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Work in Progress Edith Harte

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Sep 4, 2024
Reaction score
Edith Harte
Character Information
  • Full Name: Edith Harte
  • Heritage / Culture: Remet Asha / Hedjet
  • Age: 27
  • Gender / Pronouns: Woman She/They
  • Religion: Khama
  • Occult: No occult alignment. While cautious of Magic, she doesn't practice or follow it but remains open to its neutral use by others.
  • Character Occupation: Living Metal Artisan; runs a small workshop in Regalia, creating intricate metalworks, tools, jewelry, and occasionally custom armors.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Very very dark brown
  • Skin Color: Covered in thick black fur with patches of white across the chest
  • Height: 5'
  • Body Type: Muscular and stocky, with a wide build and strong shoulders, doesn't completely show on account of her small stature.
  • Additional Features:
    Burn scars on her left arm and shoulder from a childhood fire
    Clawed hands and digitigrade feet, which allow for natural agility and strength in movement.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    Living Metal Mastery: A highly skilled artisan who can manipulate Living Metal, crafting custom tools, jewelry, and armors with intricate designs
    Agility and Acrobatics: Naturally adept at using her body's strength and agility, especially in climbing, vaulting, and moving with precision in tight spaces.
    Keen Senses: Rakhet has a heightened sense of smell, hearing, and night vision, making her adept at tracking, navigating in low light, or sensing magical disturbances.
  • Mechanics:
    Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
    Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
    Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat.
    Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.
  • Languages:
    Common (Fluent): Grew up in Regalia, where Common is the primary language.
    Ibeth (Intermediate): Though not native, Rakhet learned some Ibeth from her parents and in her Asha community, as part of preserving Asha culture.
Edith Harte was born in the bustling heart of Regalia to a loving and proud Asha family of the Hedjet culture. Her parents were skilled artisans, masters of Living Metal craft, and well-respected in the Regalian Asha community. Though they lived far from their ancestral homeland, her parents instilled in her the values of resilience, peace, and preservation. They were living proof that despite the horrific history of the Pearl Wars, Asha could thrive without succumbing to bitterness and revenge. Their home was a sanctuary filled with warmth, laughter, and the hum of metal being shaped by her father's hands.

Harte's childhood was happy and filled with love. Her parents, deeply involved in the Asha community, raised her with the belief that the past, while painful, should not define her future. Her mother often told her stories of their ancestors, of the once-mighty Dewamenet Empire, of the resilience the Asha had shown in surviving centuries of oppression. They taught her how to manipulate Living Metal, a skill passed down through generations and encouraged her to dream of a future where the Asha might reclaim their legacy not through war, but through artistry and wisdom.

Yet, Edith also felt the weight of being Asha in Regalia. She could sense the lingering prejudice in the way some Regalians looked at her and her family. They were treated well enough, but there was always a subtle, uncomfortable tension between the Asha and many of the non-Asha residents. Still, her parents shielded her from much of it, choosing to focus on teaching her the beauty of Asha culture and their philosophy of peace.

Harte's life took a sudden turn during her adolescence. On her 16th birthday, while walking alone in the Regalian streets at night, she was ambushed by a group of young nobles, their motives cruel and senseless. They taunted her for her look, for being different, and tried to scare her by attacking her with fire—a weapon that held symbolic horror for the Asha, who had lost so much in the flames of the Pearl Wars. In the struggle, she was badly burned on her left shoulder, leaving lasting scars, both physical and emotional. Though she survived, the incident shook her faith in the ideals of peace her parents had taught her.

Her parents, horrified by what had happened, sought justice for their daughter. Yet, justice was slow and unsatisfying. The culprits, protected by their noble status, were barely reprimanded, their cruelty dismissed as youthful indiscretion. This event marked the first time Rakhet understood how deeply ingrained inequality and prejudice were in Regalia. The scars on her arm became a constant reminder of that night, but also of the fragility of the peace her family had strived to uphold.

Determined not to let that define her, Edith threw herself into her craft. She trained diligently, mastering the manipulation of Living Metal, and became a respected artisan in her own right by her early twenties. Her works were intricate, reflecting both the history of her people and the strength she had found in herself. Still, her sense of safety in Regalia had been shattered. Though her life was filled with professional success, she felt a growing disconnection from the city she had always called home.

Now at 27, Harte stands at a crossroads. She still clings to the values of the Hedjet—of rebuilding and fostering peace—but her trust in Regalian society has been irrevocably damaged. She is torn between two paths: one of continuing her parents' legacy of peace and prosperity, and another that beckons her to seek out justice on her own terms. Despite the support of her family and the community around her, Rakhet's inner turmoil deepens, and she questions whether true peace can ever be achieved in a world that still harbors so much hatred and division.


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities