Preserved Sheet Edward "captain Match" Sho'vassa

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@Ded Jok
Updated to join some backstory stuff. Basically, while out and about totally not selling blacksmithing and finecraft stuff to criminals, he ended up in Daenshore and spent some time in the school of Mariposa, which fits because he's a theatrical guy.

Changes made in RED to make them noticeable.
@Ded Jok

Update to move some points around and switch subrace to one that fits the character attitude more. Added to backstory.

Changes made in RED for reference.
@Ded Jok

Not re-review, but heads up that I moved five points from swords to fist combat. At last review, was 7 sword 10 fist. Now 2 sword (for ceremonial purpose) and 15 unarmed.

I also added a list of what's added in his mercenary armor. Please let me know if there's a better way to format that.
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@Ded Jok

Minor edits, added to backstory and inventory, but he's been playing with knives as well so I added one into dagger prof. As it's a new prof, I believe it needs re-review.

Apologies for the rapid fire stuff.

As usual, changes marked in RED.
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