Archived Economy Repair

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Apr 7, 2013
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= The fight to Repair the Economy from fishing. =
As some of us older maybe Veteran players know, fishing has taken an extreme toll on the server economy. People went from having a stack of diamonds to having a stack of diamond blocks. In order to Push the prices up we need money sinks on the server. As some are aware there are already a couple of these. And i will post mine own thread links on this forum thread. Please give me support and offer new ways to lift the economy back up. If i find that i agree with your threads i will link them in this thread.

It is a given that some people who are reading this now are going to disagree with some ideas that I support, but that is not what this thread is about. This thread is intended for you to go check out other neat ideas and get them implemented.

Just one more thing that i must point out.. Any ideas that are successful will be able to create more options for players to do things on massivecraft. So please Shout out your ideas <3

(Some thread links may not seem like they will help out server economy, but trust me i think they could help the economy more than you think)

If any of the forums threads below are locked or become locked just let me know.
~Inform me if you have any hyperlink issues~

= Server Money sinks already in effect =

Faction Warzones
Regalian houses/shops
Lwc locks

= Money sinks that i would wish to happen =

Faction Power Boost
Item Lore 1
Item Lore 2
Item Lore 3
Faction Price Raise 1
Faction Price Raise 2

= Ideas that can create new places in the market =

Arrow Types
God Apples
Player Heads
Xp Bottles 1
Xp Bottles 2
= Random Cool Ideas (kinda off track but.. Hey) =

Sword PvP Expansion
Armour Weight
Faction Jail
Killer Squids
Sleep Whenever
Raid Alert
Expanded Wars Pluggin

Post below if you have any ideas or if you need any Threads supported.

~Thread Edit 1 Complete~
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Axe armor damage is already crazy high. You can't fight against anyone on the /mctop 5 for axes or higher for longer than 10 minutes without your armor being shredded.
You would last a little less than 10 minutes against a mctop axes person without god apples or the unnerfed axes
You forgot the following money sinks:

Regalian houses/shops
Lwc locks
If i were to post links to topics about those money sinks it would do near to nothing seeing as how those require you to be in game. However the war zones requires an application. But yeah.. i'll place those under money sinks anyways
I will now delete all of my former posts, as they were slightly off (which was my mistake).
Yeah... Sorry for not handling that in the most correct way, i was just angry.
Mecharic offered him information on the topic he made the thread about. You can't post anything in the Feature and idea discussion category and expect people to not differ with you or have a their own opinion, which may or may not be the same as your own. This thread and the public's ability to disagree with its topic is no different than anyone else's.
Obviously you did not read my guidelines, just to make sure, this is what i said "It is a given that some people who are reading this now are going to disagree with some ideas that I support, but that is not what this thread is about. This thread is intended for you to go check out other neat ideas and get them implemented." That is a very clear message, sayign that i said that this thread is not about disagreeing. I just want people to throw out ideas, not pointing fingers like Me or you. Given information that can you encourage players to respect that?
@pokyug - The reason I made (and make) my statements is not to disagree - I honestly don't trade/sell/buy enough for the server economy to be on the top of my issues list - but rather to ensure that people can make correct and informed choices. Supporting money sinks will 'worsen' the economy, and if they don't know that and support said money sinks it will only end badly.
I don't understand what you're saying. You start off with saying that you think there's too much regals in the system. Then end it by saying making more coins would have a great effect on the server. An admin shop would increase the amount of regals in the system as well.

And if you take away regals from the system, you will get less regals per material sold. You seem to think that more regals makes item costs lower.
That wouldn't cause any change. By removing resources AND regals, they both retain equal value to one another.

I'm going to try for an analogy: Person A sells Apples. Person B sells Bread. Both want to have what the other person has.

Let us say that Person A has 20 apples and Person B has 5 loaves of Bread. That would cause the Bread to have more value than the Apples due to there being more Apples. Person B would, if they know what they're doing, sell Bread for at least 4 Apples. That is a 4:1 Exchange Ratio.

Now let us say that a big storm ruins the Apple Crop. Now Person A only has 10 Apples to trade. Person B still has 5 loaves of bread. Now though the Apples, due to being less common than in the first scenario, are worth more. Instead of each loaf of bread being sold for 4 apples they are sold for 2 apples each. This means that Apples, due to being rarer, have double their former value in relation to bread.

That is how Regals:Resources work - add Regals and they lose value in relation to other items. Remove Regals and they increase in value to other items - say, a stack of diamonds for 6 Regals. This is not an inherent problem so long as trade continues to occur, but it DOES have the effect of making it hard to pay rent at the Shop stalls as prices continue to drop. What needs to be done is for there to be a "Great Crusade!" by Regalia against the Qadir Sultanate that causes Regalia to purchase MASSIVE amounts of resources (wood, food, diamonds, stone, all of them) in order to fuel it. People sell their stuff to Regalian Shops and it vanishes from the server in a giant Resource Sink that makes diamonds less common while also increase the Regals in Circulation. Through that the value of items will begin to rise again.

@MonMarty - Great Crusade is a good idea, just sayin. -cough cough-
I actually enjoy that idea, have you attempted to make a thread trying to create an event of that sort? If you do you got my 100% support. Make the thread then send me the link in a private convo :D
You forgot the following money sinks:

Regalian houses/shops
Lwc locks

1. Factions are a one time sink and really aren't that expensive
2. True but they don't really suck up all that much money
3. Sure Its a money sink but the amount of money it soaks up is almost completely inconsequential.
A thing that was once talked about which I still think could be awesome was faction islands, where a faction could buy a map for themselves. It was set to be brought up again after sharding, but I don't know if it ever did. (Could work alot like the "warzones" as a money sink)
I presume these would be fairly small maps, and should be hugely expensive...
At least 100k probably more like 200k..
Sorry, but econmy can't be pushed, IRL it get fcked up also sometimes. So you will have to wait until it repairs itself. And the old fishing, only veterans? Well I can assure that beeing 8 months on a server means you're a veteran.
@Mecharic @favoured

I saw you guys saying why is this deflation back. There are two main reasons why it is bad. First off, if things ever get below the value of a single regal they usually stop being gathered as they are not profitable this makes it so everyone must gather there own cheap goods i.e. Cobble, Stonebrick, some types of food, not sure what else. This is bad because it is always good to have specialization because then A) It is more immersive to have some as a wool salesman than a wool, potion, armor, weapon, wood, stone, and minerals salesman. and B) It means that person can find out more tricks and become more used to gather more in less time resulting in an overall greater ease to get these things in terms of money to output.

This change in output makes it so these low priced items (Primarily Building items and necessities such as food arguably wood and stone) are actually produced because specialization and the increased worth of a regal in terms of time spent which leads to more noobs getting what the need to start off and more cool builds getting built.

This is still a minor thing as the major problem is actually people take give out loans or make savings accounts/stores goods the first of which is why especially you Mecharic you should actually care about this more. For example Mechbank gives a loan to player X of 100 regals. The amount of diamonds that can buy is for example 10. With this money he buys the needed supplies to mine diamonds and form a company. With 10% interest it should be that if player X mines 11 diamonds/gets 110 regals he will replay Mechbank but instead must mine 1100 (Ridiculous example but I don't want to do math) because now it only takes 1 regal to buy a diamond. So he has to in affect pay 1100% interest on his loan this not only cripples his enterprise completely but also means he is more likely to default resulting in loss for Mechbank. As well the Savings accounts Mechbank takes out will also have this problem, an account with 100 regals 10% interest that experiences this inflation will also cost 1100% interest,

Overall what this does is makes it so even if the interest on savings is halved, it will still be a 1050% increase in price. So because of this Mechbank is paying nearly the same relatively for both as percentage wise as 50 is half of 100 but 1050 is not even close to half of 1100. Because of the skyrocketing chance of default Mechbank will likely lose more money than it gains and so not only it's customers are being killed by ridiculous loan paybacks but it's investors and those with saving accounts will lose tons of money too, and it's enforcers and it's other employees so it is bad times for pretty much everyone.

It is also obvious to see that people that store items in hordes will see that horder become less and less valuable vs if they had sold it all for regals leading to losses for them. It also means shopowners will accidentally rip of those they sell to as the item increases in price. This hurts noobs, makes it less easy to buy things from shops and hurts owners as less buyers with money come to buy from them as it is a rip. Any stalls they set to buy will buy way to much and they can get bankrupted because of one guy selling diamonds which should be 1 regal a that time for 10 regals at a stall.
@Waminer - Mechbank was closed because not enough people paid back the loans. IF it ever re-opens it will do so with much stricter rules. Also, I don't think I ever stated that the prices were a good thing, just that the economy wasn't/isn't broken yet. And that Sinks definitely won't solve the issue.
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