Preserved Sheet Edward "captain Match" Sho'vassa

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Dec 21, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Edward "Captain Match" Sho'Vassa
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Mostly Straight
  • Race: Asha, Rakhet (Sheta Clade)
  • Preferred Weapon: Hanger (sword) and Falchion (Flourentine style)
Inventory Information:
  • Coin Pouch, usually containing 20 to 30 regals
  • Chain Living Metal Bracelets, 2x
  • Chain Living Metal Necklace, with Blank Plaque at the Bottom
  • Pyrignis and Steel
  • Roll of Slow Match
  • Red Bandanna
  • Rope Lighter (and spare flint)
  • Smithing Kit
  • Falchion (Folded Blacksteel, Pyrignis Inlay on Edge, Magnetite Sword Catcher Crossguard)
  • Blade-Catcher Bowie Knife (Pattara, Pyrignis Inlay on Back Edge, Magnetite Crossguard, Pattara Knuckle Guard)
  • Leather Boots (Steel Toe)
    • Blacksteel Curiass
    • Blacksteel Helm with Pyrignis inlay and Blacksteel Chainmail Coif
    • Fingerless Blacksteel Gauntlets
    • Steel Pauldrons with Pyrignis inlay
    • Steel Shin Guard
    • Steel Elbow Pad (left)
    • Curved Metal Straw
    • Falchion (Folded Steel, Pyrignis Inlay on Edge, Magnetite Sword Catcher Crossguard)
    • Yellow-Yellow Clockwork Gauntlet (left handed)
    • Red-Red Clockwork Gauntlet (right handed)
Skill Information:
Total Points: 42 Age (37+5 Bonus), 5 Racial, 10 Talent, 10 Hobby, (Total 62)
Proficiency Points:
  • 10 Finecraft Sciences (10 Age)
  • 20 Metallurgy Sciences (20 Age)
  • 2 Swords Combat (2 Age)
  • 5 Dagger Combat (5 Age)
  • 10 Fist Combat (5 Racial + 5 Age)
  • 5 Stealth Rogue (5 Talent)
  • 5 Vocal Singing (5 Talent)
  • 10 Theatre Arts (10 Hobby)
Body Shape:
  • 37 Physical Stat (5 Finecraft + 10 Metallurgy + 2 Swords + 10 Fist + 5 Dagger + 5 Theatre Arts = 37)
  • Ripped Body Shape
  • Built Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood) 10/10, capable of speaking formally, but generally plays himself off as dumber than he actually is
  • Ibeth (taught by parents at home) 10/10, somewhat rusty but very functional
  • D'Ithanie (grew up in Ithania) 10/10, very formal tone
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
Racial Traits (So I can pull them up for my own reference)
Asha are unable to learn Sorcery and Magic, but can learn Ritualism. Additionally, Asha tails are prehensile, thus able to be used in Combat Roleplay, as well as holding items or people. That being said, Asha tails have about the strength of half an arm, meaning that all actions derive 50% of the Proficiency Points or the Physical Stat of the Asha, when using the tail.
Asha Claws are among some of the sharpest things known to Aloria even for the meekest of Nefer, capable of causing deep cuts. Asha claws ignore any type of armor that is not plate-tier, and can tear up even chainmail and cured leather. That being said, while using a weapon, Asha cannot use their claws, as their hands must be free in order for them to extend their claws from their retractable state.
When it comes to measuring speed, particularly running speed, Asha always outclass any other race, even while using Living Metal as armor. If it ever concerns a running competition, or a chase, an Asha will always run faster than anything else chasing it, unless this creature or person specifically has a mutation or Ability making it "as fast as an Asha".
All Asha no matter how old or strong have a quantity of Living Metal that is naturally produced by their body. It is, in its inert state, about the size of a fist, and is usually suspended around the Asha's neck as a necklace, on the tail like tail decoration, or on the forearm as a decorative bracelet. Living Metal can have any color, as long as it looks metallic, and has a single color. Living Metal is always smooth (thus not having any jagged edges or rivets or bolts), but has a wavy pattern, similar to folded steel that shows some reflective difference. Living Metal cannot be stolen, and can turn into a liquid form at the will of the Asha. In its natural state however, Living Metal is inert and serves no function, unless a Stance is used such as the Stances below. Without any Stance active, Living Metal is purely decorative, like jewelry or clothing.
Any body parts lost by the Asha, with the exception of their tail, is automatically replaced after a week by Living Metal, unless they choose not to replace that body part. This decision can be re-made at any time after the limb is lost. Any replaced limbs made out of Living Metal will mimic body flesh in every sense, giving no additional sturdiness against weapons, having the same sensations, and being warm to the touch, yet metallic in appearance.
The Asha turns their Living Metal into a weapon of choice, or two smaller weapons of choice. The weapon can be handed off to others, but only one can be produced, and it can be "melted" and returned to the Asha from Emote Distance. Only one Living Metal Stance can be active at any time, this Stance must be removed before another can be used.
The Asha turns their Living Metal into plate-like metal armor for themselves covering one of the following parts: Legs, Torso+Waist, Arms or Head+Neck (only one can be chosen). This Ability takes several seconds to form, so it cannot be quickly summoned to stop an attack. Only one Living Metal Stance can be active at any time, this Stance must be removed before another can be used.
The Asha turns their Living Metal into a substitute for wound treatment, but only on themselves. This allows them to cover up either up to 5 cuts and bruises, or one deep gash or internal wound. This both negates the wound, and removes the pain, and can prevent a lethal attack from killing the Asha. Removing the Living Metal returns the wound to its previous state. Living Metal does not heal, it is a stop-gap measure until a healer can be found. Only one Living Metal Stance can be active at any time, this Stance must be removed before another can be used.
The Asha can turn their Living Metal into any utility tool, like a walking cane, a hammer, a pencil, a screwdriver, any tool that even if it requires a basic resource to function (such as ink in a pen) it will fulfill this function without requiring the resource. This Stance can also be used to use Living Metal aesthetically, either moving it around like a liquid, or shaping it into artistic depictions, or plates, carafes, wine goblets, a horse saddle and more. Only one Living Metal Stance can be active at any time, this Stance must be removed before another can be used.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Fur Color: Grey for most of the body, Black markings on White Background on face, Darker hands and feet, lighter chest/belly area, Black ringed tail
  • Clothing: Simple clothing, Green cloak, Leather boots, Red bandanna
  • Height: 6'4"
Visual Information
  • Ed's face looks like a raccoon, with a thick mask going around large eyes. His mask is on a white background that goes up to his forehead, and his ears are average in size and his muzzle isn't too long. All of the fur on his head is left to its own devices beyond washing and keeping it untangled.
  • Standing at respectable 6'4", with developed muscle for his race and body fat to match. His body is covered in grey fur that he washes relatively frequently, lightening on his belly, and all of his digits end in short claws.
  • Ed is very minimalist in what he carries, preferring function over form. He has a set of simple clothes covered in a dark green cloak with a slim backpack hidden underneath. He has leather boots and sometimes will wear a red bandanna as a reference to his nickname, even going so far as to hang lit pieces of slowmatch from it to produce a smoky effect. For jewelry, he has a chain necklace that ends in a plaque made of living metal, along with living metal bracelets that he uses to write down messages to himself using his innate ability to manipulate it to etch in messages.
  • Ed is friendly enough to most, albeit often teasing. He has a large vocabulary and fancies himself to be quite good at word play, whether or not others would agree. Unless someone actually says a subject is serious, he is likely to joke about it.
  • When annoyed with someone, Ed will ramp up his teasing, often making his remarks more pointed.
  • His top molars on left side replaced with living metal replacements due to them being knocked out at some point.
  • His pattern of speech changes drastically when aggressive towards someone, with words being growled out in a gravelly tone with eyes widened to the point of showing blood vessels on the edge of the white and lips drawn back to reveal teeth reminiscent of a bear's, standing close with arms drawn back in a near feral position as if to convey the image of a demon just asking for an excuse to tear the one he's talking to into thin, bloody strips.
  • Ed's accent would be a mix of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean and the accent that Blackbeard has in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, though slightly younger sounding.
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Advocate
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Not religious, finding religion to be boring and not delivering answers to life's problems.
Personality and Abilities
  • Match is known to have a strong self-deprecating sense of humor, and almost every problem he runs into is solved with a side of sarcasm, whether appropriate or not.
  • His knowledge of fighting stems from working in rough crowds as well as time spent learning with the school of Mariposa, though his fighting style leans towards slightly heavier blades than most who study the same school due to his larger build. His fighting style is based on a combination of theatrical flair and efficiency, often neglecting honor in favor of swiftness. In his eyes, the only honor in combat is making good choices about who you're fighting.
  • Ed likes to play around with pyrotechnics and fire, hence his nickname. This has benefitted him greatly in his endeavors of blacksmithing by giving him a better understanding of how to get fires to do what he wants them to in terms of what fuels react to create hotter fires, how to stoke them, and how to keep them controlled.
  • Edward enjoys theatrics as he finds life too short to take everything seriously. He's always looking for loopholes in rules. Ed also likes tinkering, looking for some way to solve complex issues with creative solutions.
  • In his eyes, bureaucracy takes too long to get anything done. He has very strong sympathetic emotions, so he cannot stand watching injustice without doing anything. He has a dislike for nobles, though not because of their lavish lives. He often sees them as manipulative, using others to further enlarge their coffers without a regard of the external impacts. He loves everything about noble culture except one thing. Nobles.
Life Story (Required)

  • Ed is somewhat of a drifter, not sure what he's looking to do with his life beyond knowing he doesn't want to follow in his parents' business. He has some inclination that he wants to be a protector of some sort, but he doesn't know how he's going to do that.
  • Match was born as Edward Sho'Vassa to a family of jewelers along with one other sibling. His mother was a Rahket and was the craftswoman of the business, using her seemingly innate knowledge of valuable materials and living metal to make nearly peerless jewelry while his father, a Nefer, handled the business aspects, endeavoring to teach Ed to value thinking through problems and how to negotiate.
  • However, despite the respectable business of his parents, outside of their business and his music lessons, he always felt like people looked down on him due to the reputation sheta clade asha have as thieves, not to mention the disposition most Ithanians already had towards asha.
  • One of the respite he found was in music and performing, where he could put up a mask of sorts with what he was doing. Coming from a family of some means, he was able to get music lessons. Though his voice is still not what many singers desire, he does have a certain way of presenting it that can be appealing.
  • At age 13, the asha came to the conclusion that he wouldn't fit in with much of Ithanian high society. He was looked down upon due to his race, leading him to get a sour disposition towards the concept of nobility in general. He eventually found that he was treated with more respect not by the stereotypical respectable citizenry of the upperclass, but by the thieves and scoundrels in the lower classes, which led to him getting involved in small scale petty crimes. At 17, after a few years of petty thievery and other small crimes, he found himself working on a smuggling ship that took him out to the high seas.
  • Edward spent the next few years going ship to ship before he found a talent for sneaking in to reacquire things that have been misplaced by those who he worked with, finding his own solutions instead of solving things with others. It was joked around that the only captain that could direct him was himself. That, combined with his affinity for fire, earned him the name Captain Match.
  • Over the course of his work on ships, he became curious about the cannons he would see that could contain such powerful blasts and send cannonballs soaring. This led to a fascination with the weapons construction, which, in combination with knowledge of finecraft that he gained from his parents, resulted in an interest in blacksmithing. This went well with his curiosity about fire, which was an integral part in the new trade. Over the years, he spent less time committing crimes himself and instead found himself helping produce and transport metal goods for thieves and pirates.
  • At age 27, Ed had found his way into the lands of Daenshore, often selling the wares he made as a smith to cover his cost of living. While in Daenshore, he came across a fighting school and, in the thought that one shouldn't make something without knowing how to use it, enrolled in the school of Mariposa. Being one who loved being the center of attention, he adored the theatrical style the school taught, though he often substituted heavier blades instead of rapiers for himself as they better matched his physique.
  • While he's been to Regalia before, he didn't do much besides a bit of blacksmithing, drinking, and verbal sparring. However, he's been away for a while.
  • While away for a while, Ed went to his homeland of Ithania, where he proceeded to find his way back in with crowds that were on the wrong side of the law, but in his eyes, the right side of morality. He plied his trade of smithing to make equipment for those who would rob from nobles, especially those who liberated slaves from the various Ithanian houses, though he would also have perfectly legal contracts with which he would hide his shadier dealings.
  • While in Ithania again, he did gain a reputation for his work within the law, even going so far as to make ceremonial blades for certain nobles and high ranking guards. However, he made these blades far more for their style than function, often using plain designs unless specifically asked otherwise.
  • However, his underworld dealings were different. He used the dealings in the underworld to experiment a bit, selling clients who wanted them swords with distinct features, such as blades with hooked crossguards that would entangle enemy weapons or folding blades that sprung out for easier concealment. While he was by no means a clockwork genius, his underworld work often had far more innovation than that of his ceremonial blades.
  • Eventually, he saw the writing on the wall when authorities went after some associates he had made, so he ventured away to make his way back to Regalia, where he had previously established a foothold in order to prevent himself being tied in with the illegal activities of those he supplied weapons and gear to.
  • While returning to Regalia, he made small gains for the most part on his honest work, supplying steel arms, armor, and other equipment to local mercenaries that were in the area. However, one contract that was very lucrative was when he was contracted by the Scion, a vampiric coven. They needed a statuette made of gold in the visage of one of their idols. Given the amount of money this could make the asha, Ed decided to accept.
  • While the production of this idol went well, Ed received some trouble upon handoff of the statuette. Upon receiving the statue, the Upyress of the Scion requested a handshake. In this handshake, Edward was cursed with a spell that would leave him as an altalar for three days.
  • His reaction was caused twofold. As an asha, he instinctually has a distaste for magic that. Additionally, while he was willing to give altalar a chance in passing, he still had a great distaste for the nelfin. The combined insult sent him into a rage, where he grabbed the statuette and walked out of the hideout before threatening to destroy it. A fight erupted, leaving the scion back in possession of the statuette while Ed had to flee, beaten, bloodied, and with a broken left arm, still cursed as an altalar.
  • When he returned to his house, he called in assistance from a group of vigilantes he had produced weapons and gear for. They had offered to make him their smith, and he had previously requested time to think on it, not expecting much to come of it besides work. Now, he needed more than work. Ed moved in at the vigilante base, promising to work for them in return for hiding him away from prying eyes. Set on rest and recovery, the asha hid away, plotting... planning...
  • The curse was removed and Ed was accepted as a mercenary, where he verified with the Mercenary Commissioner Theopold Kreiburg that a blacksmith could hire a mercenary to wear their products around town as advertising. With this, Ed wrote a contract as a blacksmith to himself as a mercenary to wear the half plate that mercenaries are allowed to wear on contract around town as advertisement, allowing him to be prepared at all times as his mindset began to turn more militaristic in his plots of revenge.
  • His house hadn't been burned down after his confrontation with the Scion, so he moved back, though he kept the requisite tools to smith in both the vigilante base as well as his home should one become compromised as he began his campaign of vengence.
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As I originally posted this at 1:53AM, I missed a spot. Edited it later to fix that.
  • You'll need 5 points of investment into the Linguistic Knowledge proficiency for your character to be able to speak D'Ithanie.
Please tag me once you've made these changes @CaptainMatch !
  • You'll need 5 points of investment into the Linguistic Knowledge proficiency for your character to be able to speak D'Ithanie.
Please tag me once you've made these changes @CaptainMatch !

I meant to take the dominant language of one parent (it would be Zcorr for either, since they were both Varran) and of the land Match grew up in. While I discussed some things on the Discord about background, including his parents being Varran immigrants living in Ithania, which would mean that Match grew up there and would receive the language exposure of languages in Ithania, I see that I missed putting those in the actual application itself.

As I can't justify to myself pulling out the points from other things to gain language proficiency for D'Ithanie, would adding the details about Match's background into the application work or should I just drop D'Ithanie?
I also learned that tracking things down would be more along the lines of hunting as opposed to perception, so should I be able to switch that? I plan on having him be a more city and ocean faring character, so I'm not sure if hunting would fall more under tracking in the wild and if perception would be better in Match's home environments at picking up clues as to where someone or something went.
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That's fine regarding the D'Ithanie then! And yes, it's fine to swap it out for Hunting if you wish.
@CaptainMatch Tag me once you've made those edits for Hunting.
@TheBioverse Changes made in compliance with rules. Background updated to explain languages. Proficiencies changed to better reflect background, but still same point totals.
@TheBioverse Hate to keep changing, but I discovered siege would work better with backstory than bow. Also put some points into fast blades for a self defense weapon. Point total still the same.

Edit: also added inventory
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@TheBioverse Since I havent CRPed yet, I'm going to switch the build. I like the logistical option to use either lethal or non-lethal that is provided by unarmed.
@CaptainMatch Where did your character obtain 500 grams of black powder?

Probably me staying up too late in like my first week or two after initial application, being like "He's a cannoneer on a ship (that does have cannons in progs), so he might have snuck some powder off for personal use," then forgot about it despite not ever actually using it for anything. Can definitely delete as now that I'm more familiar with lore and such, it doesn't seem like something he would have on land.

Also, with the alchemy update that came out today, it appears that alchemy is more focused on healing and poisoning, without much regard for chemistry that could be used destructively, so would it be good to swap that over into siege or the unarmed that I was looking at (or split between them) to better fit?
I would say split it into unarmed. The use of destructive alchemy will always be looked upon sourly OOC. Stick to the Alchemy written up instead of molotovs etc. @CaptainMatch
I ticketed and got it approved that Siege 5 is enough to know how to make molotovs. Can screenshot and DM over Discord if needed.
Ed is also starting up a business IC that dries meats and uses the fats to make lantern oil.
Upon consulting friends in the server, I have come to the conclusion that the best way to continue forward with this character is to go for more of a builder. As such, I have reallocated points to reflect this. @TheBioverse
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Instead of the '5 -> 3' for example, could you just make it a normal point list -- so only mentioning the current point investment. Not any prior ones. I ask because it's really confusing to me otherwise. @CaptainMatch
Was an idiot and forgot to have siege for this character's powder monkey backstory and current station as head cannoneer on a ship with a moderate amount of cannons (see OliverOnly's character Molly for reference). @TheBioverse
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@TheBioverse @Caelamus Don't know which I need to tag here, but I accidentally hit needs re-review when I only moved five points.

Changes were marked in red in case you're wondering what changed. Still same point totals.
Inventory Information
-That's a lot of swords. I would recommend lowering that to like one or two, and also reconsider just how much your character is carrying in general.
Special Traits/Skills/Mutations
-The teeth point would probably be better put in Visual Information, but not too important overall.
-Little disorganized, I would add a bit more about being raised in Ithania, as it only really mentions it near the end. Maybe move that first paragraph elsewhere for better cohesion.
Everything else checks out alright, mark changes you make in Green and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Inventory Information
-How about three instead of five so he can have one as a holdout weapon?
Special Traits/Skills/Mutations
-Fixed as per requested.
-For clarification, he's been to Ithania at two points in his life. He lived in Ithania until he was 17 and then went back at age 35 to deal weapons in the Ithanian underworld. As for what he did in both cases, I have added more detail and clarified what I could.

Changes made in green.
@Ded Jok
-Listing the items in his shop isn't really needed. You can list items you have there off in a sheet or whatnot.
-Just one or two weapons on hand unless they're reasonably small, please. Something like a dagger'd be fine.
Everything else checks out homie. Mark changes in Green once more and ping me when you're set. @GarbageBurglar