Archived Duel Wielding?

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sweet like honeysuckle
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
'ello, m'dearies~.

The Concept:
Alright, I was thinking, that when you open your inventory on Massivecraft, there should be two slots of wielding. This would enhance roleplay, say you were holding an emerald as a wedding ring (Darknesscrusher raynesummer) instead of having to hold it all the time, you could put it in the second slot.
Because I think it would look a lot nicer, considering that having to hold something all the time for roleplay.
When Forge and MPM update, we could add this as an edition to the plugins on Massivecraft.
That is all for now, folks; leave any comments that you wish to input. Although, please refrain from insults.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hmm, so its like holding two things at the same time? I believe that will be a nice idea. I support it x3
Unless you have already found a suitable plugin, I would imagine that it would be abit before Cayorion would begin to develop an inhouse duel wielding plugin.
SUPPORTED! Sounds like a great idea! I know that I have been tired of having something like a "ring" in the past and having to keep it held in my hand!
Unless you have already found a suitable plugin, I would imagine that it would be abit before Cayorion would begin to develop an inhouse duel wielding plugin.

There are a few out there that allow it already... But I'm not sure if it's to THIS magnitude.
But couldn't this as well affect pvp, with this plugin or whatever, it could easily be used to do double the damage.
But saying you could get around this I support it other wise.
Supported, this would do GREAT with roleplay.
I believe mojang is actually planning this already, last I heard at least.
or many two diamond swords
If it allows you to wield two weapons, then no, I'd rather not be hit by two sharp V diamond axes at once. If it doesn't apply to pvp, then I'm fine with this.
I foresee an issue. You said that it uses the mom mod. If this is so, then people without the mod would not be allowed on the server. This would remove a huge aspect of the server. That is the fact that anyone could join. This is a good idea, but in all honesty, it would bite us in the butt in the end.
I'm not the only one who didn't read anything but the title, and instantly want to say:

+1 Support

On a more serious note, I think this idea is clearly one of the better ones ^_^
An Orc wielding two axes would simply be Badass.
So now, I not only want to say, but am going to say:

+1 Support
I like this, but then all the new players will come in and scream "swings double fire epic blades, cuts you in half and steals your soul" but they do that already. Supported only if it's for RP.
I like the idea of holding two items in your hand, but I also like the implications it has to PVP because it would make combat more interesting which most servers wouldn't have or maybe it doesn't have an effect to PVP, but it would pretty cool to be holding two swords in your hand acting like the Musashi you always wanted to be as a child.
I'd Hate to say, but in 1.3 the maker of a duel wielding mod had to discontinue it because of the fact it isn't compatible with the "new" coding.
It is also a client side usage, in order to allow by default mouse1 and mouse2 to perhaps, dig with right, and place blocks in left. Also, swords would be forced to be used in one hand, not all mouses are like mine in which contain more than 3 buttons, and also defending and binding new keys would have to be with clients.
Very splendidly great idea though.
I find dual wielding dumbdydumb,

Who here as actually tried swinging two objects to hit something before?

No one? If not find the nearest bludgeons by your computer and practice, make sure to do it infront of a mirror.

No, I don't give a damn if your friends watching, DO IT.

See? It feels awkward, and looks awkward. And if not that, it looks like weird dancing.

Even if you did it nicely, it doesn't work like what most people expect, (IE, attacking output x2)

All actual dual wields in real life are done with one long weapon for offense, and a small one for defense.

They are never to be swung at the same time,

And unless you're abnormally strong, with a good smack, your weapons'll slip outta your hands like butter.


Alt Text: My RP character is a combat pragmatist and cares not for your silly manuevers!

Alt-Alt Text: I despise people having fun.
BittaBoBittoBa actually you would swing both objects at once for a finishing or heavy attack, causing as much damage to their defenses or armour/body.
and true, people rarely "duel wield" weapons but that's because we use larger and better tools in current time. Back then duel wielding seemed pretty dangerous, or to have a large, steel blade that was able to tear into armour and flesh. But its still a practical use, we in fact "duel wield" every day, just not with weapons, barely anyone here has required to carry a weapon.
I find dual wielding dumbdydumb,

Who here as actually tried swinging two objects to hit something before?

No one? If not find the nearest bludgeons by your computer and practice, make sure to do it infront of a mirror.

No, I don't give a damn if your friends watching, DO IT.

See? It feels awkward, and looks awkward. And if not that, it looks like weird dancing.

Even if you did it nicely, it doesn't work like what most people expect, (IE, attacking output x2)

All actual dual wields in real life are done with one long weapon for offense, and a small one for defense.

They are never to be swung at the same time,

And unless you're abnormally strong, with a good smack, your weapons'll slip outta your hands like butter.


Alt Text: My RP character is a combat pragmatist and cares not for your silly manuevers!

Alt-Alt Text: I despise people having fun.

just did it in front of a mirror with my umbrella and a fly swatter and I totally looked like a badass hero...
This is only for roleplay purposes, and I presume it will be disabled in PvP worlds.
I find dual wielding dumbdydumb,

Who here as actually tried swinging two objects to hit something before?

No one? If not find the nearest bludgeons by your computer and practice, make sure to do it infront of a mirror.

No, I don't give a damn if your friends watching, DO IT.

See? It feels awkward, and looks awkward. And if not that, it looks like weird dancing.

I for one think I looked fabulous :3
BittaBoBittoBa actually you would swing both objects at once for a finishing or heavy attack, causing as much damage to their defenses or armour/body.
and true, people rarely "duel wield" weapons but that's because we use larger and better tools in current time. Back then duel wielding seemed pretty dangerous, or to have a large, steel blade that was able to tear into armour and flesh. But its still a practical use, we in fact "duel wield" every day, just not with weapons, barely anyone here has required to carry a weapon.

-I haven't dual wielded anything daily of significance past "Phone of Burning" and "Groceries of Swiftness".
On rare occasions I might equip my "Hammer of Fortitude" and "Viper Nail of Dispair.
-I haven't dual wielded anything daily of significance past "Phone of Burning" and "Groceries of Swiftness".
On rare occasions I might equip my "Hammer of Fortitude" and "Viper Nail of Dispair.
BittaBoBittoBa actually you would swing both objects at once for a finishing or heavy attack, causing as much damage to their defenses or armour/body.
and true, people rarely "duel wield" weapons but that's because we use larger and better tools in current time. Back then duel wielding seemed pretty dangerous, or to have a large, steel blade that was able to tear into armour and flesh. But its still a practical use, we in fact "duel wield" every day, just not with weapons, barely anyone here has required to carry a weapon.

No, my post wasn't meant to point out the lack of weapons, but rather the lack of things that would show up in a medieval roleplay that would be understandibly held with another item.

Can you give me a non-weapon example and expand how it came it that?
No, my post wasn't meant to point out the lack of weapons, but rather the lack of things that would show up in a medieval roleplay that would be understandibly held with another item.

Can you give me a non-weapon example and expand how it came it that?

Holding a pickaxe and a torch, break slowly with one, place with the other, a hoe and wheat, plant and carve into the ground, dye and wool, it's a bit tedious, but there are quite a few things.
Holding a pickaxe and a torch, break slowly with one, place with the other, a hoe and wheat, plant and carve into the ground, dye and wool, it's a bit tedious, but there are quite a few things.

-Pick axes are two-handed things, typically the torch would be sorta dug into the ground. if there wasn't a spot on the rafter for it.

-Agricultural things would typically put in a basket/satchel on the back.

-Don't know what a carve is.

-You'd dye fabric back then in a giant barrel and churn it.
Good idea, but I dont think its possible without a mod.
I didn't find it "dickish" at all, you should never fully support something you haven't read at all, so I rated it read more.
Well, the sheer fact that I was clearly joking made the rating quite dickish in my opinion.
However, the rating was semi-true, as I should've read more had I not been joking. I just thought it was obvious that I wasn't being serious.
Again, this would have an effect on PvP and would take quite a while to code but, we could easily make it have NO effect on PvP by simply either disabling dual wielding (THAT is how you spell it! Not 'duel wield'!) in worlds other than Regalia, or make it so you can only swing one hand at once. If this can be coded correctly and followed through right;

Well, the sheer fact that I was clearly joking made the rating quite dickish in my opinion.
However, the rating was semi-true, as I should've read more had I not been joking. I just thought it was obvious that I wasn't being serious.

I dislike the fact that you are persisting to complain about a simple rating, but since you continue to call me out on it I will reply with a more in depth explanation of my reasons for giving you this rating.

First of all I did not find it humorous, now that you specify you were joking I am more sympathetic and might undo the rating. However you did not at all make it obvious that your were joking, and all that I took away from your post was someone coming off as ignorant who didn't care about the post itself, and just saw a title and decided they liked it.

It would be very similar to if, while in the features and suggestions forum I viewed a thread titled Dragons. I think to myself, hey, I love dragons, I'm going to rate this winner and support this thread, when the purpose of the thread is a guy suggesting that we be allowed to purchase and ride dragons in Regalia, and destroy the city with their destructive power, and kill people who don't ride them in the streets.

Of course this is a much more extreme version, but this is what I saw. I did not find it as 'dickish', I simply thought that you shouldn't put forth your opinion without reading the topic at hand. Again, if a single (properly used) neutral rating bothers you SO MUCH, I will delete it.
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