Archived Dwarven Lore - Relation To The Up-coming Change.

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Mar 11, 2013
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As most of you are very aware, there will be, soon, a Change in the Lore and it's system. Elvish Lore is apparently going to be changed dramatically as is what other Races are seen as.

One this that I'm not aware of is Dwarven Lore.

Right now, Dwarven Lore consists of Three Kingdoms. Middle, Northern, And Southern.
Correct me if I'm wrong because it takes ages for me to open the book to read about it, but....
The Middle Kingdoms are suppose to be basically the "Kings under the Mountain", the Southern "The Peasant Colonies", and the Northern known for their Mercenaries.

Now I like this system, though it's absent in the sense that no one has actually made factions based on these three distinctions, that I know of which probably means they aren't very evident.
Moving on, As I play a Character of a Dwarf, I would like to make a Archives on Dwarven Lore, Tales, Etc, and this is hard when there isn't much known on this Server's Lore of them.

Elvish Lore is very evident on this Server, more evident then any other race. I really do think Dwarven Lore should match.
I would like to know
Where they came from?
What were the first born, why were they created how they were?
What feuds occurred when Dwarves showed themselves to Humans for the first time & What were their relations with other races like?
Are they suppose to be enemies to certain races, in recent times, or were they in ancient wars with other races at certain times?
What were some significant Dwarves that impacted what they are like today?
I have a few ideas myself...
Now, I don't know where I got this story from but wherever it was, it was how the Dwarves came to be.
There were the First Born Dwarves you see. The Gods all created their chosen creatures to suit what they wanted to achieve.
The Dwarves were created, to be Strong, Powerful, Tolerant of their Environment, and above all crafters of stone.

Now this is where what I know ends, but this is how I think it should continue.
The First born Dwarves, spread out, Creating Tribes and Settlements of their own, each.
Some Dwarves, made Haven above ground, known as "Top-Side", as their settlements are still seen today, but fewer and mutual with other races.

Other first born Dwarves, Made their homes and Colonies under the mountain, Crafting great halls and strongholds.

Then I think the Lore could continue on about, how the Dwarves under the Mountains were known for their Militia cruel Hierarchy System, believing they were the higher blood, and saw fit to try and conquer the Dwarves above ground, turning many settlements into Military ones.

Which is where the Northern Kingdoms could of developed their Skill as Mercenaries.

Then it could continue on how there were feuds between Dwarven Kingdoms, etc etc. Name significant events on Dwarves, such as Feuds with Elves and the period in which the Dwarves "Mined to far and greedy" introducing the Agni Fire Race to ''Top-Side", burning many Dwarven Cities and such.

basically, I would like to hear more on the Evolution of Dwarves. Let me know what you think, or if you know something I don't, I would love to hear that.
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I kind of like the freedom of how the lore is now, especially in the fact that my faction is a Dwarven faction. It gives us a chance to forge our own history/story in a way, without too many restrictions such as hated races or certain moralities.
I kind of like the freedom of how the lore is now, especially in the fact that my faction is a Dwarven faction. It gives us a chance to forge our own history/story in a way, without too many restrictions such as hated races or certain moralities.

There is plenty of this already. People will still be able to choose their destiny and such but if they wanted to Role-play off of the Lore and such they can do so themselves.
Even if it's not Lore Compatible, you still get Mutual factions that do not care for what has happened in recent events and such and continue to Roleplay as such.
Alright, since the last comment to link Monmarty to this post was seen as "Spam" from a Moderator, I will clarify my link.
MonMarty - Can you please clarify whether Dwarven Lore will be expanded on, so we can get more of a knowledge of it.
The Dwarven lore is currently being written by jared4242, I have not seen any of the drafts yet so I cannot give any details.
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