn't matter in the end.
Will be doing a full revamp for the new character sheet and systems. Coming Soon!~
Can I get a re-review on this update version of the Character Sheet as well as a clearing of this comment section?